posted on May, 30 2006 @ 08:58 PM
Hey acouple of things people havent mentioned here that i think are really important. Firstly what did Kelvin call the "others"? Wasnt it Hossils?
I thought it was hostiles at first but then i heard him say it a second time and i was pretty sure it was hossils. Also how about the statue with
four toes? Firstly i have never seen anysort of statue that is that big except "the collosus" which i believe was made out of bronze not stone.
So why is that statue there? Was it built and fall there, or was it transported from another place? And why does it have four toes? This i could
only explain 2 ways, firstly "aliens" made the statue, which to me seems highly improbable, or some sort of pre history humans built it, which
would surport the whole alantis, lumeria, mu theories.
Also one thing i havent been able to get answerd is then the sky did turn violet and that noise was hurting everyone's ears, was this because of the
"explosion" or was that the effects of the electromagnet and then when desmond turn they key it stopped? I have known lost to go to other
characters, and be alittle bit back in time to represent the 2 things happening at the same time.
One more thing how everyone saying that the "others" are good, i tend to disagree. I think its ethics, to them they see themselves as "good" but
others would view them as "bad" i believe they are more the conservative representation of things "the ends justify the means". Also when they
kept to their would giving back walt, and letting them leave, there are two things that are still wrong with it. Firstly how do we know that Henry
Gail gave them the right co-ordinates? They could be left sailing around nothing for a season like desmond. Secondly Walt seemed weird to me,
fristly why was he in the boat like that? He would of been able to hear all of the conversation between his dad and the others and call out, and to
me his smile when he was hugging micheal seemed to me "weird" didnt seem like the smile i would have if my father just saved me after being a
hostage. And when they left on the boat, walt didnt question micheals actions at all, he just let himself be saved by trading other people he knew.
Either walt is just a crap actor, or walt has been brainwashed by the others, or it is a clone of walt.
The whole ecko and locke still alive question that we are surpose to hang for untill next season is pretty gay.....they are both still alive. But
desmond could be a different question....but i believe he is still alive aswell.