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Fleets of ufos over Mexico

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Musclor
Keep it easy my friends.
TheDebunker, i'm not the kind of person who believes everything anytime. As example, for mexican flir observation last year (here), i was one of the first to say this was oil rings.
BUT, i really believe that these ufo fleets deserve to be analysed. Don't forget that aeronautical experts have concluded they were not balloons. I think this is a point we can take in consideration.
I may be wrong, but if this is not balloons, and i think so, then this is something BIG happening.

The Mexican flir observation last year cant be fully written off as oil rigs lol.......
The objects where detected by the RADAR and the FLIR... How does a oil rig move on radar? But I do believe flir did see the oil rigs...

I remember the 91mexico vids, those where interesting, that is until now I'm 99% sure those are balloons. LOL I like to know the names of the aeronautical experts on this. Anyone can claim to be an aeronautical expert....

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by CloudlessKnight

Originally posted by cybertroy
I wish the video was clearer. Could be balloons? What altitude do you suppose the yellow "balloons" are? He zooms in a lot. How controllable would a cluster of balloons be from far away? This "cluster" sort of maintains a sort of snakey appearance, so I have questions.


Ok, no offense, but I'm getting the feeling that a couple of people don't exactly understand what a cluster of balloons is. The reason they're maintaining that sort of snakey appearance is because they're tied together.

Originally posted by Cabanman
When you see a still image this might look like balloons but when you see what they do while in flight it becomes mind boggling. They have energy, they fly off at hundreds of mile per hour.

They're not exactly traveling at hundreds of miles per hour. And even if they were, wind does that, so it's perfectly feasible that the wind would be blowing balloons at such high speeds with such sporadic flight patterns.

Originally posted by Musclor
Points against balloons explanation:
- No balloons release at the day/time the fleets were filmed.
- Color (balloons released in Mexico are yellow, not white).
- They keep the same exact distance from the other and all the formation is moving in perfect synch as a whole body. Impossible for balloons.
- Analysed by aeronautical engineers and balloon manufacturers experts who say it cannot be balloons.

- Can it be proved that no balloons were released at the time?
- They only have yellow balloons in Mexico?
- It's not impossible for them to move as a whole body because the body of air pushing them is massive. All the wind has to do is move one way, and all the balloons follow.
- Balloon experts?

Come on, you guys... Let's not be so gullable. These are balloons.

Maybe the yellow cluster are balloons, so does this mean that they all are?
Does this mean that the spheric metallic ufos of the 1930's and 40's are balloons too. Hum, I'm wondering why they called these UFOs, Foo-fighters and not just Party Balloons. Oh... I know why because CloudlessNight was not borne yet. Yes... this must be the reason. Only he could have enlightened us on this subject, and probably doing so without ever wathing the video. He probably concluded this just by looking at the pics on this post. What a real scientist. Now I think I'll call Anthony Woods in Britain, and tell him that those are not UfO he filmed but a bunch of party balloons that floated to Britain from Mexico. like this he can rest in peace.

Watch the Video and learn. Maybe some could be balloons, but if you see the whole thing you will learn how to distinghush a Spherical ufo from a party balloon.

Now let me show you something Interesting, watch these MPGs and tell me if you also think that these are Balloons:

Foo-fighters or balloons in 1940's in japan:

[edit on 3-5-2005 by Cabanman]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 04:56 PM
They found a new way to send illegals over?

Just thought i'd use my superb intelligence and scientific knowledge

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:33 PM
This is my last post here about the FLIR video because it was discussed in other threads. The radar DID NOT have the objects on FLIR. The radar had a contact in front of the plane, to it's right, and behind it. The FLIR had the objects on the left side of the plane.

As far as these videos, they are balloons. End of story. Stop trying so hard to believe and you'll see that. I'm a believer myself, but these things are obviously balloons.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:39 PM
Havent' you people ever seen balloon arches? They use them for weddings, parties, etc.....
the yellow cluster is definitely balloons imo.

the rest? i don't know and I'm too lazy at the moment to go watch the video

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by PeanutButterJellyTime
This is my last post here about the FLIR video because it was discussed in other threads. The radar DID NOT have the objects on FLIR. The radar had a contact in front of the plane, to it's right, and behind it. The FLIR had the objects on the left side of the plane.

