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Symbols on U.S. Currency...more than just coincidence?

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posted on May, 8 2005 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by NeonHelmet
LM US: Acquires Rothschild Asset Management (Singapore) 2004-01-02 09:02 (New York)
[snipped article. If you're really interested...or just plain it above..]

Whatever shall we do? Someone who's last name happens to be Mason has acquired an overseas venture. Conspiracy alert! Conspiracy Alert!

I know a guy who's last name is "Knight" who just bought a major business in my city. I wonder if he's a Knight Templar.

Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

...forget your meds again neon?

[edit on 8-5-2005 by senrak]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 04:40 PM

[edit on 8-5-2005 by NeonHelmet]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 05:41 PM

[edit on 8-5-2005 by NeonHelmet]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 07:40 PM
One thing it seems the masons on this board are doing is rather than address the meaning of the symbols (secret or not) They bring up new arguments to frustrate everyone, and get them off topic. Bringing up new arguments in a debate (like wether or not the emblems are secret or not) is a technique usually used by novice debaters, to make themselves look better to the judge. I should know, I teach this crap. These arguments are usually not included on the flow, and dont have any wheight when judging the round.

I figured masons were elloquent, patient, and nice people. I guess I was wrong, because from what I see here they LOVE to point out people's ignorance, to make themselves feel superior. You all are making your organization look uncooperative, and judgemental.

So the symbols are secret, so they're not. They are there. Big deal if they are secret or not. WHAT DO THEY MEAN?

God you all are pitiful, try being civil, and avoiding personal attacks. You're grown men for crying out loud, act like it. The srcasm is OK, but dang guys, can we get dome discussion done here?

Asking people if "they forgot their meds" or "Insert stupid masonic stereotype here" doesn't accomplish anything, but bringing peoples emotions into the debate. So you want to feel dominant, why not go kick a puppy or something.

You are all smart enough to be on this discussion board, why not view eachother as equals, who are present to discuss in an inteligent and regulated manner. If you are patient with people who are wrong, and elloquent when posting, you will sound ten times smarter than the crap that I see on this discussion.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
One thing it seems the masons on this board are doing is rather than address the meaning of the symbols (secret or not)

Eye, I don't recall ANYONE (yourself included) saying "Hey Masons! What does this symbol mean? What I HAVE seen is novices (your word) interpreting them for everyone else when REAL Masons KNOW what they mean and they are NOT secret. In a previous post I listed several books that deall with Masonic symbolism that anyone with $$$ can purchase (or a cheap-skate) can go to any decent library...use inter-library loan and BORROW. I'll be glad to comment on Masonic symbolism...but if I may be frank (or Bob or John or whatever) I don't have the time (nor the interest) to comment on EVERY symbol. There are too many and the conspiracy nuts wouldn't believe me anyway...I'm a Mason...and therefore (in their weak minds, a liar) Any symbols in particular you're interested in? I'll be glad to comment...within reason.

They bring up new arguments to frustrate everyone, and get them off topic.


Bringing up new arguments in a debate (like wether or not the emblems are secret or not)

...which they aren't

is a technique usually used by novice debaters, to make themselves look better to the judge. I should know, I teach this crap.

You teach "crap" Bully for you. Glad you're man enough to admit it.

These arguments are usually not included on the flow, and dont have any wheight when judging the round.

I'm glad you teach "crap" and not spelling...

I figured masons were elloquent, patient, and nice people.

Basically most of us are...but NONE of us like being LIED about and for the first time in a LONG time, we're not rolling over on our backs and taking the lies....we're standing up and fighting back. If you're in the liberal arts field, you probably can't comprehend this.

I guess I was wrong, because from what I see here they LOVE to point out people's ignorance,

Yep. ATS is a site that proclaims "Deny Ignorance" so the ignorant should have their ignorance pointed out to them in order that they may learn . . . and ultimately DENY their ignorance.

to make themselves feel superior.

I disagree with that, but whatever you think, it doesn't matter to me.

You all are making your organization look uncooperative,

"uncooperative" with whom? You? If not, whom?

and judgemental.

Aw...we're probably guilty of that to some degree...but afterall, we ARE human.

Mea Culpa!

So the symbols are secret, so they're not.

Right! I think?'re trying to confuse me like the "novices" you mentioned earlier. The symbols are QUITE PUBLIC. I can give you a list of books that collectively have ALL the symbols in them.

They are there.

I can't argue with that. The symbols are certainly THERE.

Big deal if they are secret or not.

Then why are YOU so obviously concerned with them?


Which ones? There are many.

God you all are pitiful, try being civil, and avoiding personal attacks.
Why should we? That's all we get from the trolls and Mason-haters. Should we be civil to them? If so, why?

