posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 03:36 PM
If you know anything about prions, it is understood that they are the smaller than viroids, which are smaller than viruses (which are pritty damn
small) and they are bacteria. We have prions in our body, I will call them good citizen prions. When a potentially deadly prion, bad citizen prion,
come into your body, they come up next to the good citizen prions. Now this is when the bad citizen prions change the good citizen prions in the body,
thus making there no more good citizen prions to do their natural job. Without these natural citizen prions, our body lacks a possible needed
***Now what I was wondering is...? Is there any way we can harvest or take out then multiply these good citizen prions, so if infected by the bad
citizen prions, the good citizen prions will turn the bad citizen prions back into the good citizen prions... or is that not possible. With diseases
like mad cow disease (human form, i forget there name, there are at least 2 of them) if we could fix the bad citizen prions, it would effectiely cure
the disease. haha im not sure really?!?!