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Is the earth really heating up or is it beginning another ice age?

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posted on May, 20 2005 @ 12:18 PM
It isn't just your area. Look at this 9 pannel MRF chart dated today (May 20th, 2005)

The patten going in to June looks more like what I'd expect to see going in to October. It isn't "Cold" for the U.S. by any stretch of the imagination but the cold air further north seems to be regenerating itself instead of fading away as summer approaches. When I checked the models a week ago there was much less cold air represented. And since it is still showing up in the long range for Europe I can't chalk it up to the cold air mass shifting over towards Canada from Europe. They both have it now.

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 04:06 PM
Maybe someone can help me out here. Is all of the changing of the weather due to the weakening of the Gulf Stream? Please correct me if I'm wrong. All the warm water comes into the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf Stream circulates the warm water up to England and northern Europe. Now, since the Gulf Stream has lost most of it's strength, England and Northern Europe will get a much cooler climate over say, the next 10 years(like Labrador?). All the warm water will now stay around the Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico. I'm not an expert on the weather, but if the water warms up drastically, the number and strength of the hurricanes that form in this region will increase correct? Now this is where I get alittle fuzzy on the coming Ice Age. So the cooler weather from up north will work its way down, while the warmer storms work their way north? In turn we get alot of snow and ice. Is this basically what could/will happen?

posted on May, 20 2005 @ 04:23 PM
I don't think anyone knows or can predict what Mother Earth is going to do because just 29 years ago Scientists were predicting another Ice Age. In a book published by Readers Digest in 1977 this is what they had to say

Some scientists are convinced that the world's climate is getting colder every year, threatening a return to the conditions of the last ice age, which reached its peak about 18,000 years ago.

Since 1940 temperature has been dropping. According to a survey by the National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration, the average ground readings for the Northern Hemisphere have, in the years from 1945 to 1968, fallen by one-half degree F. In the United States, east of the Continental Divide, temperatures in the last decade averaged one to four degrees cooler than in the past 30 years. Another study by the same agency noted that the amount of sunshine reaching the ground in the United States decreased by 1.3% between 1964 and 1972.

And so there you have it a Ice Age should be occuring right now according to the greatest minds of the late 70's. Again I will say, I don't think anyone can accurately predict what mother nature wants to do.

posted on May, 21 2005 @ 12:39 AM
The ice age is probobly starting right now. There has been record rainfall in L.A. and in a part of one of those storms there was about 1 1/2 to 2 inches of rainfall in an hour! And in that part of the storm I counted 5 funnel clouds! One of them toutched down, but it wasnt strong. That is very unusual for California.

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:05 AM
More interesting stuff on the Atlantic Current. You can clear see the gulf stream as it rides up along the U.S. coast. But does this look to anyone else as if the current terminates just off the coast as it starts to head over to Europe?

posted on May, 22 2005 @ 01:59 AM
i realy don't know about an ice age. we had a realitively mild winter arround toronto. we had some realy cold days but warm ones as well. heck we had RAIN in feb. (norm feb is one of the coldest months.) with the temperature plummeting the next day. the temp is acting like a yo-yo lately. warm one day cool the next sometimes by over 20 degrees in a day. definately not normal weather that i am used to.

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