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War on Drugs BS Tour

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posted on May, 2 2005 @ 08:00 PM

These are links to information.

Back on the BS tour bus after our trip through Christianity BS and Yoga (stretching) BS, we have the WAR ON DRUGS! After the Prohibition failed, the government decided all that went wrong was because of the name. If they had called it the WAR ON ALCOHOL then it would have worked, and not created the mafia/mob in America, like Capone and Machine Gun Kelly……

Anyways, as always, quotes are from the people they interview, with my own smart ass comments/things I already know, like the Prohibition BS, and some jokes re-worded as to not steal them from Penn/Teller, well, Penn anyways since Teller doesn’t talk. This is going to be a new version since my last tour got me warned twice for excessive quoting of the show Bull #. With this I will have sites that show statistics/information. So I am going to try and make it as much my own as possible so I won’t be breaking ATS rules, which I know, and should have done this in the first place.

Me personally, I would keep it banned, but it would be banned with cigarettes, but if they don’t ban cigarettes, they should make weed legal, same thing only a little safer in the drug category. I want both banned as I said, but hell, I hate hypocrisy more then stupidity, so if you ban one thing, ban the exact same thing with a different name.

There is a Marijuana problem in America, not the dropping out of high school type, but the prohibition of it. We allow drugs like nicotine, a deadly cancer causing addictive drug, but ban Marijuana, something that is also cancer causing and addictive, just not as deadly. Now, why is one banned but the other isn’t? It’s not like Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, or whatever; it’s basically a mind altering cigarette, but safer. I want both banned as I said, but hell, I hate hypocrisy more then stupidity, so if you ban one thing, ban the exact same thing with a different name. But still, some idiot thought that the problem with banning alcohol was a Public Relations problem, so they had to come up with a new name when they wanted to ban something.

The issue really is moral and ethics. If they wanted to they could tax the hell out of Marijuana and make billions, if they wanted to they could make Marijuana farms and employ thousands of people to work on them. If Marijuana was legal all the people in jail for non-violent crimes would be out, and so the burden on the tax payer would become lighter. So it isn’t economics keeping it illegal

Marijuana is just as dangerous as cigarettes, so it causing cancer isn’t the reason to keep it illegal.

Marijuana DOES have some medicinal qualities, unlike cigarettes, and can help “cure” things like the after effects of chemotherapy. So that isn’t a reason to make it illegal.

So, what is a reason? Moral and Ethic. But in the 1920’s according to the religious nut jobs alcohol was evil, so must ban it, and they did. Leading to Al Capone, Machine Gun Kelly, The Purple 5(local mafia in Toledo, would take a boat to Canada, buy beer, and come back, the reason Canada was able to do this is they would ask where you are taking it, and as long as you didn’t say America, it was legal for them to sell it, so guy in a row boat could ((and sometimes did)) answer Cuba, and it was a-ok for Canada) And all the people killed, most famous being the Valentine Day Massacre. Finally they legalized it again due to the BS being shown for what it was, the religious trying to control the country.

The issue is FREEDOM! If you are in a “free” country, you should be able to do what you want with your body as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. But in America, drugs, prostitution, so forth, are illegal because the religious nut jobs out there made it so. There are countries where Marijuana and prostitution are legal and they didn’t crumble or become Satins kid or whatever. But here in the “Land of the Free” it is illegal. You say well, second hand smoke hurts other people, and that is true. But that is why there are separate sections. Some places, like Mr. Beefy’s,(oh god that food is great) has separate sections, smoking is in a whole other room, sealed off by a glass wall so smoke won’t go from one section to the other.

Who started the War on Drugs? Tricky Dick, and I don’t mean Dick Cheney, I mean President Richard Nixon. You know, the Watergate guy who resigned because he got caught cheating. The War on Drugs was launched in 1971, in an attempt to keep people distracted from the REAL WAR in Vietnam. Yep, no Vietnam, no War on Drugs, damn commies. At first it only cost us about 350 million dollars a year, but today costs over 20 Billion dollars a year.