As far as these videos, they are balloons. End of story. Stop trying so hard to believe and you'll see that. I'm a believer myself, but these things are obviously balloons.

Watch the MPGs on the links you Close-minded monkey. And so what if the yellow cluster are balloons, I'm talking about the fleets of Metalic UFOs. WATCH THE VIDEO....... DON'T BE THICK-HEADED!!! And No, there is no end of story cause you said so, what... do you work for the U.S. Government or somthing? This post is open to debate and you or no one can say jack about that.

Here, learn somthing about Spheric UFOs,

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:08 PM
that dose look like a bundle of balloons

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Cabanman
Watch the MPGs on the links you Close-minded monkey.

If you read my earlier posts you would see that I did watch the videos. What I saw were balloons.

And so what if the yellow cluster are balloons, I'm talking about the fleets of Metalic UFOs. WATCH THE VIDEO....... DON'T BE THICK-HEADED!!!

Do you agree that the yellow ones are a bunch of balloons? If you do you are admitting the aeronautical engineers and expert balloon manufacturers were wrong when they analyzed that video. Could they be wrong about the others as well? Curoius, isn't it?

And No, there is no end of story cause you said so, what... do you work for the U.S. Government or somthing? This post is open to debate and you or no one can say jack about that.

Why yes, I do work for the government. I'm a defense contractor.
You're absolutely right this thread is open to debate. How about a little more debate and a little less name calling, mmkay?

Here, learn somthing about Spheric UFOs,

You can't post a link to Rense and expect it to be taken seriously. Rense will put anything anybody emails him on his website. As long as it supports his stories, that is.

Can you tell me why you think those objects are metallic?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by PeanutButterJellyTime

Originally posted by Cabanman
Watch the MPGs on the links you Close-minded monkey.

If you read my earlier posts you would see that I did watch the videos. What I saw were balloons.

And so what if the yellow cluster are balloons, I'm talking about the fleets of Metalic UFOs. WATCH THE VIDEO....... DON'T BE THICK-HEADED!!!

Do you agree that the yellow ones are a bunch of balloons? If you do you are admitting the aeronautical engineers and expert balloon manufacturers were wrong when they analyzed that video. Could they be wrong about the others as well? Curoius, isn't it?

And No, there is no end of story cause you said so, what... do you work for the U.S. Government or somthing? This post is open to debate and you or no one can say jack about that.

Why yes, I do work for the government. I'm a defense contractor.
You're absolutely right this thread is open to debate. How about a little more debate and a little less name calling, mmkay?

Here, learn somthing about Spheric UFOs,

You can't post a link to Rense and expect it to be taken seriously. Rense will put anything anybody emails him on his website. As long as it supports his stories, that is.

Can you tell me why you think those objects are metallic?

Because in the video they also took photos with a high powered lens and you can see the spheres up close. They are round, sleek, and metallic. so you see, you would have known this if you would have watched the whole video. I have this DVD at home. Oh... and by the way just because it's posted on rense it does not mean it is an instant fake. This is why you should do some research before you write about something. Anthony woods is well respected throuought the ufo world, but you'd probably not know that. He has some of the best ufo fotage ever taken from Britain.
I also have videos on him, and no I did not buy them at rense.

And if you think that Anthony Woods is somehow fabricated by rense... then I suggest you check him out on the BBc website,

[edit on 3-5-2005 by Cabanman]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:29 AM
Horrible video quality. The cameraman just can't keep focus without zooming in and out and moving repeatedly!
What a moron.

And no, this AIN'T a UFO fleet... just a bunch of baloons moving alltogether with the wind.

Please people, when you have the chance to film a UFO, can you just keep the camera focused on it instead of moving as if you had Parkinson's???

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Cabanman
Because in the video they also took photos with a high powered lens and you can see the spheres up close. They are round, sleek, and metallic. so you see, you would have known this if you would have watched the whole video.

I watched all of the posted videos all the way through, and they appear to be nothing more than balloons.

There's is no evidence to back up the claim that they are metallic. The only clue that you're getting to claim that these are metallic is that they are shiney. "Coincidentally", it just so happens that balloons are also shiney. Imagine that...

