posted on May, 2 2005 @ 06:26 PM
The US military has long wanted lasers that can take out enemy missiles, and with it it could also become an offensive weapon, nothings faster then
the speed of light, so the enemy would be gone before they knew they were under attack.
The ABL (AirBorne Laser) once complete will be able to zap missiles out of the sky, its laser will have a range aound 125 miles, which is impressive,
but Boeing wants to take it a step further, in what sounds more like the old reagan "star Wars" initiative, they basically want to put mirrors on
airships, the ABL will fire at the airship which will then direct the laser to its target, whether it be a missile in flight or troops on the ground.
The Airships would be hovering unmanned around 65,000ft, so with the added hieght the ABL would shoot slighly upwards and then the mirror would direct
it to the target, giving it a much larger (over double) reach. The HAA (High Altitude Airship) which will be unmanned and could be used for this
purpose. With these unmanned airships which can stay in an area for months, they could also use ground based lasers like MTHEL (Mobile Tactical High
Energy Laser) to take out targets near and far. and in the future they would like the big mirrors to be on satellites, and have them cover the globe,
which would give the US military a god-like presence everywhere.
Laser Relays
[edit on 2-5-2005 by Murcielago]