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Spontaneous combustion?

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posted on May, 3 2005 @ 05:33 PM
i dont see though how a cigerette fire though could cause that severe of burning unless their was some sort of chemical, but if their was also a chemical that would cause it to burn that much and that rapidly wouldnt it also cause the rest of the room to burn or at least an area of it?

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:48 PM
Who says that SHC is rapid?

a slow smoldering burn, with body fat as the fuel.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:14 PM
fat does not burn like that. SHC burn all of body (in some cases) in others it just blisters. to test this just buy a piece of steak with a very high fat level and see how much indirect heat it takes for it to burst into flames. and the fat and meat burn off the bone and turn to ash.

SCH happens in seconds,the murder cover-up theory will work quickly but not in seconds maybe 5 to 10 minutes,a cigarette will use the bed as a sourse of fuel and burn down the whole house.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:18 PM
Can you provide a bone fide, verified example of SHC that happened "in seconds?"

I saw that show with the pig in a blanket also, and it looked pretty burned up to me.

[edit on 3-5-2005 by HowardRoark]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 09:34 PM
well if it wasnt a fast burn the people would move from their nice comfy chair, also like dragon said a cigerette would burn down the house.

i would say the most likly reson for it at the moment would be a murder coverup but that wouldnt explain the 2 stories i said before if u looked them up (one with survivor of it and mary resser)

[edit on 3-5-2005 by trust_no_one]

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:05 PM
They won't move from thier chair if they are dead already.

A smoldering fire in an enclosed room will not nessessarily burn down the house.

Besides, most of those cases happened years ago, before modern urithane filled couches adn chairs. Horse hair was not as flamible.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 11:41 PM
actually they still happen today and theirs been a few in the last little while. and also why is it that their is still random body parts left and only like a little singe in the area around the incident. it also takes 3000 degrees F to burn the body that drastically and why would it still leave a foot hand w/e left behind?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:00 AM
I have a theory maybe it's the bodies chakra centers aligning as one nation and creating such a high vibration that they burn up when they are transcending to another plane, body and all."The fire from within"Carlos Castaneda states something similar to this.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
They won't move from thier chair if they are dead already.

A smoldering fire in an enclosed room will not nessessarily burn down the house.

Besides, most of those cases happened years ago, before modern urithane filled couches adn chairs. Horse hair was not as flamible.

there is flash over. it can happen even from a smoldering fire and burn whole room and then jump to the next room. the modern urithane is fire redardent not fire proof. a new couch or bed will burn and burn hot .

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by trust_no_one
it also takes 3000 degrees F to burn the body that drastically


What is it about fire, combustion and energy that has so many people completely confused?

3000 Degrees? Where did you come up with that little factoid?

Have you ever overcooked a roast? Does your kitchen oven get up to 3000 degrees?

To begin with as it has been stated in this thread, numerous times. The body itself is the fuel for the fire.

As was demonstrated by the pig in the blanket experiment, there is ample heat from the combustion of the body fat to char the remaining organs.

Oh, and where is the evidence that this phenomena happens in a matter of minutes?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by DRAGON27

Originally posted by HowardRoark
They won't move from thier chair if they are dead already.

A smoldering fire in an enclosed room will not nessessarily burn down the house.

Besides, most of those cases happened years ago, before modern urithane filled couches adn chairs. Horse hair was not as flamible.

there is flash over. it can happen even from a smoldering fire and burn whole room and then jump to the next room. the modern urithane is fire redardent not fire proof. a new couch or bed will burn and burn hot .

Absolutely. Flash over can, and does happen in many cases. Any number of people die in cigarette caused fires every year.

Flash over is not guaranteed to happen, however. If thee is a means for the hot gasses to escape the compartment, then it is perfectly possible that flashover will not occur.

How about supplying some examples of SHC.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 11:29 AM
try this site it says "died of spontaneous combustion in Pennsylvania in 1966. The spot where the body lay is burnt, but the rest of the room, including the toilet, was not even scorched. This shows a quick, hot flame that devoured the body in seconds."

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by DRAGON27
try this site it says "died of spontaneous combustion in Pennsylvania in 1966. The spot where the body lay is burnt, but the rest of the room, including the toilet, was not even scorched. This shows a quick, hot flame that devoured the body in seconds."

The toilet was porcelain, how would it get scorched?

That is an amazing jump to a conclusion.

The room was relatively undamaged, therefore the fire was quick and hot?

