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Follow up on missing cousin

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posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 11:16 AM
I came back on line for the first time today. Haven't had access to a computer until now. My thread was closed and that's fine but some people were genuinely interested in my situation.

First of all, in regards to this:

quote: Originally posted by Zabilgy
The aliens I know usually like to eat human livers with a side of fava beans. Preferably with a nice Chianti!!

from another thread, seems like we have a comedian in our mids.

I do sometimes joke as do most people on here. Life isn't all serious. Someone else quoted one of my threads where I mentioned that I was a Pleiadian in a past life. This I believe to be true and have no idea if it relates to my cousin being abducted that night. There was also a lot of meteorite activity during that weekend and I have no idea if that relates either.

I didn't immediately report the incident because I was afraid I wouldn't be taken seriously or that I would be looked at as being involved in some sort of foul play. So, I decided to give it 24 hours. I slept little that night and went to Cliff's house in the late morning to see if he may have ended up back home. I found him in bed. I woke him up and when he got himself fairly awake, he had no memory of how he ended up back at his house. I explained the details of his disappearance the night before and he thought I was pulling his leg. He thought he ended up getting home in a black out or something. He didn't.

He again, had no memory of anything after playing cards with us the night before. The only odd thing was he had a fairly bad burn on his right temple which he had no explanation for. It looked sort of like a cigar burn and had also burned away some of his hair. He refused to go to the hospital and have it looked at. He also refused to believe anything I told him about the night before.

And, as I was the only witness, the rest of people at the card game didn't believe my story either. As I mentioned in my first thread, I am sober and was under the influence of nothing at the time and I know what I saw. Do I have an explanation? What I saw was an alien abduction.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 11:47 AM
This is the first I have read on this. Would it be too much trouble to get you to tell you story agian? I would love to read about it. If not that is cool I know it must be alot to type.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 11:53 AM
SICKNESS....check out this thread...which was closed by the mods:


posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 11:56 AM
Ok, you got it Zabilgy...

[edit on 28/4/2005 by Seth76]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Errr... your times don't add up. You wrote about your cousin disappearing in the afternoon after it happened, now you say you found him in the morning. It seems you're talking about the next day (then and now) because you keep referring to the cardgame "the night before". Nice try though.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:02 PM
interesting story, can you fill in some blanks ?

where did cliff go after playing cards ?

were you playing cards at his place ? if no, did he drive home alone or with someone ?

was cliff dressed in his regular clothes in bed when you found him or in his "PJ's", meaning was he dumped in his bed or did he go through his usual bedtime routine ?

was cliff drinking ? if so, more than his usual ?

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:08 PM
first post;
My cousin was abducted last night

Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to have a cigarette and all of a sudden we all noticed an intense blue light outside. When we looked out, we saw Cliff floating up into the sky and he quickly disappeared along with the light. We haven't seen or heard from him since.

We're very concerned. Will he come back or is he going to be taken for good? I've heard of abductions but never expected something like this to happen. Will he be....probed?? What can we expect?

todays post;
And, as I was the only witness, the rest of people at the card game didn't believe my story either

BUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:10 PM
Please take a picture of your (not missing anymore) cousins temple so we can all give our opinion of the burn.
There is no need to show his face in the picture just a good shot of the temple and missing hair.

Looking forward to your reply and picture.


posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Would this be your friend Cliff being returned by one of his abductors by any chance?

[edit on 03/12/04 by Bikereddie]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 12:47 PM
Not sure if you read the entire thread of your first post. I had a link there that would explain the blue light you and your friends saw. Meteor showers in your area were having people all over calling 911 and reporting strange lights.

I think Cliff must have been walking away, not floating, and walked home. He said he thinks that he blacked out. Did he drive to your place or walk? Where was his car the following morning?

His burn is obviously from the cig he was smoking. You said that's why he went outside in the first place. If the guy didn't even remember getting home of course he isn't going to remember burning himself with his cig.

Mystery solved. Tell Cliff to cool it on the drinking. If he's blacking out it means he's drinking way too much!


posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:06 PM

You wrote about your cousin disappearing in the afternoon

I wrote about my cousin disappearing at 1 am...not in the afternoon.

todays post;
And, as I was the only witness, the rest of people at the card game didn't believe my story either

We all witnessed it that night. The next day, everyone else said they didn't remember seeing anything. So I would say they are no longer witnesses. I don't know whether they are in denial or actually don't remember. They were all drinking beers, but I wouldn't call any of it heavy drinking. Being sober I have a bad habit of counting other people's drinks.

where did cliff go after playing cards ?
were you playing cards at his place ? if no, did he drive home alone or with someone ?
was cliff dressed in his regular clothes in bed when you found him or in his "PJ's", meaning was he dumped in his bed or did he go through his usual bedtime routine ?
was cliff drinking ? if so, more than his usual ?