You're grown men for crying out loud, act like it. The srcasm is OK, but dang guys, can we get dome discussion done here?

Asking people if "they forgot their meds" or "Insert stupid masonic stereotype here" doesn't accomplish anything, but bringing peoples emotions into the debate. So you want to feel dominant, why not go kick a puppy or something.

Kick a puppy! You cad! How inhumane. PETA would not approve of you suggesting such a thing.

You are all smart enough to be on this discussion board, why not view eachother as equals, who are present to discuss in an inteligent and regulated manner.

You obviously haven't been following along, have you? Have you actually READ some of the crazy, nutty, whacky things posted by some of the members here...the ad hominem attacks made on Masons...JUST BECAUSE WE'RE Masons? You suggest we should treat THOSE people as EQUALS....we should bow to them...roll over on our backs and give up! Get real man!

If you are patient with people who are wrong, and elloquent when posting, you will sound ten times smarter than the crap that I see on this discussion.
You should're the one who said you "teach this crap" You ARE into the liberal arts, aren't you? Maybe someday you'll move over into the real world. I don't mean that as an insult or attack....but liberals live in a fantasy world...and a dangerous one at that.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:53 PM
Congratulations senrak:

A man who claims to not have time to post on every symbol, but has the time to go through MY post and dissect it completely!!!!! You are so cool dude. Way to cool for me.

Thanks Senrak, for pointing out my typographical errors, and contradictions within my typing. I'm glad you have that kind of TIME and INTEREST, to proofread your posts. Because I don't really like proofreading. I'll leave that to my editors, you publish right?

Wow, you really PROVED YOURSELF to everyone here.

I feel so priveledged to be at the center of it (fake tear coming to eye) I'd like to thank so many people...

(no spelling errors in this one, thats for you Senrak)

I love being made an example of. 'Cuz I could care less.

posted by Senrak
Aw...we're probably guilty of that to some degree...but afterall, we ARE human.

I agree with you completely, but I also agree that to error is human.
[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
Thanks Senrak

You're welcome. Always glad to help out.

Although I noticed that you didn't ask about any specific symbols, even though you were really concerned in the last post about them and I offered, out of the goodness of my heart, to explain what I had the time (and interest) to do.'s Sunday p.m. I don't have anything pressing until 6 a.m. Monday. I'm GLAD to oblige you Eye. (Or should I call you Mr. Horus?)

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:05 PM
Either way, i don't care eye- -horus, same symbolism. Sorry it took so ling to post this second part, I really suck at typing, and computers frustrate the heck out of me.

First I want to know if the patterns, and designs on the bill hold masonic symbolism. If so, what do they mean to you, and do they mean different things to different degree freemasons?

I think that the triangle, and the five pointed star are masonic symbols, but they are symbols in a lot of organizations. Are there any uniquely masonic symbols, that hold other meaning on the bills. If so what do they mean.

I'm pretty sure that the two triangles (six pointed star) represent a symbol of the "balance" which is a major issue of Pike's M&D but of what, and why is it impotant that they be present on the dollar bill?

Does drawing the two trangles mean anything to you? When the triangle points to the letters that form MASON, is it coincidence, or does it mean something to a mason.

Thanx Senrak, I'm glad we can rip on eachother and be cool about it.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
One thing it seems the masons on this board are doing is rather than address the meaning of the symbols (secret or not) They bring up new arguments to frustrate everyone, and get them off topic. Bringing up new arguments in a debate (like wether or not the emblems are secret or not) is a technique usually used by novice debaters, to make themselves look better to the judge. I should know, I teach this crap. These arguments are usually not included on the flow, and dont have any wheight when judging the round.

You are doing exactly what you accuse US of doing. Does it feel good to be a hypocrite?

I don't see anyone on this forum treating US with respect, asking US honest and fair questions... all I see are slander and lies and accusations. And you think we should just TAKE this in the butt and be respectful about it?!?!?

I dont have anything against you, but seriously get off your soap box for a minute and take a look at how people treat US. We're damn sick of the accusations and lies. Plain and simple. We have given people several books' worth of TRUE information about the fraternity, and this is what we get in return:

can't trust anything you say because you took a blood oath to protect your fraternity at all cost

So don't you dare come to me on a high horse and tell me I'm childish and you've lost respect for masons, blah blah blah. I could give a rat's ass. What I DO care about is to show these idiots that can't put a logical thought together that they are nothing but TOOLS for the biggots and hate-driven agenda-carrying, purse-grabbing authors who make up the stuff that these parrot trolls repeat on this forum every day.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
Congratulations senrak:

A man who claims to not have time to post on every symbol,

Absolutely right. There are FAR too many to comment on every one. I offered to comment on SOME when/if I have the time.

but has the time to go through MY post and dissect it completely!!!!! You are so cool dude.

