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If the Vatican were destroyed by terrorists what would be the world reaction?

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posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 01:59 AM
After reading a thread that suggested that the U.S. would vaporize Mecca if Osama Bin Laden launched another terrorist attack upon the U.S., I began thinking about what the U.S. and/or the Worlds reaction would be if Islamic terrorists attacked the Vatican. Would the worlds 1 billion Catholics "turn the other cheek" or would this be the beginning of another crusade to mete out justice/revenge?

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 02:30 AM
There already IS a crusade, why Bush is invading and killing everyone in the ME.

Anyways, I would LOVE IT! Gee, where is your god now? Was he busy with something else and unable to save the so called "holy" men? Hope they wait till this pope dies which should be soon since it seems they picked the one closest to death for some reason. This way when everyone is waiting for smoke, BOOM! Sad day for the world, but hell, something interesting on tv.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
There already IS a crusade, why Bush is invading and killing everyone in the ME.

Anyways, I would LOVE IT! Gee, where is your god now? Was he busy with something else and unable to save the so called "holy" men? Hope they wait till this pope dies which should be soon since it seems they picked the one closest to death for some reason. This way when everyone is waiting for smoke, BOOM! Sad day for the world, but hell, something interesting on tv.

I'll just bet you're a hoot at parties!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:09 PM
If terrorists -- any terrorists (not necessarily the first sort that pop into your mind because, heaven knows, we do have enough nutbars running around) -- destroyed the Vatican, it would probably also destroy Rome. Ironically, this would fulfill the prophecies of St. Malachy, the Irish monk from the tenth century who wrote descriptive codas identifying all of the popes to come from that period of history on. He has been amazingly accurate. Pope Benedict XVI is also clearly identified by Brother Malachy's codas (but you can find this out for yourself either on google or right here on some ATS/BTS [pst). If we are to believe St. Malachy, then Pope Benedict is the next to last Pope. That is to say, the next pope is the last pope! His prophecy also indicates that Rome will be destroyed. So whether it's Rome that is destroyed first or the Vatican, it's a moot point. It would seem that both will be gone. And that's the aim of this thread. What would happen if the Vatican were destroyed by terrorists? Well whoever, whatever terrorist group destroyed Rome and the Vatican, it would release a great outrage from the world. Well, it's safe to say that Italy would be mighty pissed off. And, of course, Europe would be downright upset at this as well. And it goes without saying that the United States would be typically teed off, only more than usual. Initially, it's safe to say, most of the first period after the destruction, much effort would go towards rescue of survivors and the collection and identification of bodies. It's also safe to say that there would be a tremendous and dramatic effort to salvage the invaluable art, manuscripts, books and architechtural remnants of not only the Vatican but those of the Eternal City, Rome, as well. Then, the matter of blame, justice and revenge would come up. In spite of the fact that the Church would seek to forgive the terrorists much like Pope John Paul II forgave his would-be assassin, Catholics the world over would certainly be demanding retribution and revenge from their respective governments. Unfortunately, Moslem extremists would probably be blamed even if there wasn't any corraborative evidence. This is much easier than rousting every nutbar terrorist they can think of. Of course, the US will probably spearhead this effort and, so, the newest crusade would begin. Somehow, this is believable to me, especially after reading a post that stated that Osama Bin Laden was being kept at bay by threatening to vaporize Mecca. This isn't so far fetched. When you add the part about St. Malachy's prophecy it almost makes me want to reach for my shotgun with my right hand and my rosary with the left.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:29 PM
I am a hoot, people love me at parties cause I leave no topic untouched. Who do you know can make a gay jew joke right after a crippled black joke and not get their ass kicked?

Besides, like I said, it would be something interesting on tv. Better then Fox News 24/7 Pope Cam or the "Old man dies of old age, let's interupt EVERYTHING for the next 3 days." No race on fox, nor curling on cbc, NOTHING but old guy dies of old age!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:43 PM
James, I feel really bad for you. C'mon, deny ignorance......

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
There already IS a crusade, why Bush is invading and killing everyone in the ME.

Anyways, I would LOVE IT! Gee, where is your god now? Was he busy with something else and unable to save the so called "holy" men? Hope they wait till this pope dies which should be soon since it seems they picked the one closest to death for some reason. This way when everyone is waiting for smoke, BOOM! Sad day for the world, but hell, something interesting on tv.