Now, 74% of the people say this war is failing, and it is, but you have government puppets LIEING about the statistics, here is one of those puppets, LIEING! Bob Weiner, Drug Issue Specialist, “There are 70% less coc aine users then 15 years ago.” And another Dave Evan, the leader of DARE. “Since we began the War on Drugs back about 20 years ago we have substantially reduced drug use.” First, it started over 30 years ago, and the numbers say what? “The War on Drugs is Bull#! And we all know it! A lot of Americans know that. It’s creating more problems then it is solving, and America knows it.” For the numbers, like 70% less, BULL#!

Now, Marijuana may not be that bad, but it is still a crime to smoke it, like in the 1920’s it was illegal to drink alcohol, even though it wasn’t that bad. So, what does the government do to the criminals THEY made? Bob Weiner, Drug Issue Specialist knows. “Tough love is not a bad way to go. It has helped us make a safer, and the reason we have record low crime numbers, and is a reason drug abuse is going down.”(Yes, that is EXACTLY what he said! Maybe we need a Speaking Issue Specialist to) Bob was part of the US Drug Issue Specialist group with the government, more commonly known as the “Drug Czars”.

But wait, alcohol, THEE very definition of a mind altering drug is the most lethal, popular, most used drug. GWB has admitted to having friends over for cocktails, so WTF? Marijuana bad, alcohol good? You have the right to get so drunk you pass out and can’t remember what you did, but smoke a little Marijuana and in the slammer you go. Back to Dave Evan “Drug use amongst teens is down across the board.” Nope! Since 1994 Marijuana use by 12th graders is up by 62%, use of coc aine is up by 3.9%, and Ecstasy use is up 2.8%. So, it is down Mr. DARE?

Jacob Sullivan, Senior Editor of Reason Magazine. “The most recent household survey says drug use is up. The government was quick to say that the increase was ‘not real’.” WTF? How can it not be real? Imaginary people were part of the survey or what? Also, an interesting bit of info, in the 70s a bag of Heroin, cost 30 dollars and was about 5% heroin, while today you can get a bag for 4 DOLLARS! And it is about 70-80% Heroin. What up with that? Heroin is 600% cheaper now then it was before the War on Drugs. Heroin is cheaper then beer, and easier to get cause no drug dealer checks ID. 20 billion dollars down the drain….

Ok, now you have these people in jail. What happens? NOTHING! You can wipe out an entire drug syndicate, and nothing happens, another one will replace it. Until you fire bomb the WORLD there will always be a demand, and so there will always be a supply. Over 700,000 people a year are arrested for Marijuana alone, 75% were just possession, they aren’t the Drug Lords of South America, these are kids, teens, adults, mostly the idiots you see smoking in parking lots or parties. Yes they are stupid, but stupidity is not a crime or the whole Republican Party would be in jail. And that’s just it, they are going to jail for non-violent non-victim crimes! Ok, they hurt themselves, but so do cigarette smokers, beer drinkers, and that is ok for some reason. It costs over 20,000 dollars a year to keep one pothead in jail, more then it costs to let them sit at home frying their brains.

Bob Weiner is not one for facts though. He is still rambling on about drug use/abuse going down, even though all the links/facts say nope, it is up. Another Crusader against drugs wanted the city of Phoenix Arizona to be surrounded by deputies so they could randomly stop cars and check for drugs, but thankfully someone explained to him about the Bill of Rights and how that was illegal.

Ok, watching TV you have the Stoner Loser image the government uses to make drugs baaaaaad. But the Grateful Dead were famous for drug use, are they losers? (The ones alive anyways) Many famous people did drugs, and the ones who stuck with Marijuana are alive and swimming in money. Hell, look at the president, he admitted he smoked pot and he is THE PRESIDENT! Some loser…. Willie Nelson, great singer, sure it is country, but he makes up for it with not being a redneck inbred drunk. He did pot, and he has how many millions?