They are balloons. Round, sleek, and shiney balloons.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:12 AM

Originally posted by Cabanman
They are round, sleek, and metallic. so you see, you would have known this if you would have watched the whole video.

Anthony woods is well respected throuought the ufo world

Had to throw in my 2 œÑ†§ again....

I watched the whole video and saw nothing that is metallic. I did however see a bunch of round, sleek balloons that where glowing probably because of the sun was low, that would give off a nice reflection...

Another thing on the flir radar subject, oil rigs dont fly at an elevation of 3500 meters or 2 miles above on radar lol.....

Oh yeH... some consider Rense well respected as well...

[edit on 4-5-2005 by XPhiles]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 08:38 PM

Because in the video they also took photos with a high powered lens and you can see the spheres up close. They are round, sleek, and metallic.

They appear to be shiny because they are overexposed by the sunlight and all the color got washed out of them. Once again, I did download and watch every video, read my other posts about the waste of bandwidth downloading them. That's what happens when you don't know a lot about photography and try to take shots like this. Or maybe they did know a lot about photography and wanted to make the pics and vid bad on purpose, to make them look more mysterious. Who knows?

Oh... and by the way just because it's posted on rense it does not mean it is an instant fake.

No, you're right. He puts one or two news stories a day that are from a respectible news site.

This is why you should do some research before you write about something.

Oh, the irony...

Anthony woods is well respected throuought the ufo world, but you'd probably not know that. He has some of the best ufo fotage ever taken from Britain

He has videos of balloons as well! Listen to his description:

"They were locked together in strange formations, some moving as others hovered, some were touching each other. There were at least 100 objects, probably more. I have never seen so many together before."

If that doesn't describe the motion of a large group of ballons floating in the sky, I don't know what does!

If he's so well respected, why has he distanced himself from the UFO community and blocked the sale of his videos and the ditribution of his pictures?

That Rense link has a drawing by him that clearly shows a group of balloons that he saw in his binoculars.

The UFO phenomenom isn't taken seriously because of 'sightings' like these groups of balloons that are passed off as the real thing. The UFO community needs to get rid of all this 'crap' and focus on the unexplainable events. People want to believe in UFO's so bad they let it cloud their vision and are lead like sheep from hoax to hoax, never stopping to question any of them. That is why no respected scientist will touch any of these cases.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:44 PM
Cluster: A group of the same or similar elements gathered or occurring closely together; a bunch (

Yup, I know what a cluster is. Anyway, the picture I had in my mind was a picture of a loss of controll of the balloons if they were let float away. I can go with the idea that it may be balloons, but the video is so grainy that I can't say with 100% certainty that these are balloons. Sometimes the easiest explanation may not be the correct explanation, but yes it does smell of balloons after some thought about it and viewing.

Now making a blanket statement and saying all the videos are balloons, easy explanation, but not necessarily true. The easy explanation does not have to be true. This is a potentially faulty way of coming to a conclusion with evidence. And with these grainy videos, it's not completely clear what you are viewing.

This is why I want a high powered optical zoom on my camera if I find evidence of UFOs. Of course in this case it could be the compression of the video making it harder to figure out what is being viewed.



posted on May, 5 2005 @ 07:39 PM
It's going to be what you want it to be.

It's axiomatic also.

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 10:15 PM
This is in reply to all the people who think that these are balloons. Much talk, and no sources to back up their claims. It sounds good to make claims and make others believe otherwise about these amazing videos. Such claims, as the photography is faulty, or that they are balloons cause i said so, are just not enough to convince me otherwise. Yes maybe some of these videos are balloons, some do look quite convincing, like the yellow cluster. But then again I can't say that they all are. A good reason for this is because in this video these UFOs do some incredible feats. I say this because i have the actual DVD and I take my time to rewind, pause and compare with other videos of the same flying phenomena. Most people who watch the videos are watching it in poor quality, the image is really poor, and it takes(depending on the computer) lots of time to download. This can be frustrating and lead to the conclusion that it's not worth it. Then these people just simply read about the posts of other's who probably just have seen a shorter clip of the original short clip on the website or the pics that are posted, and make an erroneous conclusion

