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MY Opinion About GOD

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posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 01:29 PM
blah blah so much words
sicodudet stay out of ATS, in few days here you might feel very confused and offended.
Keep your faith and stay away from these -*evil*- people

P.S. God knows everything.

[Edited on 29-7-2003 by Megaquad]

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 01:51 PM
Those of us who don't believe in God are *evil* people....

Less *evil* than so-called servants of God who molest little boys I'd wager, but hey...I'm an infidel, so what do I know...

Personally, I can't think of anyone who knows me, that would refer to me as "evil".... Can't say that much for many priests these who's really the "evil" ones...???

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 02:03 PM
Gazrok -
This "worship" of such an entity, who would abandon his creations to such woes is completely mind-boggling to say the least....

Who do YOU believe created us?

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Ok, so by saying that since there is a God, there has to be a Devil. Is it safe to say God represents Love or Good or whatever...And that the Devil represents Evil or Bad, etc..??

That is confusing for me because:

1. If God is the Creator, why would he allow the Devil to exist?

2. Would that fact that the devil does exist mean that the devil has to exist?

3. If the Devil has to exist, why was it that God didn't create him to begin with, instead of it having to be a fallen angel?

I think it depends on who or what you think God is, I think God is truly objective and just created everything, good and bad, light and darkness. Because it's not about what he had created or didn't, it's about what you do with your "freewill". We all contain good and bad within us. But in fact there is no good or bad, it's just how you interpret it. What's good for me can be bad for you and visa versa. It's more about "what is good or bad for us all" ?

Remember how "good" it feel when you do something right and peoples are proud of you, and then remember how "bad" it feel when you do something wrong and upset peoples, even if it was unintended. What would life be like if you always had the same good feeling ? A limited state of emotions/feelings ? I think pretty boring, and you don't learn much. So never ask any question about God that doesn't make sence for you, because God is all, and you need to understand it.

It's all about your personal life, how you deal with it. It's about you having a choice, and not God taking care of you and protect you from evil or whatever.
Unfortunately humans often think "something" will protect them but depends from case to case.

I respect life, and I believe in life to be the last best experience within existance. For me God means: " the ability to live".

We need to defeat the devil ourself and not God, it's all up to us, each and every person individually. Remember, your mind is more powerful than you may imagine. Now if you only knew how to utilize it right ?

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 02:26 PM
A fair question....

I don't believe an "entity" created us. Matter is in itself, inert. Nobody would argue that we are not made of matter. However, energy also exists in the Universe as well. And we are Matter and Energy. Energy can only be observed with our normal five senses when it interacts with matter. When we see light, do we actually see the light? No, we see it's effect on dust particles, surfaces, etc.

Matter then, unless acted upon by some kind of energy, will remain in whatever state it is. Therefore, our "soul" for lack of a better word, must be energy, as this is what animates and moves the matter which composes us. Just as one atom is different than another (even if the same kind of atom, one's particles are in a different physical space, etc.), our energies (souls) are different as well...yet, we are all part of the collective energy of the Universe.

Begining (i.e. creation) is a manmade concept. It does not exist in nature and the Universe. Nature and the Universe exists in cycles. A star bursts forth, then contracts, then bursts forth again, etc. Therefore, it is my idea that we have simply always been, just that the energy which is currently "us" is simply manifesting itself in a different form, by manipulating the matter around it. Just as when we die, our energy is still there, but since the matter is no longer responding to our direction, we will simply go elsewhere, and perhaps manifest again...

Sorry to go so long and deep, but you asked. I actually found one good link before that perfectly mirrors my it is:

EDIT: Sorry, link appears to be down at the moment...

[Edited on 29-7-2003 by Gazrok]

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by Venus
Gazrok -
This "worship" of such an entity, who would abandon his creations to such woes is completely mind-boggling to say the least....

Who do YOU believe created us?

Denial is a river in Africa to some...

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 02:36 PM
I was raised as a Southern Baptist. I was indoctrinated just like all other good little Christian boys and girls. However, the preachers could never answer my questions, and I soon learned that religion was based on one thing...blind faith. Call it denial if you wish...but who's really the one in denial?

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I was raised as a Southern Baptist. I was indoctrinated just like all other good little Christian boys and girls. However, the preachers could never answer my questions, and I soon learned that religion was based on one thing...blind faith. Call it denial if you wish...but who's really the one in denial?

Did something happen to you to make you not believe in God?

I went thru a "phase" when I was a teenager of being Atheist. I was depressed and felt the whole world was against me and how could "my God" have created a world where bad things happen to good people so I decided to stop believing. It lasted a couple of years and then one day my "boyfriend" came to me and said he had some sort of religious experience the night before. He was down in the dumps and got wasted off his ass and somehow made it to his parents house where he dropped to his knees and begged his parents to forgive him for all his "wrong doing" and to teach him the ways of the Lord. Both his parents have degrees in Theology but never pushed it on him. Anyway...being the wonderful girlfriend I was I needed to support him in his "venture into Christianity" and I started to read the Bible. I slammed it shut after the first few pages because it scared me so bad and decided to create my own God. To this day, I still believe in that God.