Back to Bob Weiner with more wrong statistics, in other words, LIEING! “Marijuana is the number 2 cause of car crashes amongst teens.” NOPE! Doesn’t even make the top 5. Those are Unsafe Speed
Driving on wrong side of road
Improper turns
Violation of right of way rules
Violation of stop signals and signs
So, what is the number one drug sending teens to the hospital? Alcohol.

The government tries to make commercials, depicting losers, and idiots, whatever. But in all studies done show that kids know the commercials are BS and don’t work the government response? Don’t let anyone know! But Marijuana is the gateway drug! Nope, the first drug done by teens are alcohol and nicotine, those are the gateway drugs.

Now, medicinal Marijuana, there are benefits to it. Doctor Lester Greenspurn, professor of psychology and teach at HARVARD! In 1967 he studied the WORLD literature on Marijuana use for medicine. “Despite my training in medicine and science I had been brainwashed just like every other citizen. Marijuana is not a dangerous drug but indeed it was remarkatebly non-toxic. I had to revise my view of it.” Sadly he got to learn about it first hand. His son had cancer, and did chemotherapy. He suffered from nausea and vomiting after every session of chemo. But thankfully Dr. Greenspurn heard about a kid in Houston Texas with the same problems, and he cured them with Marijuana. It was a miracle; the son no longer threw up after therapy and was even excited about eating afterwards. Dave Evan thinks that it is all BS, but coming from someone so full of it, kinda hard to take him seriously. “In some states you have anything wrong with you you can get Marijuana, and if you look at Marijuana Clinics in California, those people look pretty healthy to me.” Yeah, so healthy that one patient can’t even smoke it, needs someone to blow it in her face! That and you can’t say ow, headache, and get Marijuana.

Ok, let’s compare the death rates.
Alcohol 50,000 a year
Cancer caused by smoking cigarettes roughly 440,000 a year
Marijuana, well, none from actual use, but you can get cancer, just like cigarettes.

Now, there are people who can smoke Marijuana anywhere, legally. Irvin Rosenfeld, is one of 7 Federal Marijuana Patients. He can, as is in the show, smoke in front of the capital building and not commit a crime. Here is a link to him.
That’s right! Marijuana was given out by the GOVERNMENT! Irvin receives a tin can full of Marijuana cigarettes that last 25 days at a time. That’s right, POUNDS of it are sent by the government to people, this is something they don’t want you to know. Even more since Irvin is a very successful stock trader, not some loser.

Some Links Not Working for some reason, so editing.

[edit on 2-5-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 08:41 PM
Want to win the drug war? Death Penalty for dealers and 20 year minimums for users. How about that? I would be for it.

Also you might want to take some O'Reilly advice... "Keep it pithy if you want to opine". I didn't even bother reading past the 1st sentence of your post after I saw how long it was.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 09:17 PM
Uh, so we are to kill the government? They deal drugs, have been. Why you should read the whole post.

Also, to long? Is a book to long? Is the 9/11 stuff to long? People need to read more, they have fallen prey to instant satisfaction.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Want to win the drug war? Death Penalty for dealers and 20 year minimums for users. How about that? I would be for it.

Also you might want to take some O'Reilly advice... "Keep it pithy if you want to opine". I didn't even bother reading past the 1st sentence of your post after I saw how long it was.

As long as we kill those spineless punks of Enron, Tyco, etc... and give 20 years to those who do insider other words...let's go after those white collar "thugs" first.

As to the initial post...

It is my firm belief that pot will never be allowed by our government because of a few reasons.

1. Big Alcohol lobbyists
2. Backlash of the people
3. The criminals who will leave jail

First one...let's not kid ourselves. Do you really believe the corporate sponsors of our country will allow this? For starters, it will harm the alcohol business greatly. Can you imagine how many people would sacrifice hangovers and throwing up over toking for five minutes and feeling great? Sure, the initial impact will be moderate, but through the years, people will wise up and stop drinking. Especially with a more superior buzz.

