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USA is going down.

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:25 PM
As Icke has said for years and years, the United States will bring itself down very soon and heres the proof...

As it says, for America to pay-off its debts, ever citizen, even children and babies will have to give $27,000 and also, the debt total is increasing by TWO BILLION, thats right, TWO BILLION a day

America will use its military might it has been building up year after year for so long when it instigates world war three. They havent been spending $379 billion a year on its military for no reason

Mod Edit: to repair link

[edit on 3-5-2005 by kinglizard]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:34 PM
if there is WWIII paper money don't mean jack cause we will just nuke ourselves back to the stone age and paper money won't buy you anything.

[edit on 3-5-2005 by ulshadow]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:37 PM
This is a silly question I know, but what does this have to do with secret societies? (btw you link doesn't work right)

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Please explain the connection betwen the US National Debt and Secret Societies, as it isn't entirely obvious to me. You might consider moving this post to BTS.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:41 PM
my mistake, mods plz move to NWO section.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:48 PM
Don't take David Icke serious , hes crazy, ok you have debts , but thats only money, you wont go down , might take a tumble but the world needs America . Some Governments are worse than others and lead people to think that is America , i don't think that the American people are bad and they will still be remembered by some of us in Britain as being good allies in our times of need.I think people forget how Americans have come to the aid of people in the name of freedom.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:06 PM
Bulldog I see you have yet to become enlightended about the global conspiracy.

Calling Icke a nutcase when you havent read anything about him as you have so clearly shown is the total opposite of this forums rule of "denying ignorance".

Icke's talking are extremly controverial and are prone to deadly half-truths for example, I continually see people here come out with stuff about Icke which is absolute semi-crap becuase they have proably heard a tid-bit of something about what he talks about and then they try to interpret it themselves without actually looking into it deeper... this is the formation of a half-truth.

Whatever you hear about Icke from those that have read nothing of him or very little, you can bet are just regurgitating half-truths that plague this man.

Like I said, what he talks about is wayyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyy out there and so it is naturally prone to people making half-truths from partialy acquired information.

I remember in my early days of my enlighenment when I went to see Icke speak in London and I came out utterly stunned and had to interpret what I had just heard in that 8 hours as best I could and I can honestly say that if someone asked me what I thought about Icke at that time, I wouldent of been sure atall.

Then I read one of his book and it elaborated on all the tid-bits of information I soaked up when I went to see him talk and it just straightened it all out, put it into perspective and generally made sense of it all for me.

Basicly what I'm saying is that you shouldent judge him untill you know what he is about.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:21 PM
Yeah, every superpower the world has seen, had been destroyed or crumbled in some way. I know for fact my country (USA) won't stay as a superpower for much longer. I only wish we could of left a better mark on the world.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by evanfitz
Yeah, every superpower the world has seen, had been destroyed or crumbled in some way. I know for fact my country (USA) won't stay as a superpower for much longer. I only wish we could of left a better mark on the world.

Yes they are simply used and disposed of when the time is right.

The only thing thats different is how long the superpower lasts for... The USA seems to be very a short-lived one.

[edit on 3-5-2005 by Driver]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:28 PM
You have got to be frickin' kidding me. Sure the US has made some mistakes in its history, but what do you think our world would be like if the US was to take an absolute neutral/isolationist foreign policy? I don't like our country being the world's policeman either but it is clear that there are far too many situations where the UN and the other wealthy industrialized nations on our planet have been impotent or unwilling to confront issues that threaten global security.

If you will do your research, you will find that the US had attempted to stay out of WWII and let Europe, Nevilles Chamberlain to be exact, to take care of the growing threat of Nazi Germany. Europe chose to pacify Hitler with diplomacy even when there were clear signs of his intentions. The rest is history. So here we are 66 years later with no Hitler, no Soviet Union, no Imperial Japan and all this bitching about the US taking initiative to address growing threats to the stability of the planet. Its too bad Europe and the US didnt have this foreign policy in 1935.

There is sure to be some backlash from the reply above such as, "yet another claim that the US saves the world", blah blah blah. It's clearly some sensitivity to the fact that the US is not affraid to stand up for the little guy - even when the little guy sticks the knife in our back on occassion.

If I had it my way, the US would withdraw all troops from Europe, Asia, and Africa, cut all financial/technological/humanitarian aid to the countries that would just assume spit on us, create the same restrictive trade policies as our favored trading partners currently impose on our goods, withdraw from the UN, withdraw from NATO, and let the friggin' cards fall where they may.

What about oil you say? Take the hundreds of billions of dollars previously spent on foreign financial aid each year and use it to subsidize the conversion of all existing fossil fuel vehicles, power plants, etc. to use either Natural Gas, Hydrogen Fuel Cell, etc. (the means of which we already have). guys go ahead and laud the day if/when America falls but just remember...YOU WILL ALL COME DOWN WITH US IN THE END...think about rationally with the head on your shoulders if extremists haven't yet had a chance to lop it off.

Driver... sounds like a very dark and sinister outlook you awake to every day. I only hope you can someday see beyond your rhetoric to achieve true enlightenment free of the apparent grudge that you're currently burdened with. You almost had me fooled.

