posted on May, 2 2005 @ 03:12 AM
I know that this is probably one of the most tired topics involving Bigfoot, and whether or not it really does exist. This link was put up by another
member and I was thrilled to see it had been stabilized. This allows the viewer full control of the footage so that if one was so inclined, they
could see the gait and swagger of the Patterson Bigfoot and notice the muscles flex and twist as it walks away. I understand that of all the
cryptozoological entities this has to be the most elusive as no evidence other than film, foot casts, and sightings/encounters have been recorded.
But if anyone could express their personal views of this stabilized footage, I would be greatly obliged to hear others comments upon this matter.
But, I must ask, before you comment, please view this footage with your utmost intensity so that you may fully experience what is before you.
I somehow think, scratch that, I somehow know that this has to be legit, for I know no man who has arms as long, takes such funny steps, and leans
forward so dramatically as he walks calmly away. The swagger, the turn, and the muscular bursts upon the thigh, back, and hips only elaborates what
bone and muscular structure that this "Ape Suit" couldn't have faked. In my opinion, from the stabilized footage, I ask myself, why couldn't this be
for real? I leave it to you my fellow members, to once again revisit this footage, and decide for yourselves if you believe that this video was a
hoax. I can't honestly say that I feel that it is, but the floors open for discussion so shoot.