Secondly, don't you think there will be a backlash of folks whose family members died in jail for pot crimes? They will try to sue or get something for nothing.

And do you really want some of those life long criminals back on the street? Remember, not every pot crime committer were just simple pot smokers. Sometimes, it was the only way they could get these career criminals. (See: Capone) They can only get them on something small...but it gets them off of the street and out of the population.

I think marijuana is the superior drug. But I do not seeing the war on drugs going away or them just outright legalizing it.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 02:23 AM
But the ones you are talking about do more then smoke pot, they commit violent crimes, and therefor would go to jail anyways, even without the pot.

And still, isn't it strange the government is a drug dealer itself? I like Carseller4 idea, sure we would have to do more voting, but with all the corrupt greedy evil politicians and the democrats+ 1 Ind. gone we will be able to start anew.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:48 AM
My point is not that they won't get popped for something else. My point is that other crimes are harder to prove. A cop finding pot on you is normally indisputable. You will get a conviction. Someone who kills can get off much easier. (Reasonable doubt) Baretta and OJ beat murder raps ONLY because of reasonable doubt. Robert Downey went to jail for drugs. (However, many of them do "rehab" instead.) I think many are sought after on drug charges because of how indisputable they are.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:02 AM
Why should we ban alcohol, cigs and dope?

So they're not particularly good for us (if way over done) so what?
We know that and the vasy majority of us the world over act accordingly and with a degree of moderation....what are we going to do?
Live forever if we abstain?

Live to our late 80's or into our 90's if we abstain? Cooo quality living huh?

I'm all for locking up the evil element who manipulate the addiction capability of cigs or who attempt to exploit the young with their product.

But this idea that dope is restricted to the young and locking every user caught away for 20yrs is just ridiculous.

At what point are we to realise that most people like to get intoxicated, use many various routes to do it and that trying to stop people using one of the most used methods in our history is just stupid.

I can see the sense of contolling the public's access to coc aine and heroin but weed is just way to easily come by for any 'ban' to do anything but, IMO, generate a stupid pointless huge and incredibly socially damaging prison population.

[edit on 3-5-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 02:39 PM
Also, if you ban all drugs nd people can't get them, there are interesting ways to get high. Several college kids would put a plastic bag over their head and use a belt to choke themsleves till they passed out, then a person would take the bag off. Well, except they are stupid and they did it alone and DIED!

Anyways, I am all up for banning all three, but if you ban 1 but let the two more dangerous go, then un-ban the third one for that is hypocrisy and I hate that more then just about anything.

OxMank, true, OJ was guilty, but his popularity got him off. Baretta? The guy who supposedly shot his wife but didn't have any GSR on him? Evidence points to not the murderer. And sad but true, it is harder to prove real crimes then non-crimes, but if we did it on the base of that why not arrest everyone with a copy of The Catcher in the Rye since it seems all famous assassanators(dude who do the shooting) have a copy of Catcher in the Rye.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:42 PM
Hey, if you wanna make a difference; start a petition, create large scale marches/rallies, right your congressman, make amusing movies like Half Baked, ordo something other than post her eon PATS.
Marijewanna will remain illegal until you can find a new source of income for the CIA, FBI, local PD, and your big name forestry distruction companies. That's the bottomline: Leagal cannabis will save energy and money consumption...which isn't cool with those aforementioned people. More money you spend, greater the profit; less spent, the less they can pocket.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:34 AM
I don't mean to be smug (ok, ok, I'll just enjoy it for a second or two here .....
) but thankfully I have now got a gov in my country that has started to wise up on this issue.

The UK gov down-graded cannabis to a 'class c' drug which means a criminal conviction for an amount that is obviously for personal consumption (ie clearly being caught with an once does not make you a dealer) very unlikely.

Basically if you aren't a complete idiot and restrict your smoking to recreational use at home and are not a pain in the a$$ to anybody you stand a very good chance of being left alone to enjoy your preferred habit.