The American people have absolutely no desire to conquer the world. We come from every culture on this planet and have the right to voice our demonstrate against our government. Driver....if you chose to voice your rhetoric against some of the governments that I've seen you defend in some of your other would either have your tongue chopped out, get beheaded, or stoned. Think with your brain man...come on!


posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:34 PM
Sorry man, the U.S. has a $379 billion military budget. Only about 3 - 4 PERCENT of that actually goes to U.S. Troops. The rest goes out to allies, etc.

So, actually, your statements are incorrect. =]


posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Wild_Eyed_Southern_Boy

If you will do your research, you will find that the US had attempted to stay out of WWII and let Europe, Nevilles Chamberlain to be exact, to take care of the growing threat of Nazi Germany. Europe chose to pacify Hitler with diplomacy even when there were clear signs of his intentions.

I don't know what history books you've been reading, but I suggest you read different ones. FDR was chomping at the bit to get us involved in WWII and he eventually succeeded. He goaded the Germans into attacking our ships, that just happened to be cruising the English channel innocently tossing out depth charges while carrying British troops. There is irrefutable evidence that he knew what the Japanese were up to and intentionally did nothing to prevent it, either militarily or diplomatically.

The US has been on a quest for global empire since Lincoln.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 10:42 PM
Our debt may be large, but I for one am not going to cough up $27K to bail out our government. If I can balance a checkbook, then the wonderful self proclaimed leaders should be setting the highest example of financial integrity. If they can't run a country in the green, then when the chips fall - I say let them hang.

Instead of fearing the failure of the US (which will definitely happen eventually), consider yourself fortunate to be living in a vibrant, interesting, and historical time. This stuff will be read about 1000's of years from now as another downfall. Hopefully, we will take history lessons more seriously at that time than we do now.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Wild_Eyed_Southern_Boy
You have got to be frickin' kidding me. Sure the US has made some mistakes in its history, but what do you think our world would be like if the US was to take an absolute neutral/isolationist foreign policy? I don't like our country being the world's policeman either but it is clear that there are far too many situations where the UN and the other wealthy industrialized nations on our planet have been impotent or unwilling to confront issues that threaten global security.

If you will do your research, you will find that the US had attempted to stay out of WWII and let Europe, Nevilles Chamberlain to be exact, to take care of the growing threat of Nazi Germany. Europe chose to pacify Hitler with diplomacy even when there were clear signs of his intentions. The rest is history. So here we are 66 years later with no Hitler, no Soviet Union, no Imperial Japan and all this bitching about the US taking initiative to address growing threats to the stability of the planet. Its too bad Europe and the US didnt have this foreign policy in 1935.

There is sure to be some backlash from the reply above such as, "yet another claim that the US saves the world", blah blah blah. It's clearly some sensitivity to the fact that the US is not affraid to stand up for the little guy - even when the little guy sticks the knife in our back on occassion.

If I had it my way, the US would withdraw all troops from Europe, Asia, and Africa, cut all financial/technological/humanitarian aid to the countries that would just assume spit on us, create the same restrictive trade policies as our favored trading partners currently impose on our goods, withdraw from the UN, withdraw from NATO, and let the friggin' cards fall where they may.

I like the way you think
It's about time for the american people to pick up the 38 specials and take care of business on our land and to hell with the rest of the world and all the problems that comes along with helping anyone beyond this point.
Kickbutt post boyfriend.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:30 AM
>>The American people have absolutely no desire to conquer the world

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:55 AM
War is expensive, reason #497 not to go to war without a damn good reason.

That said, I think the end of the US is the fact we effectively have no southern border and all these seeming super patriots don't seem to give a damn.

The nation has been sold out to sociopathic corporate interests.

How long does any living thing last without a skin?
America is dead, all we are waiting for is the death certificate.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:26 AM
The top three largest expenditures by the government according to Prof. K. Kulkarni, of metro state university/Colorado school of mines (denver, CO).

1.) interest on national debt
2.) millitary and defense
3.) welfare

Sounds like a self-perpetuating downwrd spiral to me. The more our country gets into debt, the more people will depend on gov't prgrams such as welfare. And the war machine still keeps rolling.

All aboard the poverty train

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by ben91069
Our debt may be large, but I for one am not going to cough up $27K to bail out our government. If I can balance a checkbook, then the wonderful self proclaimed leaders should be setting the highest example of financial integrity. If they can't run a country in the green, then when the chips fall - I say let them hang.

Instead of fearing the failure of the US (which will definitely happen eventually), consider yourself fortunate to be living in a vibrant, interesting, and historical time. This stuff will be read about 1000's of years from now as another downfall. Hopefully, we will take history lessons more seriously at that time than we do now.

Why would you cough up that much, the national debt is money owed to you buddy. You would merely be increasing it (debt) if you expect to ever see that cash again. If this was the mafia, we would all be breaking some legs in Washington right now.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by iceTman
>>The American people have absolutely no desire to conquer the world

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by iceTman
>>The American people have absolutely no desire to conquer the world

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