posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:55 AM
Well, Truthseeka, heres your next gem to admire....
Of coure I am aware that the Iraqis didnt knock down the towers...But I am refering to the war on terrorism in general. Afghanistan, Iraq and who ever
is next.
Am I racist? I suppose. I don't have any particular love in my heart for the muslims of the world. At least the ones who refer to us as "the great
satan" and "infidels", the ones who feel the need to kill 3000 of my fellow civilians..No, I havent much love for them in my steely heart, I
suppose. I harbor no good will towards those I saw burning our flag and dancing in the streets that day with pictures of Bin Ladin over their heads. I
have no love for the dictator and his sons who surely smiled on that morning. I have no love for any other countries leader who felt pleasure that
morning, who we will be visiting soon.
No, rather, I view them as my sworn enemy. I am proud that my country no longer stands by and takes cheap shots and does little or nothing in return.
I want my soldiers pumped and ready to go. I dont want them to worry about hurting someones feelings. I want them to be killing machines. Thats what
keeps us on top. Lobbing a couple of missles at abandoned training camps was embarassing.
For to long we have sat by and let the world walk on us. Well, this got personal. But now, that we actually bring it to them, we are the evil
ones. This is like an unruley child. He keeps pushing his parents buttons. All day long...just nonstop misbehaving. Why? Because mommie and daddy
never did anything before...Why would they now?
But what if M/D and just up and slapped the crap out of the kid one day. The kid finally went to far, so his dad let em have it. Would the dad be
"evil"? I don't think so. I would think that it was about time the parents let the little jerk have it.
Am I the only one who also thinks its a tad strange that this is a second story from a muslim soldier? Let's see...the first one lobbed a grenade in
his commanding officers tent, and the second one has this story in which he provides no proof what so ever, but does manage to get an honorable
discharge...hmmmm....stinks bad to me.