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Alien Description please....

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posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 10:52 AM
What kind of aliens have blonde hair, humaniod bodies and opaque blue eyes(no whites).I think the antichrist is this sort of alien. Is freemasonry linked to aliens? Could the aliens use sorcery with advanced technology for thier over-worldly machines? Can Aliens shapeshift into humans? What bases are Alien spacecraft are hidden other than Area 51?

Just some questions I have been trying to find the answer to.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 11:01 AM
You are correct, Satan is of this race, he is a nordic, and he is not the Enemy.

Flame me if you like, but this is what I believe.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 01:07 PM

What kind of aliens have blonde hair, humaniod bodies and opaque blue eyes(no whites).I think the antichrist is this sort of alien.

Commonly referred to as "Nordics", but the no whites description is rare in such accounts. Other than the greys and greens, they are about the only other race with some documentation mention.

Is freemasonry linked to aliens?

Not that I am aware of, nor that any Freemason here (quite a few members) has mentioned.

Could the aliens use sorcery with advanced technology for thier over-worldly machines?

Well, technology that would warp space/time would be tantamount to sorcery to us, no?

Can Aliens shapeshift into humans?

We don't know, but yes, there are accounts of this, but largely of the "reptoid" variety, allegedly.

What bases are Alien spacecraft are hidden other than Area 51?

We don't know. However, allegedly some of the other bases that have housed harware include Fort Worth, Wright Patterson AFB, Kirtland AFB, and of course S-4 in the Area 51 locale (but by Papoose, not Groom lake). Biologics are allegedly at both Wright Patterson AFB and Walter Reed Hospital. Though of course, all of this is largely based on old data and references and this could have easily changed, and may or may not be correct.

Oh, and of course, if you wish to believe the wild stories of Dulce, then another locale for both....though I'd recommend putting on some hip-hugger boots when looking into this one....

[edit on 26-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 04:03 PM
Here is my view of what they are..

What kind of aliens have blonde hair, humaniod bodies and opaque blue eyes(no whites).I think the antichrist is this sort of alien.

These are what we would call the Nordics as Gozorak just said. No, the "antichrist" is not this being as there is no such thing as an "antichrist." These Nordics came from what the ancients called Nibiru. Some came here and befriended humanity, others never landed on Earth and had no connection with humanity and wanted the project(human creation) to be destroyed by the oncomming flood. I have seen these beings before and talked to them. They were popular Sumerian and Egyptian Gods.

Could the aliens use sorcery with advanced technology for thier over-worldly machines?

Yes, aliens are much more psychically and spiritually advanced than us in the mind. They are masters at Sorcery and the Occult. They understand the laws of the Universe and death. Some of these beings are half a million years old. One can imagine how much experience they have. They do not age like us.

Warfare out in the cosmos is not fought with guns and bombs like us, but it is fought at the Soul level. There is struggles for existance everywhere in the Universe. Those that are deluted into thinking these Greys and Reptilians are benevolent don't have much experience or research under their belt. One thing I learned from my own experience is that never trust anything a being tells you no matter how believable it sounds unless you have proof of what they are saying is true.

Can Aliens shapeshift into humans?

Yes, some aliens can take on any form they wish on the astral aka 4th dimension (think Fatima). For those who have no clue what a 4th dimension is, it is where the soul goes when the body is no longer able to function as a home for it. The soul is composed of sub-atomic particles called Neutrinos. The missing 9/10ths of the universe is thought to be comprised of neutrinos and neutrino like particles. Although they have mass, they pass right through physical matter. The Soul itself is 4th dimensional. I believe in a 4th dimensional Universe. If you go into deep space, you will enter the 4th dimension. The 4th dimension is "built into" the 3rd dimension. So these beings are 3rd and 4th dimensional. It's kinda complex, but I asked one of them as I was confused. They told me that even though they are physically somewhere else, their Consciousness is right there next to me.

This is also the place where many people have Out of Body experiences, as EarthSister has mentioned before where she meets some of these beings.

[edit on 26-4-2005 by Centrixinal]

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 06:44 AM
thanks even though your wrong about there being no antichrist you gave me ALOT of valuable information. So how do you talk to these criminals? So the highest secret societies answer to the ETs.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 07:26 AM
Remember, our answers are opinions, sometimes based on evidence, sometimes not. Be sure to temper your acceptance of them with wisdom...

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