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Have I Disturbed Some One? (Revisited)

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posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:31 PM
Other observations. In the photos that your camera took of the kitchen in 2007, there's one that shows two anomalies compared to the others. The picture was labeled Snap-10-28-2007_1-11-39.jpg. If you compare this photo with the one labeled Snap-10-28-2007_3-52-57, the main difference is in the lower-right corner, just to the right of the upside-down white dish - there's a white swirly-looking thing that's not in any of the other photos. Wonder what that is? Almost looks like a curled telephone cord, but if so, why isn't it in the other pictures?

The second anomaly in that same photo is that the black panel on the dishwasher looks like either there are lights on it, or some sort of white horizontal streak across it. Again, this doesn't appear in any of the other photos. Could be a reasonable explanation if the dishwasher was set to go off in the middle of the night. But if not...???

Will try to post comparison shot to see if this works:

posted on Aug, 15 2011 @ 05:22 AM

Wow, this is an incredible story! I've been reading this entire thread for the past few days. The spoon alone is mind-boggling, let alone everything else that has happened. This is far better than the book I'm reading!

I had to register because I noticed something that I don't think anyone else has pointed out yet regarding your comment above. In the middle of the three Harry Potter pages you posted (the backside of the folded page), it says: "Mrs. Weasley would fuss worse than Hermione, and Fred and George, Ron's sixteen-year-old twin brothers, might think Harry was losing his nerve".

Does anyone else think that's a weird coincidence of brothers named Fred and George?

Oh wow, Curious, that is odd! o_O

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 01:52 PM
Hi Val...and all ATS members (like many others, I have also been 'lurking' and just joined recently). I have read the entire post on this (took around 5 days) the (old) house itself: it has character and energies around it, no doubt. You have done a wonderful job: it looks lovely.

One thing I noticed, for what it's worth, is that shot of the old newspaper found in the attic (page 26)...did anyone else notice the name 'Brown'? Ties in with the previous owners, right? I work in the metaphysical field and my intuition tells me there is more to this story...a connection yet to be made.

Very excellent thread...and going since 2003? Amazing. I would give you Stars and Flags, but I am a newbie and I don't think I can. :-)

Be Well.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by GreenIrish
Hi Val...and all ATS members (like many others, I have also been 'lurking' and just joined recently). I have read the entire post on this (took around 5 days) the (old) house itself: it has character and energies around it, no doubt. You have done a wonderful job: it looks lovely.

One thing I noticed, for what it's worth, is that shot of the old newspaper found in the attic (page 26)...did anyone else notice the name 'Brown'? Ties in with the previous owners, right? I work in the metaphysical field and my intuition tells me there is more to this story...a connection yet to be made.

Very excellent thread...and going since 2003? Amazing. I would give you Stars and Flags, but I am a newbie and I don't think I can. :-)

Be Well. guys are noticing all kinds of things I have missed! Now I need to find that old newspaper again!

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 02:31 AM
wow thank you for keeping this thread open for so long and keeping up dated with new experiences i am going to take the time to tryin read the whole thread

posted on Aug, 27 2011 @ 04:27 PM
I fully agree with the above and I would recommend reading it, it's well worth a few hours of anybody's time!!

I found it fascinating and I've been sort of scared to reply, just in case you get more activity Valhall!!

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 01:14 AM
yeah i can only read a couple pages at a time due to busy life but i will get it all read eventually

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by JROCK2527
yeah i can only read a couple pages at a time due to busy life but i will get it all read eventually

That's what I done...just read mine back and I meant a few hours 'overall', not all together!!

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 04:20 AM
yeah ive started tryin to read at least 4 pages every time im on here

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 08:59 PM
Thank you to the people who have recently found the thread and left comments. Although there is not much activity that happens anymore, it has still been an interesting 8 years! I am so glad I started this log after the first weird event happened. I can't tell you how many times I have had to research the thread myself to find when certain things happened!

posted on Sep, 1 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Valhall

That's freaky..

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by Losonczy

I recall a time living in Kentucky where there were meat hooks in the kitchen. Hams were hung on them to cure.

Perhaps the grocer was salting meat in the cellar, or curing it.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by MountainStar

In reference to the town or area being haunted:

I lived in an area where there was a block wide infestation of black shadows, to the point someone saw one of them walk out of my kitchen wall, across the alley, and into a neighbor's living room.

