posted on May, 1 2005 @ 10:55 AM
IDK, they had the Vatican on the show and all them catholics were bowing down before the Shroud, and a copy of the Last Supper, why they have a copy
IDK, think the people who make over 100billion dollars a year could buy the real thing.
Anyways, on the show it just mentioned Shroud day was on the 4th of May, and then showed the people at the vatican bowing down before it, people
crying at the "mircale" of christ, stuff like that. Quite sad really, that Leonardo has gotten away with such a great hoax, all before the time of
"Sucker born every minute" and Fox News.
After Leo the next great genius would have to be either Ben Franklin or maybe Galileo, he did so much to get us out from the churches control by
pushing forth the truth, until they threatened to kill him....
Edit: Also, Leonardo had a telescope before Galileo, for Leonardo thought he should know everything possible, geology, astronomy, biology(in a time
disecing humans was banned by the church he was somehow able to get human corpses to disect.....) and any other ology you can think of.
[edit on 1-5-2005 by James the Lesser]