posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:09 PM
If terrorists -- any terrorists (not necessarily the first sort that pop into your mind because, heaven knows, we do have enough nutbars running
around) -- destroyed the Vatican, it would probably also destroy Rome. Ironically, this would fulfill the prophecies of St. Malachy, the Irish monk
from the tenth century who wrote descriptive codas identifying all of the popes to come from that period of history on. He has been amazingly
accurate. Pope Benedict XVI is also clearly identified by Brother Malachy's codas (but you can find this out for yourself either on google or right
here on some ATS/BTS [pst). If we are to believe St. Malachy, then Pope Benedict is the next to last Pope. That is to say, the next pope is the last
pope! His prophecy also indicates that Rome will be destroyed. So whether it's Rome that is destroyed first or the Vatican, it's a moot point. It
would seem that both will be gone. And that's the aim of this thread. What would happen if the Vatican were destroyed by terrorists? Well whoever,
whatever terrorist group destroyed Rome and the Vatican, it would release a great outrage from the world. Well, it's safe to say that Italy would be
mighty pissed off. And, of course, Europe would be downright upset at this as well. And it goes without saying that the United States would be
typically teed off, only more than usual. Initially, it's safe to say, most of the first period after the destruction, much effort would go towards
rescue of survivors and the collection and identification of bodies. It's also safe to say that there would be a tremendous and dramatic effort to
salvage the invaluable art, manuscripts, books and architechtural remnants of not only the Vatican but those of the Eternal City, Rome, as well.
Then, the matter of blame, justice and revenge would come up. In spite of the fact that the Church would seek to forgive the terrorists much like
Pope John Paul II forgave his would-be assassin, Catholics the world over would certainly be demanding retribution and revenge from their respective
governments. Unfortunately, Moslem extremists would probably be blamed even if there wasn't any corraborative evidence. This is much easier than
rousting every nutbar terrorist they can think of. Of course, the US will probably spearhead this effort and, so, the newest crusade would begin.
Somehow, this is believable to me, especially after reading a post that stated that Osama Bin Laden was being kept at bay by threatening to vaporize
Mecca. This isn't so far fetched. When you add the part about St. Malachy's prophecy it almost makes me want to reach for my shotgun with my right
hand and my rosary with the left.