posted on May, 4 2005 @ 03:31 PM
Sure, can I upload to this site? I am fairly new to it. Also, here are some of the things I have noticed and written down....
It is always done 10 days prior to menstration. The marks are painful, and take 2 weeks to heal. Dec/Jan were the first time I saw the bites.
(these bites almost look like boils, or chickenpox marks) WHen I went to the Dr. in Feb (after the 2nd time) I asked if it could be related to my
cycle..I was told no. It was in March (afterthe 3rd apperance) that I began to keep notes. Questions I have asked regarding the postioning of the
Are these constellations? What about the three bites in various places that make a triangular shape? (these are the most painful) Is it where thay
are doing tests, or are they trying to help me? Why do I not fear, but after this happens I sleep alot for a couple of days then it's back to the
insomnia....I want you all to know my daughter, husband, and closest friend, believe something else (something paranormal) is not out of the question
since I have showed them the marks each month and they seem more freaked out about than I do. Though my husband, ever the skeptic, trys to put other
reasons for the marks....which I am glad he does btw.