Originally posted by BigTrain
With todays techology, we can essentially build an aircraft of any size, we could have a wing of a mile wide if we want, because it doesnt matter the
size, it matters the density. We could build a flying wing with 500 landing gears and it would work marvelously, economical, hell no, unless your
transporting 5 million people. The an-225 is an awesome plane, has the heaviest take off weight of all time, over a million pounds and did exactly
what it was designed to do, be a big ass transport. Does it OWN, theres only one of them, so id say no.
Some versions of the A-380 might exceed the empty weight of an An-225.
The Airbus A-380-800F, the cargo version, comes close to the An-225's empty weight but falls short in maximum gross weight and particularly in
maximum payload. The A-380-800F has a maximum payload of 150,000kg limited by a maximum landing load of just 383,000kg. The much sturdier An-225
can take-off and land with a load of 250,000kg!
In terms of simple fuel efficiency, the aerodynamically smaller Airbus is slightly ahead. With a full fuel load of 260,900kg, the Airbus can travel
10,370km, or 25.2kg/km, whereas with a full fuel load of 300,000kg, the Antonov can travel 10,950, or 27.4kg/km.
The An-225 can also land on just about any kind of surface you can imagine, so in my book its without a doubt the best designed cargo aircraft. Its
also a fair bit cheaper than a 747-400.
Thought I'd add a top 10 list of the heaviest aircraft:
Aircraft----------------Max. Gross Weight----Length-----Span
An-225 Cossack---------1,322,750 lb--------275'7"------290'
Airbus A380F-------------1,305,000 lb--------239'3"------261'8"
Caspian Sea Monster---1,080,000 lb--------348'--------131'
Boeing 747ERF-------------910,000 lb--------231'10"----211'5"
An-124 Condor-------------892,872 lb--------226'8.5"---240'5.75"
Lun Ekranoplan------------882,000 lb-------- 240'--------144'
C-5 Galaxy------------------840,000 lb --------247'10"--- 222'9"
Airbus A340-600-----------807,400 lb--------246'11"----208'2"
Boeing 777-300ER---------775,000 lb--------242'4"-----212'7"
Boeing 777------------------660,000 lb--------242'4"-----199'11"
Tu-160 Blackjack-----------606,261 lb--------177'6"-----182'9"
Honorable mention due to sheer size:
HK-1 Spruce Goose--------400,000 lb--------218'6"------320'
[edit on 25-10-2005 by orca71]