As already stated, Cliff went outside to smoke a cigarette and was carried up into the sky in a blue light, we were playing cards at my friend Jim's house, he didn't drive home - his car was still at Jim's the next morning when I found him home, he had the same clothes on, he was drinking not heavily.

Also, the burn was too big to be caused by a cigarette....more the size of a large cigar!

Edit to add this note: Cliff lives about 15 miles from Jim's house.

[edit on 28-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:13 PM
so all of the people who saw cliff being taken into a craft couldn't remember it the next day ?

you're starting to sound like al bielek, a guy who wanted to be a part of his fantasies....

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:20 PM

so all of the people who saw cliff being taken into a craft couldn't remember it the next day ?

you're starting to sound like al bielek, a guy who wanted to be a part of his fantasies....

Maybe they had their memories erased or as I said they are in denial or something. Different people handle traumatic events differently. I've even gotten some of the facts mixed up in my head over the last 5 days....

Also, we never saw the actual craft...only the light.

Someone asked me to take a picture of the burn on Cliff's temple and post it. I will do so asap.....

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:25 PM
Some people begin to have flashbacks or dreams about what took place. If your cousin ever does, report them back here.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:31 PM
COME ON!!!! Your cousin's FRIENDS saw a bue light and then saw him FLOATING IN AIR and then saw him DISSAPEAR??? And now they don't remember it?????? Give me a break! Must be some great friends you and your cousin have.

I love these stories...they always have a "cousin" in them who gets involved in these fantastic situations.

This is a LIE people! Sure, I can't prove it's a lie, but then again, neither can you prove it's not, huh?

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Also, we never saw the actual craft...only the light.

Who cares about a craft? You and your "friends" saw this dude FLOATING!!!!!!! And now all they remember is whether they "went all in" on an Ace high

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 01:51 PM
Come on give the guy a little break. People come to these forums to post a variety of ideas, experiences would each of you feel if an experience you believed to be real was ripped apart especially on a site like this? I realize that everyone wants proof,proof, proof. SOOOO...let's wait for the burn picture and then determine how to respond.
He did say in his original post that everyone saw the light but that he was the only one that saw his cousin float into the air.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by DDay
He did say in his original post that everyone saw the light but that he was the only one that saw his cousin float into the air.


first post;
My cousin was abducted last night

Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to have a cigarette and all of a sudden we all noticed an intense blue light outside. When we looked out, we saw Cliff floating up into the sky and he quickly disappeared along with the light. We haven't seen or heard from him since.

As you can see, he says that "we saw" the whole thing. Including the floating and the disapearing. And that "we" haven't heard back from him, as if to say that they too realized he went missing.

Now, he says that his friends don't even remember his dissapearing floating act. Sure, I may be coming off a bit harsh, but it's kind of BS that gives skeptics their ammo

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by mpeake
COME ON!!!! Your cousin's FRIENDS saw a bue light and then saw him FLOATING IN AIR and then saw him DISSAPEAR??? And now they don't remember it?????? Give me a break!

Just a few quotes from the other thread as a reminder.

Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to have a cigarette and all of a sudden we all noticed an intense blue light outside. When we looked out, we saw Cliff floating up into the sky and he quickly disappeared along with the light. We haven't seen or heard from him since.

We're very concerned. Will he come back or is he going to be taken for good? I've heard of abductions but never expected something like this to happen. Will he be....probed?? What can we expect?

They saw the light only, I'm 41 and the others are all in their thirties including my cousin, light blue, 30 feet away maybe, yes it was raining, we had the door to the kitchen open and there was a screen door to the outside, we spent an hour outside looking for him and calling him but I felt it was a waste because I saw him get abducted and everyone else thought I was a bit crazy or making it up, I did not make eye contact with him......

Here is a rash of WE statements, which now they seem to not remember now...but THEN you state that YOU saw him get abducted and the others thought you were a bit crazy.


I would say that when trying to incite a hoax, write the story down on paper so you can stick to the facts. Not saying your lying mind you, just that there are far too many discrapancies for me to believe you are being truthful.

Not to mention intentially hoaxing here is against the T&C's and could lead to further disiplinary action, up to and including banning.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 02:13 PM

I would say that when trying to incite a hoax, write the story down on paper so you can stick to the facts. Not saying your lying mind you, just that there are far too many discrapancies for me to believe you are being truthful.

Think whatever you like. It was an upsetting situation and if I didn't have my facts straight the whole time, well, trauma can do that. Plus they deny seeing anything now anyway so whether they saw it or not at this point no longer matters. I know what I saw!

If I was going to make something up, I think I would have rehearsed it better. I've re-read my posts and see the discrepancies was an upsetting time and that's my only explanation.

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