posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 10:15 PM
There are only two ways to come to know God:
1. Direct contact with the divine
2. Teaching from elders
As far as our ancestors go, which is where our elders receive their information, there are only two possible ways that they came to know God.
1. Direct contact with the divine
2. A passed down oral tradition which began as contemplation/explanation on life, the universe and everything.
And as far as direct contact with the divine goes.. 'divine' according to what? 'divine' by whose definition.
The teachings of religion and the existence of God are either based on actual events or conclusions reached long ago and enforced by seletive
perception and logic until it becomes dogma.
It's a question of faith - faith in God, faith that our elders/ancestors had the facts straight, and faith that there is a divine to even be
recognized. And faith that we can decide what is real.