posted on Oct, 25 2010 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by djohnsto77
Note that 2012 is not just a Mayan prophesy: pretty much every major religion and indigenous people have a similar prophesy -- it's is just that the
Mayan's were so good at keeping track of time they gave us a very precise date. Of course, what they implied would happen on or near that date is
still open to interpretation.
Also understand that if you believe that there is a "God" out there (not necessarily Corporate Religion's "God") then you should be able to grasp
that this "God" would be powerful enough to create (or halt) the synchronistic events that would be needed to fulfill such a "prophesy".
And even if something metaphysical does not happen in December 2012, you still will have Earth/Climate Changes, environmental, social, economic,
political, military, the Sun and meteors/asteroids to worry about.