(In case anyone needs to know I don't do drugs myself but I have always thought criminal convictions, fines and imprisonment - ie basically destroying an otherwise productive someone's life - for such 'crimes' truely absurd, unusually cruel and close to outright fascist treatment of people who do not deserve such treatment.)

Anyone delving into the history of drug laws can see that it wasn't always this way and society didn't collapse when things were more 'free'.
(......and that's before we get into the obviously loopy racist roots of much of the early drug laws)

[edit on 4-5-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:02 AM
History of drug laws? Like Prohibition? That led to the creation of the mob in America?

I don't know the exact quote, but I think it goes like this....

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Back then it was the mob, today it is gangs. Back then it was alcohol, today it is Marijuana. Back then it was religous idiots screaming "KILL! Alcohol BAD! KILL!" today it is the right wing idiots, many who have done/admitted to doing pot screaming "KILL! Marijuana BAD! KILL!" SO, you get to smoke all you want, but no one else can???? Not that I would cause I have seen the pictures of people's lungs, ew.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
History of drug laws? Like Prohibition? That led to the creation of the mob in America?

I don't know the exact quote, but I think it goes like this....

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Back then it was the mob, today it is gangs. Back then it was alcohol, today it is Marijuana. Back then it was religous idiots screaming "KILL! Alcohol BAD! KILL!" today it is the right wing idiots, many who have done/admitted to doing pot screaming "KILL! Marijuana BAD! KILL!"

- Quite right, I must say though coupled with the 3 strikes law I find the amount of people in the US in prison for daring to not do as they're told over something so harmless absolutely staggering.......I know people are begining to protest this state of affairs but quite how it got to where it is now is incredible to me.

SO, you get to smoke all you want, but no one else can????

- I'm all for a global realignment of this stupidity. Europe seems to be leading the way with a relaxed policy in almost all the major European countries (or a de facto tolleration on the ground).

Not that I would cause I have seen the pictures of people's lungs, ew.

- Like I said I don't smoke myself.
However I think it's worth bearing in mind that simply being alive kills us.

I recall seeing those lung section pictures.....but with a twist.
One pic was the expected pink lung and the other a filthy gritty looking grey.
The pink one came from a 20 a day smoker living in the rural countryside and the polluted one from a non-smoker living in the city of London.

Funnily enough I was reminded that of a late 60's counter-culture cartoon mag (you know the kind of thing) where they imagined the future.
As part of this the comment was made that the loony uptight social element would rather see smoking banned than tolerate dope smoking........

.......weren't too far wrong were they?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:00 PM
True, the French woman who lived to be close to 120 quit smoking at the age of 103. If she hadn't smoked she would have lived to be over 120....

But still, if you ban the least dangerous of the 3 main drugs, but not the other 2, that is hypocrisy, so either ban all 3 or legalize all 3. Beer/alcohol is THEE mind altering drug, the most popular in the world, kills more then Marijuana, yet it is ok to serve in the Whitehouse.(Speech given by Bush and he made a comment about having cocktails in the Whitehouse)

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
But still, if you ban the least dangerous of the 3 main drugs, but not the other 2, that is hypocrisy, so either ban all 3 or legalize all 3.

- I see your logic here but get all wibbly at the idea a ban on any of this stuff would be that effective.

Beer/alcohol is THEE mind altering drug, the most popular in the world.....yet it is ok to serve in the Whitehouse.(Speech given by Bush and he made a comment about having cocktails in the Whitehouse)

- Yeah that's weird.
I agree alcohol is probably the most harmful .

kills more then Marijuana,

- Really? Cos I really haven't heard of dope killing anyone.......besides the gag about a bale of it falling on someone.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 01:42 AM
Exactly! It kills more cause no one has ever had Marijuana Posioning, unlike alcohol posioning.

So a ban wouldn't work, this one isn't working either. The alcohol ban didn't work either and how many years did they have it? All because some religous nut jobs couldn't control themselves.

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