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Talking to animals

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posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:32 AM
Does anyone feel that they have the ability to communicate with animals? I have a very special bond with all of my animals. I am able to sense what they are feeling, when they're happy, sad, etc... My familiar is an African spurred tortoise named Chloe. She's my baby girl! She always seems to know when I need comforting too, always there to climb up in my lap to cheer me up!

I also consider the tortoise as my totem. I was just curious to see if others had this gift.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:07 AM
(Mod edit)

[edit on 4-5-2005 by asala]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:57 AM
I think you misunderstood my post. I can communicate with animals... just wanted to see if others could as well.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by LacunaCobra]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 03:17 AM
I dont claim to know how to talk to animals, but I do know for a fact that animals can sense that which we can't for instance, fear. Dogs can sense it. Your emotions radiate like waves in your voice tone, your hair standing up, your pupils dialating, sweating, facial expression, your muscles quivering. All of these things we don't have the honed ability to se, because we don't pay attention to them. I have seen masters kiss poisionous snakes on the nose without being bitten. And it is my belief that it is all about how you present your energy to the animal. An animal knows it has a chance to defeat you if you are afraid of it, it can sense that is has the upper hand. This is why it seems that animals, like dogs, are drawn to peole who really don't like them, like my mother for instance.

I have always had a stange connection with animals.

I have owned 2 goldfish that lived over ten years, not kidding (i won them playing miniture golf). A neighbor's cat came literally to my doorstep one night, and when i went to go outside on the deck i tripped righ over it not realizing it was there, looking at me through the window (sliding glass door). I shooed the animal, and it left. But the same time the next evening she was there again, looking at me thru the window. I was ready with a saucer of milk, this time. After a week of these encounters, I eventually decided to track down the owner who lived in my subdivision. He explained that he had other cats in the house and this particular cat did not get along with them. The difference between the two: Sugar (now my cat) was a barn cat, a bona fide mouser; his other cats were completely domestcated. I have always wondered wht the cat came to my house, I din't have any other pets when I was living in this house. Also the owner's house was over a mile away! Most recently our family got a canine. Lately, since i have been away at school the dog has been behaving oddly, after being let it won't come back in the house for anyone, but me. And they basically have to trick her to come in. The animals all sleep in my bed, which is very uncomfortable. Even when i am away they sleep in my vacant room on an empty bed. The dog's favorite hiding place is under my bed.

I basically use my emotions to communicate with them, when I pet them I imagine my positive energy floing into them with each pass of the hand. If this is communicating wiht animals then yes, yes I do.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 03:48 AM
i think its definetly possible. there are some primal instincts in the back of our heads that we can share with our pets.

even further, have any of you actually communicated with nature? im not sure if it really happened, but once i mockingly addressed the forest i was standing in and i swear it responded -who knows. was weird.

on another occasion i was getting these really weird vibes in my house. i thought there was 'somebody' there, like somebody oobing into my home, or some other entity. anyways - it became doubly freaky when the cat, perched on the window ceil - all wide eyed, started trailing something i couldnt see across the room. the cat, usually a lazy fat cat, was looked perplexed - almost like it would with the lazer pointer, but there was a hint of fear too. the cat just backed into its corner and watched whatever it was move about the room. weird.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:00 AM
I once held a cobra... no joke. It was the naja naja naja species. What an adrenaline rush!!! He curled up around my arms in a figure 8 and sat there like a baby. It was amazing!

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:05 AM
[edit on 4-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by lost
i think its definetly possible. there are some primal instincts in the back of our heads that we can share with our pets.

even further, have any of you actually communicated with nature? im not sure if it really happened, but once i mockingly addressed the forest i was standing in and i swear it responded -who knows. was weird.

on another occasion i was getting these really weird vibes in my house. i thought there was 'somebody' there, like somebody oobing into my home, or some other entity. anyways - it became doubly freaky when the cat, perched on the window ceil - all wide eyed, started trailing something i couldnt see across the room. the cat, usually a lazy fat cat, was looked perplexed - almost like it would with the lazer pointer, but there was a hint of fear too. the cat just backed into its corner and watched whatever it was move about the room. weird.

This is my main area of focus, and study, i have posted some thereads about this in the past:

Too lazy to type it all out again.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 06:09 AM
(mod edit- unrelated content)

[edit on 4-5-2005 by asala]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 06:14 AM
(unrelated content removed)

[edit on 4-5-2005 by asala]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:00 AM
I think I have a pretty good bonding with my cat, who I have had for about 8 or 9 years, ever since she was a kitten. I think we communicate very well. With other animals, I can't though; I think it's just from being in close proximity to my cat for so long that does it. You learn each others habits, mannerisms, etc, just like you do with people.