And you're obviously 19 or 20...otherwise you wouldn't use that childish "dude" thing...

Way to cool for me.
(no spelling errors in this one, thats for you Senrak)

Actually that should say "way TOO cool" not "to" and "that's" with an apostrophe... but I'll let you slide on that one. Most people make that mistake. Hell, Public Schools aren't what they used to be.

I love being made an example of.

Excellent! Perhaps you'll afford me the opportunity to do so again.

'Cuz I could care less.

You could care less? Interesting...I COULDN'T care less. I care as little as it's possible to care...glad you care enough to actually care a little less if necessity demands it.

I agree with you completely, but I also agree that to error is human.

Very true "dude" (just utilizing some of your jargon) There's also a famous quote that's quite similar to that. It says "To err is forgive Divine"

I forgive you for your anger with me for "dissecting" your post. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm REALLY worried what the others will think.

Woe is me!

Although you have not responded to my offer to help you dissuade your strange fear of Freemasonic Symbols.

But rest assured, the offer still stands.....dude.


posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
First I want to know if the patterns, and designs on the bill hold masonic symbolism. If so, what do they mean to you, and do they mean different things to different degree freemasons?

Does drawing the two trangles mean anything to you? When the triangle points to the letters that form MASON, is it coincidence, or does it mean something to a mason.

NOTHING on the dollar bill is masonic symbolism. The all-seeing eye is close, but that was used by lots of organizations back then.

The six-pointed star only means something to masons through the legend of the building of King Solomon's temple, since that WAS his seal, which is used as the backdrop for most masonic legends and history.

And no, different symbols do not mean different things to different degrees of masons. Some masons might not be familiar with some symbols, because it hasn't been presented to them yet, while some masons might know a bit more about certain symbols because they have been taught more about them in more advanced degrees, but that's about it.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:13 PM
My point is proven! Can't you see I'm trying to piss you off, just like everyone else on this site, you give in so easy, that is what makes it fun. Nothing gets accomplished! Release the demon, come on give me everything you got guys, got any other brothers that want in.
PLZ answer the question I just asked. That I might add I proofread for Senrak. I also went through the AP Lit. and comp., as well as the AP lang. and comp. courses, I know how to spell, I know proper grammar. Sorry, I guess I’ll just start cutting and pasting into word and spell checking.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
My point is proven! Nothing gets accomplished! Release the demon, come on give me everything you got guys, got any other brothers that want in.
PLZ answer the question I just asked. That I might add I proofread for Senrak. I also went through the AP Lit. and comp., as well as the AP lang. and comp. courses, I know how to spell, I know proper grammar. Sorry, I guess I’ll just start cutting and pasting into word and spell checking.

You and I have had very good conversations before this, I don't know what you suddenly have against us all of a sudden. But dont forget, YOU CAME AT US. As usual, we are simply defending ourselves.

And I answered your questions. I answer everyone's questions about Freemasonry, when they are honest questions and not meant to be antagonistic (which are very few indeed). Read above.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
Either way, i don't care eye- -horus, same symbolism. Sorry it took so ling to post this second part, I really suck at typing, and computers frustrate the heck out of me.

Understood. I take back the part where I mentioned that in another post...but won't edit it because I had a lot of fun typing it.

First I want to know if the patterns, and designs on the bill hold masonic symbolism. If so, what do they mean to you, and do they mean different things to different degree freemasons?

The unfinished pyramid is said to represent the unfinished Temple of Solomon. BUT (and this is important) it is said so by several Masonic writers (and non-Masons as well) and it is NEVER mentioned in Masonic ritual...of ANY degree. Because of that I'm inclined to believe that it's NOT a Masonic symbol. I firmly assert that the 13 steps represent the 13 orig. colonies...later states. (And as has been discussed before...13 has NO Masonic significance whatsoever)

The symbols hold no Masonic significance to me as a Mason.

I think that the triangle, and the five pointed star are masonic symbols, but they are symbols in a lot of organizations.

Exactly. That's the point several of us have tried to make. Alcoholics Anonymous use the triangle withing a circle, which is also used by Royal Arch Masons...but that doesn't mean that Royal Arch Masons are alcoholics or that alcoholics are Royal Arch Masons. (I'm sure there are some of each in each group...but they're not officially connected)

Are there any uniquely masonic symbols, that hold other meaning on the bills. If so what do they mean.

