posted on May, 5 2005 @ 06:23 PM
See? Women are evil! Men may beat the crap out of each other over a football team or "My ego/penis is biiger then yous" bs, but women? Women are
far more vicious then men for after we get done beating each other usually ok enough to go have a pint or whatever. But women? Lies, rumors, gossip,
using "claws"(really long fingernails) on each other, going after the family, so forth. Hell, me and friends fight all the time. Last one was over
the last can of Mountain Dew, before that was who got the remote. Sure may get a bloody lip or a headache, but afterwards sit and do whatever. But
Example. Before I graduated, was in HS. Had "breakfast Break" or 15 minutes between 1st and 2nd period to chat, get something to eat, so forth.
Now, alot of fights happened. When men fought it was a few punches, maybe a kick, then broken up and the guys said hey, you take it/her/whatever.
But when women fought, one was HOSPITALIZED! It was some scrappy little freshman and a junoir, the junoir won, big time. Blood, cornea damage,
scars, so forth. Sure it's fun to watch, see clothes torn off, screaming about "He's my man!" but damn.
Us men may fight over stupid things like bag of Doritos, but at least when we done everyone gets up and has a drink of whatever. Women are just
vicous, uh, the saying, how does it go?
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn." I think, and not just scorned, make fun of her hair color, clothes, hit on her b/f, make fun of the car the
b/f drives, the other girl is looking for a hurtin. Not just physical, but rumors/gossip as I mentioned earlier. How many times have you seen men
standing around "Hey, this guy got the best seat in class, let's spread gossip that he is gay/one testicle/small(guess where) or something. We