That site offers no logic or evidence to back up that statement whatsoever.

From this site we learn the following additional facts that are not included in your above site.

Arnold leads off with the 1966 case of Dr. John Irving Bentley who was consumed by fire in the bathroom of his home in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. About all that was left of him-in recognizable form-was his lower leg that had burned off at the knee; it was lying at the edge of a hole about two and a half by four feet which had burned into the basement.
Spontaneous human combustion? Actually the infirm ninety-year-old physician had a habit of dropping matches and hot ashes from his pipe upon his robes which were spotted with burns from earlier occasions. He also kept wooden matches in both pockets of his day robe-a situation that could transform an ember into a fatal blaze. Apparently waking to find his clothing on fire, Dr. Bentley made his way into the bathroom with the aid of his aluminum walker-probably at an accelerated pace-where he vainly attempted to extinguish the flames. Broken remains of what was apparently a water pitcher were found in the toilet. Once the victim fell on the floor, his burning clothing could have ignited the flammable linoleum; beneath that was hardwood flooring and wooden beams-wood for a funeral pyre. Cool air drawn from the basement in what is known as the "chimney effect" could have kept the fire burning hotly

As for the TV show on SHC,

Investigators wrapped a whole pig body in a blanket, poured a small amount of an accelerant on the blanket, lighted the accelerant, and let the cameras roll for seven hours, at which time overtime for the camera operators kicked in, and the filming was stopped. The demonstration achieved a slow burn at about 800 degrees Fahrenheit (compared to cremation, typically
around 1300 degrees Fahrenheit).

It was found that the very thorough nature of the burning depended on this slow burn, which slowly wicked fat from the body of the pig and made tiny cracks in the bones, releasing more fat from the bone marrow, allowing the bones to burn from the inside as well as the outside. The result was a slow, thorough burning of all of the body except for the extremities, where there was not enough fuel to sustain the fire. The bones were reduced to dust, without the chunks of bone that remain when a body is cremated.

Here are a couple of other reviews of SHC cases.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:52 PM
The notion has also been put forward that spontaneous human combustion is the result of uncontrolled kundalini awakening.

The awakening of Kundalini is usually described by those who have experienced it as a very warm energy starting at the base of the spine and then rising upwards.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 05:06 PM
Most cases of SHC do have an ignition source although in several programes about the subject this has been omitted.
SHC is normally in the Aged and the slow nature of the burn is the reason that hands / feet are left

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 09:37 PM
here are many websites talking about the possibility of a fast/quick burn ~ this one covers most explinations so far and is pritty good

theirs more but im in a rush right now, also the cigerete and drinking theory thing cant be true for all cases because not evry person who has spontaniosly combusted was a drinker/ smoker

posted on May, 5 2005 @ 10:39 AM
TNO, I browsed through the first site you linked to, I didn’t see any info on rapid combustion. Do you have any specific data?

It seems that the cases that are listed there are either too fragmentary to draw any kind of conclusion about, or they have been proven to be non-SHC.

( didn’t look at all of them, but they were pretty consistent in that regard.)

What cases have been listed where the person was not a smoker?

posted on May, 11 2005 @ 11:29 AM
I watched a documentary on UK TV about spontanious combustion once. the conclusion of it was that if you set yourself on fire then the human body will burn like a candle. the bones act as a wick and the fat burns with such a high temperature that it destroys the bones. Usually at the scene all that is found are some severed feet and a big hole. This leads to the urban myth that the person exploded in a fireball.
so don't worry to much about exploding no matter what you eat! ;-)

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 02:15 AM
Best explanation for SHC I have heard comes from a story of a man that said his mother loved the smell of moth balls and would ask him to crumble some up on her pillows before she went to sleep at night. One morning she woke up and lit a cig and a flame shot out of her mouth about 2 feet long. There was a chemical in moth balls that was also the main ingredient in most victorian and and turn of the century era perfume. And since most SHC cases involve smokers, this could very well be the cause. People didn't take baths as often then, they would saturate themselves daily with a perfume and eventually the build up would ignite around a flame. Like you had marinated yourself to be roasted.

Anyway...thats my thoughts, but I am under Tylenol #3 with codiene at the moment because of a root canal tomorrow. Damn these wisdom teeth. P.S. Why are they called wisdom teeth?

posted on May, 12 2005 @ 06:23 PM
SK when u say people didnt bath as much then just so u know they do still happen now

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