For example, based on the way my cat acts, I can tell if she wants food, wants to go outside, wants attention, that sort of thing, but I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to any other animal. Conversely, my cat can tell when people are happy or upset. I don't think of it as paranormal, any more than I know how my family will act in most situations, but not the stranger in the supermarket.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by LacunaCobra
Does anyone feel that they have the ability to communicate with animals?

I talk to my pets all the time. They just look at me like I'm stupid and wonder when I'm going to give them food. My rabbit is especially astute, knowing that if he tries to eat things he's not supposed to (wood furniture, carpet, ankles), I'll give him some food to shove into his mouth to make him stop. One time I threatened to cook up my rabbit if he didn't behave and I cannot say for certain, but I think he flipped me the bird.


I think my fish is a mental wreck. S/hes very jumpy and always looks like this -
. I've tried counselling, but s/he stopped going after 2 sessions. Now she just hides whenever people come around. *shrug*

[edit on 4-5-2005 by saint4God]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:33 AM
Now that, my freind is hillarious.

I love animals...with gravy.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:01 PM
Saint, that was pretty funny!

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:03 PM
I have a bond with my pets, but I cant talk to them.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:08 PM
I can relate to what you are saying here,

I have always been able to sense what animals want and need,

I have calmed wild animals that have been hurt and been able to lift them where others have been bit,

I have had this ability since a child, I first noticed when I went to a zoo and I just started staring at the animals and copying them (sounds odd lol but I was only 5)

Through my life and even now I am very intune with most animals,

Mostly with Cats, Horses, dogs, birds, which I tend to be around most,

I do however have a strong link/feeling around wolves...

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:32 AM
Thanks Eyeofhorus and LacunaCobra
, I was wondering if I crossed the line, but realized I've done it so many times before here, what's another tick mark on the countdown to banishment?
Good to see peeps can have fun with these things sometimes.

[edit on 5-5-2005 by saint4God]

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 08:12 AM
I try to stay out of this forum as many here know....but then, many also know my affinity with all animals.....I am a true animal lover, being more comfortable and trusting of them than humans. I work with animals for living and share my home with 4 dogs, 5 cats, 2 degues, 6 rats, 2 tarantulas, a frog, 4 birds and a ferret.....all but my ferret being rescue animals. Yes....I feel I can communicate well with animals. I hear from people every day of my life...I handle pets that others can't daily. I hear from some people it's because I am Wiccan....but I don't think that's it, I love creatures and they feel it and trust me. It's just that simple!

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 09:52 AM
awsome, sounds like you're happy in nature. - ive never told you, but i really dig your most recent avatar! he never wrote much about animals - more his philosophies etc. but i really like henry david thoreau's lifestyle. sometimes i wish i was a hermit, but im not sure i would think so after the fact. oh well. why would you avoid the paranormal-forum, might i ask?

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 10:01 AM
as a follow up there LacunaCobra
there are several good URLs under "animal whisperers"
((at either/both Google or Yahoo))

i kinda like that dog-whisperer on the cables' Pet Channel
-at least whenever i happen to accidently tune in that show-

Originally posted by LadyV
...I handle pets that others can't daily. I hear from some people it's because I am Wiccan....but I don't think that's it, I love creatures and they feel it and trust me. It's just that simple!

truly, you probably gravitated toward Wiccan because of your life experiences which empathied? or connected with creatures & nature.

unlike yourself, i either can't or don't have that 'connection' with any or all animals/creatures...the ones that decide to 'bond' with me do so at their whim, not by my urgings.
at one time, my once-wife, complicated our home with 17 cats, 7 dogs, 1 goat...they were all accepted and cared for , but the female Manx named Bo-iiing was the only critter i loved, and she had a most peculiar attachment to me.

from post by lost:
even further, have any of you actually communicated with nature? Im not sure if it really happened, but once i mockingly addressed the forest i was standing in and i swear it responded - who knows. was weird

i have before, i do now...i imagine thats' what NativeAmerican cultures call spirit..
here in the green, lush east coast, the earth, water, trees
speak different 'words' than the land & trees in NewMexico Arizona Nevada
out west, the trees spoke wise experienced in the east trees don't seem to speak or share too much, they tend to stand there proudly and have you poise questions and possible answers...then just nod or shrug off leaving you back at the starting point of your session.

circumstances have dictated that my 'communing' with nature is my daily walks around the perimeter of this cul-de-sac (an island community surrounded by manicured golf courses....yech) and my ongoing projects with my entry-way combination japanese garden/artsy-craftsy shrine-sanctuary w/mini greenhouse.

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