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Los Angeles Mexico?!?!?

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posted on May, 5 2005 @ 12:47 PM
I found the billboard very insulting.

It would seem to appeal to those who do not seek an american dream, but wish to duplicate that squallor and poverty and political corruption they are supposed to be fleeing.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 01:36 PM
To all of this which I impart the following information.

The current Mayoral race in Los Angles is between two candidates, Richard Hahn, the incumbant with roughly 26% of the projected vote and Antonio Villaraigosa, the challenger with the remaining projected vote. While Hahn is now defending himself from typical republican backroom politics and scandal, i.e. his friends and team in their rush to get rich through pay-for-play, they lost site of a major issue regarding Los Angeles, Mexico which could just about turn around and bite them and the rest of the liberal thinking Los Angelinos in the behind.
The speakers listed below are not the "lunatic fringe". They are some of the most powerful Latino leaders and politicians in America, whose allegiance is to foreigners of their ethnic group, not to the United States. They seek political power and realize the way to get it is to flood America with legal and illegal immigrants from their ethnic "tribe". Simply by demographics, they will dilute the vote of American citizens and replace our American culture. "The Third World" is at your doorstep and anxious to present you with the bill as they jump on "the entitlement bandwagon." If you think this is an exaggeration, you have only to witness California as a forewarning of where our entire country is headed.


Villaraigosa was chairman of a chapter of MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan) -- revolutionary, seditious student wing of AZTLAN (reconquista separatist movement).

Villaraigosa was president of the Southern California American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Villaraigosa rants at the Million Mexican March on DC, 1996

Villaraigosa was president of "Third World Coalition" at UCLA.

Villaraigosa was the ONLY California elected official to join the Latino March on Washington, D.C., in 1996 demanding free education through college for illegal aliens, free medical care for illegal aliens, $7 per hour minimum wage with rights to union membership for illegal aliens, and another massive amnesty for illegal aliens.

Villaraigosa demands drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

Villaraigosa demands free prenatal care for illegal aliens -- with publicly funded Medi-Cal.

Villaraigosa supports every Assembly bill that supports illegal aliens, including protected status as in AB-407.

Villaraigosa gives speeches in Latino barrios claiming Congressional welfare reform was an attack on Latinos.

Traveled to Mexico to personally thank then President Zedillo for his influence on the killing of Prop. 187, the ballot measure passed in California to deny public benefits to illegal aliens -- Villaraigosa said, "I say President Zedillo had great impact in defeating Proposition 187."

Addressed a joint session of the California Legislature with Zedillo IN SPANISH (both are fluent in English) and forced the cadenced Chicano Power handclap into the microphone, signaling THAT language and THAT culture will predominate in California.


Yes, this could happen if Antonio Villaraigosa is elected. Villaraigosa voted for L.A. to officially recognize the Mexican Matricula Consular ID as an official identification for illegal aliens -- never mind that assistant director of the FBI's Office of Intelligence, Steve McCraw, in testimony June 26, 2003, to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security, that the Department of Justice and the FBI have concluded that the Matricula Consular is not a reliable form of identification, due to the non-existence of any means of verifying the true identity of the card holder. Stating further, "The ability of foreign nationals to use the Matricula Consular to create a well-documented, but fictitious, identity in the United States provides an opportunity for terrorists to move freely within the United States without triggering name-based watch lists that are disseminated to local police officers. It also allows them to board planes without revealing their true identity.


In May of 2000, Speaker Villaraigosa joined Mexican President Zedillo in addressing the California Legislature. Although both men are thoroughly fluent in English, they both made their speeches in Spanish. Then Villaraigosa stood and began the Chicano handclap. Without knowing what they were doing -- as calls to their offices confirmed -- the rest of the legislators joined this spirited display of ethnic nationalism and started clapping, too. Any high school or college student in Southern California has heard this sound -- clap-clap, clap-clap-clap -- and understands its meaning. Like displaying the Mexican flag, it is the MEChA trademark clap and hails Chicano power.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 10:58 PM
To put it bluntly are you people retarded?!
Of all the things to get upset over you choose this?