There are not. Many argue that there are 32 feathers on one wing of the eagle and 33 on the other...symbols of the 32nd and 33rd Degree...but a close look (with a good magnifying glass) reveals that it's damned hard to tell HOW MANY feathers are on EITHER wing.

I'm pretty sure that the two triangles (six pointed star) represent a symbol of the "balance" which is a major issue of Pike's M&D

True. It's an ancient symbol. But of Pike's book, let me point out again, that it was intended for a VERY SMALL audience and not Masonry in general and was never intended for the world at large. Pike himself in the preface (pg iv) said "Every one is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to beuntrue or unsound." You see, Masonry wants her members to THINK...she doesn't DEMAND that he THINK a certain way.

but of what, and why is it impotant that they be present on the dollar bill?

Does drawing the two trangles mean anything to you?

Not a thing...and never utilized in Masonic ceremony.

When the triangle points to the letters that form MASON, is it coincidence, or does it mean something to a mason.

More than a coincidence...I think it's wishful thinking. Note that to get the "o" you have to move slightly to the right. To be a perfect triangle, you would get the letter "d" Someone with a lot of time on his hands came up with that one. I'm firmly convinced.

Thanx Senrak, I'm glad we can rip on eachother and be cool about it.

I thoroughly enjoy it. It's a kind of stress relief to me. Glad you enjoy it too. Some of the members get TOO serious about it.


posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:21 PM
Sorry seb, I just don't know who to believe, and it is getting me very frustrated. I just want some straight answers, and maybe I am just being too impatient I guess.

But really I count on you guys to be the voivce of reason, and I check back in on MY THREAD, and I have to sift through all this junk, and nastiness. And you guys, who know so much about this stuff seem to want to argue with idiots, than converse with scholars. I guess it puts me in a bad mood.


Thanks Senrak, it took five pages, but I am finally satisfied. You and I seem to agree for the most part about the symbolism on the bill. I try not to read into things too much, but it was just too good to resist. I agree about the feathers, there are 32 and 33 feathers on the first and second rows of feathers, but looking closely at it again, there is clearly a third row of feathers on each wing. It sitll hurts my eyes to count all those things.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by Eyeofhorus]

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
Sorry, I guess I’ll just start cutting and pasting into word and spell checking.

Aw...I wouldn't go that far...but it would be nice if ATS HAD a spell-check option. I sure rely on it for my regular e-mail.

Sad thing is, the other day while e-mailing an appraisal report, I spelled "road" ... "rode" and of course the spell checker didn't catch it.

When filing the copy of the report I noticed it, slapped my head and said "geez!" But alas, too late. Some mortgage lender in California has an appraisal for a house on "Bloomfield Rode" in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
Sorry seb, I just don't know who to believe, and it is getting me very frustrated. I just want some straight answers, and maybe I am just being too impatient I guess.

But really I count on you guys to be the voivce of reason, and I check back in on MY THREAD, and I have to sift through all this junk, and nastiness. And you guys, who know so much about this stuff seem to want to argue with idiots, than converse with scholars. I guess it puts me in a bad mood.

No need to apologize, but like I've said MANY times before:

Those that come to us with honest answers and an honest desire for knowledge will get EXACTLY what they seek from us. We LOVE talking about Freemasonry, it is one of the great joys in our lives.

But when someone comes to us with slander and lies, and forces us to EXPLAIN ourselves in the face of accusations and demands, we will not react kindly. And why should we? Some people on this forum are as ignorant as they come, and they treat us with all the venom that they have been programmed to treat us with. I don't stand up for that kind of stuff, I don't like it when people ACCUSE my brothers of being evil, satanists, etc etc etc. You get the point. It is no different than someone calling your mother a WHORE, and insisting THEY know it's true. How would you react?

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:30 PM
I see where you are coming from Seb, I understand. What a crummy catch-22.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Eyeofhorus
I see where you are coming from Seb, I understand. What a crummy catch-22.

Like I said, I LOVE to chat about Freemasonry. When people come to me and TRULY want to know what's up, I could talk for DAYS. There are, of course, certain things I can't disclose, but that's just a few things like our handshakes and passwords. Aside from that, it's my favorite subject.

posted on May, 8 2005 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by sebatwerk
There are, of course, certain things I can't disclose, but that's just a few things like our handshakes and passwords.

And for $657,296.48 I'll even reveal those! Really. I will.

'course I'll take the money, give it to Shriners's Hospitals for Crippled Children and supply you with exposures of Masonic ritual written by former Freemasons and Anti-Masons (which have existed since the early 1700's) and which anyone with $65.00 or so can by on his own...

Ritual, handshakes, passwords, etc. won't make a man a Mason.

[edit on 8-5-2005 by senrak]

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