I had kept the shadows to myself for two years, thinking it was stress, or whatever, until a neighbor approached me about them. I soon found out that about ten houses had these damned things gallivanting around.

edit on 2-9-2011 by TheCounselor because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 08:31 PM
Well, I haven't updated in awhile. There have been a few things happen over this past year, but not much to talk about. Two instances of footsteps (one running) upstairs heard from the downstairs area. On the running incident Fred, our Great Dane, heard it at the same time as myself and stood up and stared at the ceiling underneath the bedroom that used to be my daughter's. (Both times the sound was from that room.)

Then, back about 4 months ago we had an episode where Springer and I were discussing something and all of a sudden Fred froze in place just inside the opening to the kitchen. He was staring at the corner of the kitchen where the double ovens are, so there is nothing to see there but...a corner and double ovens. He starts barking his big dog bark (which he doesn't do unless someone is approaching the front door) and growling a mean-dog growl. He was transfixed. We stopped talking and I walked over by him and put my hand on his back and it didn't phase him. He just kept growling and barking at the corner. I walked over there to the corner and after I did, he stopped growling and walked over with me and things were fine.

Then last weekend I had a girlfriend come stay here because she was having some husband problems. She stayed Saturday night and then Sunday she all of a sudden makes up an excuse why she is going to stay somewhere else. Taking her earnestly I helped her carry her bags out (I had her in my daughter's old bedroom). As we were carrying the last bag out and she was saying good-bye she leaned forward and whispered "and I've put the throw pillows on the bed three times and come back in the room to find them thrown across the room on the floor." I told her I was sorry something had spooked her.

Then tonight...

Springer is virtually deaf, so he watches TV with headphones on and the TV sound down (because I don't watch TV much). He was watching a football game and two times in about a 30 to 45 minute span he jumps up and says, "yes?" And I responded "I didn't say anything." (I'm in here on the computer watching a movie with my headphones on.) The first time he heard MY voice say a sentence that he couldn't make out, but ended clearly with "Sweetheart", which is what I call him. The second time it was MY voice clearly calling his first name.

So, I thought I'd share these latest events. Will update if anything else happens.
edit on 12-2-2012 by Valhall because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 09:13 PM
And it just happened again. He just heard my voice say a sentence that started with his first name, but he couldn't make out the rest. It should be pointed out this has now happened three times over two different ball games.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Valhall

Thanks for updating. I always enjoy it when this thread is revived again, by you or other posters. It's kinda weird how it goes awhile without incident and then stuff happens in your house again. Fascinating.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 02:55 PM
Clearly there are some sort of spirits in that house. If you don't like it, then cleanse your home spiritually. If you don't mind, then I guess you just have to accept it.

posted on Dec, 26 2012 @ 11:51 AM
I discovered this thread a few days ago and have now read it in its entirety. Thank you for sharing your on-going experiences with us, Valhall and Springer. I've enjoyed hearing of them and look forward to more in the future. You have a beautiful house and are making it even more impressive with your modifications.

With regard to the appearance of the spoon, the being who gave it to you is either very patient or time goes by at a different rate for them. The spoon was probably in the drawer with the spork for months before you found it. A being who wanted instant recognition/gratification would have put the spoon on the counter for you to find it immediately.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:17 PM
Thanks for the update Valhall. Sorry to hear about Springer's hearing problems, but I had to laugh a little because with both of you using headphones all the time.... I wonder how many things you guys "don't hear".

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:25 PM
Sorry... I read the first page and all the posts, and was really loving it... and then realised it was posted years ago and that there's TONS of pages.
So I skipped to the end for now (when having more time I'll make sure I read it all!) and happy to see you're still updating.

Having just read the first and last page, it could very well be that what I'm about to type has already been written... sorry if it has.

First thing that came to mind with your post here on the last page regarding footsteps is "vardøge"... basically hearing things before they happen. Which is no biggie at all... just hearing footsteps, doors open and close, phones ringing, etc.

What I was really interested in on the first post was the two lads hearing you cry and speak... I find that fascinating. My take on "ghosts" (visitors) is "the dead don't speak"... they have no need for it. But I think maybe places and objects can speak... just like I've felt evil in places. No evil spirits, just plain old evil having been soaked up in the walls due to horrible acts having been carried out there. I'm felt bad places like that twice...

Anyway, thought I'd throw the vardøge in here, incase it hasn't been mentioned... and I'll be back reading everything else when I get the time! Thank you for sharing!

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