I'm wondering if anyone else has "customized" their own "higher power"??????

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 03:54 PM
Hey, I didn't say you are evil I was kidding and speaking generally, much of the world is indeed evil.

We abandoned God with our sins, he used to walk among us.
Also, God created his kingdom, and every suffering for God shall be rewarded multiple times.

As for molesting boys.. you read over-exaggerating mainstream media too much. Just because of like 0.0x% of bad apple's it doesn't mean church is evil. Also, much of these accusations are probably false, it is part of conspiracy to destroy catholic church. You really think there isn't someone who is funding all of its bad publicity?

[Edited on 29-7-2003 by Megaquad]

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 03:57 PM

Did something happen to you to make you not believe in God?

Indeed. I simply got tired of the same answers that the priests would give me..

1. The Lord works in mysterious ways.
2. You must have faith. You don't need to understand.

Instead, I grew tired of being spoonfed my idea of how the Universe set off on my own to find it. In really reading the Bible though...(as opposed to having it piecemealed by the preachers), I soon saw it as a tool of control, and not enlightenment....

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 04:01 PM

As for molesting boys.. you read over-exaggerating mainstream media too much. Just because of like 0.0x% of bad apple's it doesn't mean church is evil. Also, much of these accusations are probably false, it is part of conspiracy to destroy catholic church.

I doubt it. Look, you take young men who have likely never matured sexually, and then deny them to ever grow that way (which is contrary to what nature intended), and of course they are going to be confused over their natural "urges", and as we've seen in these kinds of individuals...this often leads to them being sexually abusive. It is not some grand conspiracy.... You couldn't pay me enough to "admit" that I was sexually molested by a dude...hehe...
So, I doubt they're accusing them on a lark, or for money...

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 04:08 PM
Well God's ways are indeed misterious and you don't have to know everything but I think that was just excuse for this priest for his lack of knowledge. I met some extremely good priests, mistics with lot of experience and great knowledge, and also some who don't know much, my knowledge was much bigger than theirs.
It seems that you just got wrong impression because of them.
I know what was the key for me in accepting faith - understanding mistery of suffering and why it happens.

So why don't you say one of those questions that you couldn't get answers to, it would be interesting.

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 04:46 PM
"Just because of like 0.0x% of bad apple's it doesn't mean church is evil. Also, much of these accusations are probably false, it is part of conspiracy to destroy catholic church. You really think there isn't someone who is funding all of its bad publicity? "


Do you honestly believe these "children" are making this stuff up? That someone is paying for people to come forward and lie about being molested? YOU ARE HIGH my friend!

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 05:17 PM
As I said, just because of *few* bad apples it doesn't mean they are all wrong.

Imagine if aliens said after seeing some crime, uhmm.. these humans are terrible, they torture, kill and destroy everything now lets kill them all!
You get my point? There are good priests, priests that help people, and it is sure that all of them hate this evil.

posted on Jul, 29 2003 @ 09:01 PM

So why don't you say one of those questions that you couldn't get answers to, it would be interesting.


1. How is it that God calls vanity a sin, when he himself is so guilty of it? (i.e. demanding that we put no other before him, damning those who do not believe, etc.)

2. How can a being be "perfect" and create a flawed race?

3. If God is all knowing, then he knew that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree...why then, did he even bother? (and don't give me that free will crap, cause it isn't in the Bible...that is a relatively new concept).

4. If man a kills his family with a machete' and goes to prison, but repents, and accepts Jesus, he goes to heaven. If man b is a good man, charitable, loving, etc. and has never done wrong, but simply doesn't believe in God, then he is damned. Does this sound like a just God to you?

This is just off the top of my head...I could go on and on....well, you get the idea...

Naturally, you'll likely respond with some flowery evangelism, or the usual "mysterious ways" "don't question God", etc.
But, that won't change that they are likely answers I do not believe in.

Please don't feel obligated to change me... I am quite happy in my beliefs, as no doubt, you are happy in yours, but I have no problem discussing such matters...

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 07:33 AM
You, my friend, are close in a way.

You say you don't believe in God? Is it perhaps you don't believe what others have tried to force into your heart. Deep into your heart, your soul, you do have a belief in God. Your soul is God.

posted on Jul, 30 2003 @ 12:24 PM
I don't believe that the Bible is God's word. I don't believe that ANY religion on Earth is correct. I think we are making the issue more complex than it is.

I simply believe more in the existence of our "souls" as energy, that is part of the larger existence. You could say that this cosmic gestalt, is "God" if you wish, and I couldn't dispute you on it....but I simply don't believe that God is a separate "being" who has aims, whims, etc. I never claimed to be an atheist....I do not believe that our energy is extinguished at death...for we already theorize that energy is constant, and simply changes form.

posted on Aug, 8 2003 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Megaquad
blah blah so much words
sicodudet stay out of ATS, in few days here you might feel very confused and offended.
Keep your faith and stay away from these -*evil*- people

P.S. God knows everything.

[Edited on 29-7-2003 by Megaquad]

So, you want me to stay out of ATS because "evil" people are here??? well, thats kind of stupid that you think who ever doesn't belive in god is evil

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