posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 10:17 AM
Lockheed Martin has conducted its first successful testing of LOSAT. LOSAT stands for "Line-of-sight anti-tank" Weapons System, which fires a
kinetic energy missile or KEM.
The implications of this weapon as with the testing of the "Rail Gun" or EM gun and its implications (ie: thread on the EM gun), lends one to think
that the age of MBT's and armored fighting vehicles maybe drawing to a close and if not to a close, certainly to the point that their dominance on
the battlefield will certainly be questioned.
"The LOSAT Weapon System provides a high volume of extremely lethal and accurate missile fire that is effective against heavy armor systems at
ranges exceeding tanks' main gun ranges.'"
Is this the end of MBT's (main battle tank) dominance of the battlefield? Will the advent of this weapon system cause the world's armies to have to
change armored tactics and there uses?
Opinions appreciated and welcome.