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posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 11:12 PM
So Either “Henry” is telling the truth, the button does nothing, or he is lying.

Ask why he would lie.
The only reason for this lie is to get them to not push the button. Perhaps that benefits the “others” somehow.
But if that was the case then he would have just let the timer run out when Locke was trapped.

So “Henry” must be telling the truth.
The timer and the button are a “joke.”

Jack must have been right when he said that maybe it was all a test just to see is someone would push the button every 108 minutes.


Now what about Dave?
Was Dave a production of Hurley’s mind, or did someone actually put Dave into his mind?
Remember Jack seen his father? He chased him and found his coffin along with the caves. Perhaps that was no coincidence and someone lead him there. The Hanso foundation was studying parapsychology perhaps they discovered that you can manipulate the mind. The “others” seemed to be interested in Walt because he was special. Maybe the others have a group of psychics that are being used to manipulate the crash survivors. Perhaps some of them are rebelling and tried to help Jack while others are obeying and tried to kill Hurley.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Jack must have been right when he said that maybe it was all a test just to see is someone would push the button every 108 minutes.

just like a real live skinner box!!!

note: the man B.F. Skinner was mentioned in the film that they found ("orientation")...


wiki: skinner box

wiki: B.F. Skinner

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 10:20 AM
I think they need to step up the torture on Henry.

And what about poor Hurley? Was Dave real or what???

posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 11:12 AM
Wow they see ALL, now I’m convinced that the button means nothing. Hopefully they will be able to figure out that they can use the computer for communication.

I think they need to step up the torture on Henry.

Now that I’m convinced he is telling the truth about the button, I think “Henry” can become a valuable ally to the crash survivors. Maybe he will lead them to the “Orion” station to rescue Walt and Michael. I think “Henry” was telling the truth when he said he was a good man.


posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 10:22 PM
I think Locke's sense of purpose has definitly been shaken. One of his personal issues really came to the forefront when he was so relieved Henry came back and didnt leave him like so many others have.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Jack must have been right when he said that maybe it was all a test just to see is someone would push the button every 108 minutes.

I think that thats what it is, a sociological experiment, like the rest of the island. That however doesn't mean that the button is non-functional, not pressing it could end the experiment, or do any number of things.

There's no way we can know if he was telling the truth or not, but it sure is interesting!

Now what about Dave?

Dave's not here man!

The Hanso foundation was studying parapsychology

This is cannonical? From the show, or specualtion based upon the show?

perhaps they discovered that you can manipulate the mind. The “others” seemed to be interested in Walt because he was special.

He was 'good' as they say.

Perhaps some of them are rebelling

Like, perhaps, Russeau Jr no?

skinner box

Skinner also wrote a fictional novel about....a utopian community that seperated itself from the rest of society.
The other day I saw a magazine article that was about all the books that have come up on the show, what sawyer was reading, what book was used to hide the orientation film, etc. But of all the books mentioned, Skinner's book, Walden II, hasn't come up.

One of his personal issues really came to the forefront when he was so relieved Henry came back and didnt leave him like so many others have.

Wow that's a really good point. There are definitly going to be problems with him then.

posted on Apr, 9 2006 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

The Hanso foundation was studying parapsychology

This is cannonical? From the show, or specualtion based upon the show?

From the show. It was talked about in the Dharma Initiative orientation film

perhaps they discovered that you can manipulate the mind. The “others” seemed to be interested in Walt because he was special.

He was 'good' as they say.

Perhaps some of them are rebelling

Like, perhaps, Russeau Jr no?


These kids have been taken from their parents. Surly if they are gifted they would use their gifts to go against their captors. Just as Walt made contact with his father.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:56 AM
Look what I found!

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by William One Sac
Look what I found!


that is a great site...

i would introduce a great forum to you all about lost, but, isn't that against "the rules"???

o0o well...

here is another great lost site:

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 01:23 PM
a link to a better "S.O.S." preview (aka the next lost ep)...

here is a pic:

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
i would introduce a great forum to you all about lost, but, isn't that against "the rules"???

You can post links to LOST message boards in this thread. Thats my discretion.

I post regularlt at the Fuselage.

I also read through television without pity.


posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 07:46 PM
Next week looks like it will be a really good episode.

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by 13
Next week looks like it will be a really good episode.

It really does, I cant wait to see if Jack is successful at confronting the "others".

posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by William One Sac
You can post links to LOST message boards in this thread. Thats my discretion.



posted on Apr, 11 2006 @ 11:08 AM
Here are some recaps of the shows. They are quite funny, and the writer remembers the smallest details from previous episodes. Well worth checking out...

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:27 PM

make sure to watch...

btw: i didn't know this was a sticky thread...

now that is cool!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:02 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
btw: i didn't know this was a sticky thread...

The show comes on at 7pm where I live. That is a little early for me so I might have to wait and see it in a couple days.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax

The show comes on at 7pm where I live. That is a little early for me so I might have to wait and see it in a couple days.

ahhh yes...

being a mod does help

i had a feeling you were responsible for the sticky

anyway, you are lucky you get to watch lost at 7pm (where do you live?)...

i watch it at 9pm...


lost is 64 minutes tonight!!!

but then we have two weeks of reruns and then the straight away (no more reruns) until the two-hour season finale!!!

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 05:49 PM
this list (and the info) may change in the future...

the rest of the season:

Episode 2.20 - Two For the Road

Jack and Kate bring an exhausted Michael back to the camp, and with him, news about "The Others." Meanwhile, Ana Lucia attempts to get the prisoner to confess, and Hurley plans a surprise date for Libby.

Episode 2.21 - ? (The episode Is Named as a Question Mark)

Recovering from his recent injury, Locke joins Eko in a search for the location marked by a "?" on the mysterious map. Their discovery reveals a startling secret about the island and the purpose of the hatch.

Turns out that supercool black-light reveal is a major plot point that carries on through the rest of the season. "Oh yeah, big time," Damon said. "I mean, it plays huge in the finale, and even in episodes 21 through 24. Twenty-one is an episode that is very much on the sort of fundamental axis of that map, and it's a Locke and Eko story, which is going to be awesome. [Executive Producer] Carlton [Cuse] and I wrote it. The episode is just called "?" because that is the symbol Locke remembers from the map."

Episode 2.22 - Three Minutes

With Locke away, Jack is left in charge of the hatch and must decide if he should believe Henry and not push the button, risking everyone's safety. Meanwhile, the events that happened to Micheal after he left are finally revealed.

Michael will be getting a flashback episode on May 17, during which we'll learn what, um, Others stuff he's been up to these last couple of months. Whatever it is he's been doing, I understand we'll meet a very different Michael than the one we left. Walt will also be back, and yes, he'll still be played by Malcolm David Kelley. I'm also hearing that [the] episode contains a great scene between Jack and Sawyer. Even better than the poker stuff.

Episode 2.23

The two hour season finale will air Wednesday, May 24 from 9:00-11:00 p.m. ET.

all info from:

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
anyway, you are lucky you get to watch lost at 7pm (where do you live?)...

7 is too early for me. The kids are still awake and I don't like to be interuped watching lost

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