posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:21 AM
WalMart....that figures....
Aint it amazing how one act can complety change your life forever? One brief moment of sheer stupidty can ruin the rest of your life? I hope this
woman gets what she deserves...
On a side note...
Funny Mace Story...
So I was about 16 years old and visiting my Aunt in Arizona. One day while she was at work, I found a can of it on top of her piano. I kind of knew
what it was, but this was almost 20 years ago, and I was from the country. I'd never seen it up close. I thought it was pepper sray or something. The
label was a bit faded, but I got the gist of what it was.
Well curiosity got the best of me...I sprayed a little bit into the air in front of me and tried to see if it smelled at all...(you know where this is
Well at first I couldnt smell it so I did it again..just a little more this time.
Well, I pretty much walked face first into it. Immediatly, my eyes started burning, Then my whole face did. I tried to wash it off in the sink, but it
only got worse..I couldnt open my eyes at all, they were flooding tears. I can barely remember what it felt like. It was just the worst pain that I
had ever felt.
I made it outside to the pool and just fell in (its an inground). I began just flushing my face with the cool water in hot Arizona sun. It got worse.
The most unimaginable pain ever, GOT WORSE !!! It stung even more !! I got out stumbled to patio and towled my eyes. I just held the towel there and
it started to get better. Within in a few minutes of sitting there in the shade, it cleared up...
So now that I was all better, what did I do? I go and pick up the bottle again. But this time, I actually READ the label. What I thought was pepper
spray was actually real mace. And the best part...where the instructions are for what to do if you get maced accidently (duhh. who would EVER do
that??), it said:
So there was my dumb a** splashing around in a swimming pool in the Arizona sun....I sure was a genius back then, I tell ya..
Anyways.....back to the point. I know first hand that, that stuff is terrible. The mom and daughter need to spend a while behind bars to reconsider
their priorities in life as well as their tactics.
I belive that some people truely do things that deserve to get their rear ends kicked. Messing with some one eles spouse is certainly one of them. Who
knows? Maybe that woman really deserved it.
If thats the case, great. Kick her a**!! But not at walmart. Not in front of her kids, and most of all. DONT "F" WITH KIDS !!! Simple. Not matter
your beef with the person, you leave the kids alone let alone the BABIES !!! Hell even Kennedy's kids were spared (until much later). I think they
should get 40 years serve 22. That way that little kid can grow up and not have to fear seeing that trash and her daughter. She can enjoy her whole
childhood, while they sit.