Originally posted by GrayWolf
Hello Mrsdudara
Prepare yourself for want ???
What do you believe is going to happen !!!
Something bad ?? something good ?? have you had experiences like this before,
Dreams can seem to be very real. But they are just dreams
I hope these well get better for you soon Mrsdudara
You have no idea how much I wish I could brush my dreams off as "just dreams". The fact is though that since I was a small child, most of my dreams
come true. I have even spoken to a priest about them who sent me to some nun who is in the study of dreams. She said she couldnt help me because
they had tried for several decades to be able to have dreams that come true, and I took it to a level beyond them. So she sent me off with a big good
luck. Anyway, in my family it is kind of pased on like blond hair and blue eyes are. In one of my previous dreams, I saw myself and my 2 cousins up
at the farm living. We were sitting outside listening to a battery opperated radio....an AM channel. There was no electricity. We were listening
while we watched our kids play. We heard that the troops landed in North Korea, which shocked us all because they were on their way to Iran or Iraq.
All the men were gone so I assume that they were either off hunting, or had been called up to service. In some of my other dreams I saw what
everything looked like right before God came like a theif in the night. THere are a series of things that will happen before that time.
With all my dreams I look for validation. There is usualy something that will verify that my dream was real. In this case with the war and living
with no electricity, 2 of my kids and one of my cousins kids, all had a dream with in a month or two of each other of living on the farm and in their
words....they dont know why, but nothing was working so momma was outside cooking for everyone on the fire, and all of our cousins were here. My
basic rule of thumb is I do not speak about my dreams until I have validation. That way it is not tainted in anyway, so these kids had no idea that I
or the other two had the same dream.
This is what I think has begun. The fear I had that night was a lot like the fear of waking up to your water breaking. My guess is something
happened that probably didnt make the news that is going to set off these turn of events. Oh yes and also, I found out about 2 days after I posted
this that apperently Iran is testing for an EMP bomb. THis is a kind of neucular bomb that they will remotly detonate while it is in the air over the
US. This bomb is not ment to kill anyone, it is ment to kill anything electronic. Kind of like a lightning bolt.
You asked if it ment something good or bad. Well it depends on how you look at it. If you are prepared, it will be a good thing.
With all honesty, according to my dreams and info I have gathered from others dreams.......and yes I know that most of you will laugh, or ignore this,
but if I reach so much as one person with this warning.......
Make sure you are prepared. Stock up like you are going camping. Chances are that if you look around you will be surprised at how much over the
course of a year you have prepared your self with out knowing it. Fill your brain with info on how to live with out a walmart and grocery store.
Judging from my dreams and others, they all happen in the same time period. Early summer. Im thinking May, June, July.
[edit on 2-5-2005 by mrsdudara]