It an advertisement for a spanish language news station. They're not saying that california is part of mexico. They're selling they're station based on how it keeps them connected to their homeland. They're saying how the station makes it seem like they're home and not in some foreign country where people hate them for irational xenophobic reasons. They are catering to their market its not even directed at you. If the words for Los Angeles and California werent Spanish to begin with you wouldnt even realize what the adverisement is about and just go about your mundane business like you do everyday.

Its no different then pretending the local pub is located in YourtownUSA, Ireland on Saint Patricks day. You dont literally believe the Pub is in Ireland but you feel because it is a representation of irish culture by extension it is a part of ireland the state of mind. Just because you feel residual guilt because America stole the West Coast from Mexico is no reason to get your panties in a twist thinking the Mexicans are coming to take back their land. It's ancient history move on. By the way what is this "American" culture you keep on talking about when you say they should assimilate. Last I checked american culture was the amalgamation of all the cultures of all the immigrants who came legally or otherwise to this country. Meaning its not they who assimilate to us its we who assimilate them. At least thats the way its always been in this country and its a little late in the game to start changing the rules now because you have a problem with Mexicans.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 04:34 PM
GET A LIFE PEOPLE Its only advertisment. Itll be down after awhile....... I cant believe people are so childish over words......... HOW SAD

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 05:51 PM

and its a little late in the game to start changing the rules now because you have a problem with Mexicans.

I don't have a problem with Mexicans. Why do people always have to turn things into racism or a discrimination issue? It gets so old. Rather silly when you think about it.

The billboard was inappropriate. Clear Channel Communications was smart enough to talk to the station and convince them to change it. I am happy that it will be replaced.


posted on May, 7 2005 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by boogyman
To put it bluntly are you people retarded?!
Of all the things to get upset over you choose this?

To put it bluntly are you a short sighted idiot?!

Now that we have both expressed our initial thoughts, allow me to continue.

[Just because you feel residual guilt because America stole the West Coast from Mexico is no reason to get your panties in a twist thinking the Mexicans are coming to take back their land.

Oh I feel no guilt, you see I choose to live in the present. One could argue either side as far as the US acquiring the west coast as you say. I say that’s part of history, sorry but it’s ours now and has been for quite awhile. Obviously the areas in question are more prosperous under our control then they would be under Mexico’s.

It's ancient history move on.

I totally agree with you. If Mexico has a problem with it then by all means try to take it back by force. Not trying to sound like an @ss but in all reality the maps not changing.

By the way what is this "American" culture you keep on talking about when you say they should assimilate. Last I checked American culture was the amalgamation of all the cultures of all the immigrants who came legally or otherwise to this country. Meaning its not they who assimilate to us its we who assimilate them.

In my opinion “American” culture accepts anything and everything. Speak what ever language you like, ours happens to be English and it will stay that way.

At least that’s the way its always been in this country and its a little late in the game to start changing the rules now because you have a problem with Mexicans.

To me controlling our boarders isn’t a racial issue. It’s common sense. This of course is unless you approve of American tax payers footing the bill for heath care, food and housing, education ect. for “ILLIGAL PEOPLE” that come into this country. I’m all for helping the under privileged but come on! The race card has been stale for quite a while….

I would like to see us cut our over seas aid to countries that hate us anyways and divert it to Mexico. In my opinion if we could bring Mexico up to the standard of living that Canada and the US have we obviously wouldn’t have this problem. Canuks aren’t flooding into the US from the north are they? Canada is a country, even to date, I consider a good friend to the US. We bitch and moan at each other but if push came to shove we would be there for each other in a second. Maybe someday we Americans will think of Mexico this way as well, from what I see it will be a long while. But hey I’m racist right?

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 10:10 PM
In the end, nationalism will destroy us all.

Lemme ask this question..

When did we decide a date that it was not ok to emigrate to the us, was there a memo that I missed? The same people that complain about immigrants coming in would have a hissy fit if they had to pay for vegetables picked at minimum wage, or pay their gardener a fair amount.

Its amazing how well humans lock into the we vs. them mentality in everything they do. Makes them so maliable in large groups. The process is simple 1.establish "we" 2. establish "them" 3. pit "we" against "them" by any means possible

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 11:11 PM
There is nothing wrong with an interest in strong borders. I support border control 100%. The problem I see is the strong thread of xenophobia that runs through the immigration issue. This ad has nothing to do with immigration yet it is being heralded as proof of the "mexican problem" in america. Nonissues are clouding our judgement.

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