James first off way would you enjoy the death of hundreds, maybe even thousands of people at at the hands of a terrorists attack? People have free will and make choices which influence the course of their and other peoples lives. God does not tell people to go blow other people up. You'll probably ask next: Why did'nt he stop them then? Why did'nt he stop you from posting that post? You made the choice, not him, so you have to deal with consequences good or bad. I'll asume you're an atheist, so dont go ridiculing other people because of their faith. If you dont believe in it, thats fine people these days will accept that, so why cant you respect other people's beliefs and try not to be such an Asshole. So finally i will politely ask you to shut you fu*kin face.

"know that ridicule may be a shield, but it is not a weapon"

[edit on 1-5-2005 by PeteTPP]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 12:22 PM
I wonder whether James would have had the same reaction if the US bombed and destroyed Mecca. Would he have been as "gleeful" at the destruction of a "holy site" that means so much to so many millions of people, not to mention the countless thousands who would die from such an attack. Furthermore, to pose a question on a conspiracy site that could possibly occure (the terrorist destruction of the Vatican is not impossible. certainly not after the destruction of the WTC) isn't answered by the response that James gave but it does give pause and make you thankful that James isn't a charasmatic figure that could perhaps marshall followers that would, perhaps, carry out such an attack. Thankfully, James has no followers.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 03:02 AM

sometimes, it seems that nothing ever changes

A year and a half ago, I started this thread. No, I'm not alleging that this post is of a prophetic nature. I am simply saying that after this post, one of my earliest as a member of ATS, is still just as valid as when it was posted back in 'o4.

Just look at the threads that pepper the boards....What would happen if (insert name of country here) nuked (insert name of country here). It's as if someone posted this thread yesterday. What's changed?


As a valid question posed in 'o4, I pose the same question today.....

If the Vatican were destroyed by terrorists, what would the be the world reaction?

[edit on 4/27/2006 by benevolent tyrant]

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 02:05 PM
Here are my thoughts. Shock, of course, disbelief, then anger, then mourning, then the real anger would hit. Never attack someones beliefs, unless you want a fight. Whomever did it would instantly become target number one on everyones hit list. Countries would be tripping over themselves to disavow him/her.

With no where to run, or to hide. He'd soon be caught and in all likelihood killed. There is no valid comparison between WTC and a hypothetical destruction of the Vatican. To a large number of people in the world, the Vatican represents the gateway to heaven. Whether or not this is true doesn't matter a whit. An attack on the Vatican, and Vatican City would not be an attack on a city as much as it would be an attack on an entire belief system. A large segment of the worlds population would consider it an attack on them.

An attack on Mecca would have the same result.

Imagine an attack on Jerusalem, now. Holy city to 3 major religions. OMG. Perhaps even more than the Vatican, the center of Christindom on Earth. Do that, and you've pissed off something like 80% of the worlds population, and the most powerful nations on Earth. You couldn't run far enough, or hide deep enough. The scarey thing is...some nut is trying to figure out how to do it.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 02:22 PM
Than I would feel horrible for the loss of life, but I would be the first one down there to see what secrets have been kept in those vaults. I'm surprised the nobody else would like to see that. We all know the Vatican hold secrets but we also know is that they will never share them....

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 02:44 PM
That is, of course, assuming there's anything left in the vaults to see. But it would indeed be interesting. Who knows how many differing versions of the gospels have been hidden from view for all these centuries, in order to protect the system. We can only wonder.

posted on May, 8 2006 @ 12:29 AM
World reaction? You'd have a lot of pissed off Christians in a lot of countries. Terrorism on that level is totally uncalled for, I don't care what religion you support.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by benevolent tyrant

The book of Revelations tells you what will happen to the Vatican the only people that don't know are Catholics because they don't study the Bible.Jesus tells Christians test every thing by the word of god .I personally know a lot of catholics but not one reads the bible so what does that tell you . They can be easily led by Satan .God will allow the Vatican to be destroyed the Bible tells us this [ Mystery Babylon The Great Whore .

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:53 AM
Did you just get done reading Dale Brown's "Angels & Demons?? You know, where the Vatican almost gets blown to hell?

If you were trying to get a controversial post up did it!

This is one of those topics no one touches. I love it.

If you follow history, you find that the Vatican is directly responsible for untold deaths. All in the name of "protecting" the church.

I do believe in God but not in the power mad halls of the Roman Catholic Church.

And someone tell them to keep their hands off the kids!!!!

[edit on 17-7-2008 by wolf241e]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:32 AM
If the Vatican were destroyed they'd set up a new one.

In fact, there might be more than one. Another Great Schism! Now that would be a hoot.

I don't think there would be a crusade. But there would definitely be a spike in hate crimes against Muslims.

And James the Lesser, I'm shocked at you. How could you possibly be so blasé about the destruction of so many wondrous artworks and antiquities?

(No, I am not referring to the College of Cardinals.)

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