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Have I Disturbed Some One? (Revisited)

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by aspiechick

It's well worth the read aspiechick, it's a fascinating account. I read it in it's entirety when it was only about 30 pages long and I've eagerly awaited updates ever since!

edit on 27/12/12 by Insomniac because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by aspiechick

Hi, and I understand. It's a long thread. While the word you used has not been shared with me, early on (in the thread part you didn't read) temporal issues have been discussed. In addition, in the thread, was a vision a member shared in which they interpreted an EVP about finding an object in a location that the member's description ended up being spot on, but at the time, the area didn't even exist as she described. So there have been more than one instance of the phenomenon you describe.

It's weird.

To the poster who stated things like we might need to have our house cleansed, etc. We've been here almost 10 years. We're cool. There's only been one or two times I've actually been "scared" over those 10 years. Otherwise, it's just been very curious, and I actually feel honored to have experienced it. It's's their house as well.

edit on 12-28-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
reply to post by aspiechick

We're cool. There's only been one or two times I've actually been "scared" over those 10 years. Otherwise, it's just been very curious, and I actually feel honored to have experienced it. It's's their house as well.

edit on 12-28-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

LOVE IT. We have one (at least) here too. Never scared any of us really. We dont feel anything bad from it at all. Just a part of life. I make sure to bless our home so that nothing/no one evil can be here. Now if it could just be more helpful when I loose things HA!

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
Well, I referred to it as "patina" but it is mainly called "tarnish" for silver. And that reaction is oxygen dependent (it's silver oxide).

The theory of the temporal shift of the item and therefore it not being exposed to oxygen plus time is interesting.

No, silver patina isn't from oxygen. Silver is one of the few metals that don't react with oxygen readily. (The others are gold, platinum, and palladium, which is why they're the most precious metals.) Silver tarnish is actually silver sulfide. Silver metal reacts with sulfur-containing compounds, especially hydrogen sulfide, to form the tarnish. For silverware, the main sources of the sulfur are from foods (especially eggs), but contact with wool, latex gloves, some paints, fossil fuels, human hands, or acidic atmosphere (sulfuric acid from "acid" rain) can also cause tarnishing.

A salad spoon/spork isn't typically going to come in contact with foods that are high in sulfur. If such a utensil is washed and rinsed well and wrapped in a cotton or linen cloth and stored, with very little contact from human hands or rubber gloves after washing/rinsing, it will stay virtually free of tarnish for decades.

(I'm a chemist and I discuss this with my students when we cover oxidation/reduction reactions in class.)
edit on 1/4/2013 by CarolynC because: fix typos

posted on Aug, 12 2015 @ 10:40 PM
I wonder what happened?
It is such a delightfully long thread that I fallowed back then.
Did it all just end?

posted on Feb, 10 2023 @ 05:36 PM
a reply to: WalkInSilence

Hi, WalkInSilence.

Yes, it did end! We moved out of the house in March 2013. I just came here to copy down the contents of this thread because I just don't want to lose the log we all made discussing the crazy things that happened in that house over the course of an almost full 10 years. So many of the photo, video and audio links are now defunct and a lot of evidence was lost. A lot of that because of the house robbery that happened while we still lived in the house. They stole all of our computers and there went the local files we had. I've been rereading through the thread and enjoying the memories, the discussions, and the friends I made keeping up with this madcap adventure! Thanks to everyone who discussed these things with me. Don't know what is happening at that old house now, but its' not happening to us!


posted on Feb, 18 2023 @ 07:41 PM
I just finished reading this entire thread! What a story…….

Does anyone remember “The Others”? This a movie starring Nicole Kidman and it has a surprise ending. Things aren’t always what they seems…..😉

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