There is a Phenomenon going on right now in Mexico that defies explanation. I don't say this to make anyone panic, or make them laugh in disbelief. I have studied this video and come to believe that this UFO wave is probably a real wave and not just a mere mass balloon sighting. These type of UFO are spherical UFO, at night they are the lights that are seen throughout the world. This kind of UFO emits it's own luminosity. They are the spherical lights that appear in so many UFO pics. They too come in waves and are seen by people everywhere. These type of UFO also are seen in space. Many NASA pics of such phenomena are throughout the net. I will post some here, in just a minute. Also, these mass waves of UFOs are seen in Britain, Japan, and Puerto Rico, with great frequency. They are not exclusively appearing in such places again, and again. They have appeared in Long Beach California, Texas, and Arizona in the 1990's.

There is a famous case of such a sighting in 1952 when Mr. Delbert Newhouse, a Navy photographer, filmed footage that is very similar to that in the Mexico videos. This man was one of the first to take such images of this phenomena. His video footage was so impressive that it made it to Project Blue Book. This was done in order to be discredited with some of they’re lamest excuses, a “Flock of Birds”. (Lucky that the internet or the ATS WEBSITE was not available at the time cause they would have read some of the posts and come up with another conclusion, they would have simply called them BALLOONS.)
Note: Just because it was the 1950’s does not mean they are stupid people, why did they not call this fleet simply Party Balloons and decided to call them birds? They too had balloons at that time, and wouldn’t you think that it was just much easier to dismiss as such. Well, I’ll tell you why they didn’t, just for the fact that they don’t fly like party balloons. This is true with the ones in Mexico too.

UFOs will take on many disguises in order not to be detected, they have been known to fly in formations like birds do, they also like to cluster so that common man thinks that they are just balloons. They maintain a calculated height that unable the average camcorder or camera to focus properly on them, and this is why a majority of home films and pics are simply to blurry to show as proof of actual UFO evidence. THEY ARE SMART!!! Or at least the people who control them. These Spheres appear in the video UFO Field Guide, and are referred to as “Scanners”, according to the video, they have no tripulants. They are remote controlled. They are sent to take aerial photos and to collect data. Sometimes even to send emphatic messages, this is why only a few people get to see them and others not. It’s as if they taunt some humans on purpose. But as technology gets better and we get better quality cameras, it will be a matter of time when someone gets a really good video using some super zoom camera or with a telescope type lens. This will also get us a better view of the “Classic Disk” or “Triangular” UFO. But in the meantime we must rely on mostly third world people with old analog camcorders and cameras which are scarce in Mexico. But never the less, Robles Hill, got some good shots with a high powered lens and one can see that they are not balloons but round metal balls. We need more people like him who will stand to the occasion to identify the unidentifiable, even if it means to be ridiculed by bloggs with super human geniuses who with one quick look, can focus with their super, God-given long range vision, and immediately detect a fake.

Now some good sources and pics:

Delbert C. Newhouse Tremonton Utah in July, 1952.

If you want to see the video just follow the instructions,

Metalic sphere in space “Scanner”
I don’t think Balloons could pass the atmosphere without popping.

A closer look at NASA’s “Scanner”,

Another good pic,

More NASA pics,

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:33 AM
does any one have any theorys why the are more ufos being seen over mexico, maybe a underground ufo/ alien base ??

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by sexygeek
does any one have any theorys why the are more ufos being seen over mexico, maybe a underground ufo/ alien base ??

There must be mucho of underground fiesta's in Mexico.. I went there a few years ago and saw a alien pinata in one those street corner stands.. Now that I think about it, they had balloons as well

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 05:12 PM
There's a lot of UFO footage coming out of Mexico, but most if not all of them that I've seen have been explained. Balloons, oil rigs, CGA, flares, etc.

posted on May, 7 2005 @ 01:24 PM

A good reason for this is because in this video these UFOs do some incredible feats.

I think actually it's the cameraman who does these incredible feats... with his camera!

The quality of this video is so bad that you jsust can't pretend these are UFOs or not, in fact. But since the objects are flying at a somewhat low speed and seem to be all keeping the same distance from each other, this looks more like a large number of balloons.

Mind yourself, I AM a UFO believer, and I saw UFOs with my own eyes in the past... But this crappy video footage testifies more of the cameraman's Parkingson disease than any UFO evidence.

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