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Originally posted by James the Lesser
"Friend, I am a '22 Scientist'. I want to introduce you to a beautiful and simple truth: 2 + 2 = 22. You can just look at it and it is obvious. The evidence for this fact is all around us. We are surrounded by the number 22, and EVERY SINGLE '22' shows how it is created, by adding '2' and '2'. Glory be!" [\quote]
sure if that is realy what you believe why should you not question that 2+2=4 and not 22? how else can you learn? this is not the same thing.
Some christian using this to get creation in public school science classes.
why should creation NOT be in a science class, afterall both are differing VIEWS on how we came to be? would you not agree that in the examples of the earth being flator round, or the earth not revolveing arround the sun as apposed to the sun revolveing arround the earth, in the historical context would have been better than the OUTLAWING of those THEORIES later to be PROVEN true (as much as we can see for ourselves now)? the point is NEITHER CRATION OR EVOLUTION can be PROVEN to be true at this point beyond any doubt. why should EVOLUTION be taught as correct and not say CREATION be taught as correct? you believe in EVOLUTION where i believe in CREATION. why should only ONE be CONSIDDERED correct. BOTH TAKE THE SAME AMMOUNT OF FAITH TO BELIEVE IN. NEITHER CAN BE PROVEN at least at thjis point. the verry fact that you believe that evolution should be taught as correct make YOU the verry SAME as the CHUCH eaching that THEIR interpitation of the earth being FLAT is true. the only differance is that so far EVOLUTIONISTS have not tryed to KILL OFF THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN CREATION. and that is only true SO FAR. it could happen you never know what THOSE WHO BELIEVE THAT THEY HAVE THE ONLY RIGHT ANSWER will do. in THIS IMPORTANT aspect EVOLUTIONISTS ARE THE SAME AS THE CATHOLC CHURCH AT THAT TIME.
[edit on 6-5-2005 by drogo]
Originally posted by drogo
Originally posted by James the Lesser
Of course, yelling is done by both sides, one yells "KILL everyone who doesn't worship me" the other side yells "Pull your head out of your ass and look at the facts!".
i must say james your ovious HATE of religion is disturbing. that "kill everyone who dosn't worship me" bit is not something that i have seen.
i guess it was possible certainly some people were killed over these things but rape? slaghter?
yup the catholic church was guilty of doing this
actualy find it amuseing when "evolutionists" call foul on the rcc for doing in the past, what they are currantly doing
you would thjink that when they blaim the church for being unbending to "other ideas"
just as the rcc dammed, called heritics and tryed to persecute those believeing in a "round earth", and that the universe was not doing as they thought. the "evolutionists" are currantly damming, calling heritics, and "persecuting" those who think differantly from them. it is a double standard that bears looking at.
what i did SAY however that it was ACTION of MEN with NO backing from the BIBLE.
Originally posted by kenshiro2012
Fanatism, of any sort, if it be, religious, political, and yes, even of science, has throughout history, led to atrocities being commited.
I do disagree (strongly) that teachers should find this to confrontational.
The teachers should accept these and any questions with an open mind and stand ready to respond to them in an appropriate manner.
Educate these students and explain to them why these questions and beliefs are false.
Only by doing this, can the cloud, of mis-information be lifted.
If the evolutionary theory, does indeed turn out to be factual
But, society, as well as our education system, not addressing mis-information, only bolsters the mis-conception that it maybe wrong.
Do you not see where, this type of thinking, belief will only lead into something in the nature of "1984" and other such scenarios?
If our education system, only addresses the minimum needed, then we are only going to create a generation of sheep.
Elementary, and high schools should not close the doors to asking questions.
NOT KEEP THEM IN THE DARK! by refusing to answer, by denying other lines of thoughts.
Originally posted by kenshiro2012
This is the mentality of many of our school districts today.
The book, was the Lord of the Flies.
I am 100% against anything and anyone that puts up a roadblock to the education of my son or anyone's child for that matter.
Also, as long as evolution is considered a theory, then yes, I will not accept it as being 100% factual.
Once it is completely proven, and is considered fact, then I will accept it.
The solid belief that a theory is fact, will crush you or anyone else if you do not allow for the acceptance that there maybe something that will alter the theory or aven make it invalid.
has had to undergo many changes since Darwin first penned it so that it could allow for new facts.
But mainstream science organizations spurned invitations to participate, dismissing the hearings as an effort “to attack and undermine science,” in the view of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which publishes the journal Science. As a result, the only witnesses being heard are advocates of intelligent design or critics of evolution. Pedro Irigonegaray, a Topeka lawyer representing what he called mainstream science, dismissed the event as a “kangaroo court.”
Originally posted by Nygdan
Then read more history, or read the bible. All opposed, get destroyed. Entire cities can be wiped out, and its perfectly moral. God will even stop the sun in its path in order to allow the beleivers to have more daylight to more thoroughly eradicate/extreminate a tribe of non-beleivers.
Religion kills, look that the various islamic jihads, the crusades (both in europe and in the levant). The witch trials. Millions of women were executed by the church in europe, and protestants obviosuly aren't safe from that god-fearing panic. Lets not pretned that the followers of any religion are somehow peaceful loving people. The historical tendency is torwards wholesale slaughter. Its certainly below the surface today.
When a movie about Jesus Christ was made, what did it focus on? His horrific and tortuous and absolutely savage beating. A valid topic, but why so popular?
And whats one of the biggest selling book series today? The 'Left behind" series. Whats that about? All nonbeleivers getting tortured for years and horribly and maliciously destroyed by an angry hatefilled merciless god who allows demonic armeis to rape/pillage/sack destroy the nonbeleivers. Nonbeleivers melt off their bones and drop dead from boils, in all the horrible gory glory. Its very strong, the big fans of the books are practically salivating over the nonbeleivers (and in this case thats everyone except a tiny number of evangelical christians) being brutally savaged.
Lets not pretend that when a town of pious christians were a panic over witch 'harlots' and whatnot that they simply killed them.
yup the catholic church was guilty of doing this
[i[Every christian demoniation, practically, is guilty of doing this. The RCC is just the biggest and longest living one.
Nonsense. The church, in those dark ages, supressed science and rational thought. Evolution is science, and creationists are supressing rational thought in favour of religious piety, it hardly matters that creationists are biblical literalist and the RCC tended to not be literalist in its reading.
you would thjink that when they blaim the church for being unbending to "other ideas"
The churches invovled in this aren't merely unbending ot other ideas, they are rejection rational thought and pretending that their religion is a science. Most churches don't do this, and most christians who accept that evolution happens don't have a problem with it, just like most evolutionists are just christians.
What does that matter? Every christian church does stuff thats not in the bible. No church is 'only biblical', the bible has to be interpreted in various ways. Creationism is the perfect example, there's nothign in the bible about 'vapour canopies' or 'dinosaurs on the ark' or anything like that, but these people insert stuff into the faith, unbiblically.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
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