posted on May, 8 2005 @ 05:55 PM
Firstly i'd like to point out that a space shuttle does not look like a round sphere which clearly the object is a sphere.
Secondly someone said if it was a metor break up it would have been seen
I don't mean to be rude here.....but it was seen and the document
contains all the eyewitnesses accounts from all across the country!
I had originally posted this same thread myself in another forum as i thought it needed to be recognised as something quite phenomenal
We were definatly saved, by who i don't know its one of two answers
One: Is the governments have technologies we are not aware of. it was kept low key so we didn't end up with a mass hysteria.
Two: ET's are indeed protecting us and it does seem to include watching over nuclear facilites. Presantly there have been reports of UFO's over
the Iranian and Russian militery bases (who are working together) in Basher and i can't remeber the name of the other location.
Nuclear weapons where de-activated in RAF Bentwaters Suffolk several years ago in the 1980's. It was a USA air base and Britain didn't even know
nuclear weapons where being held there. They where de-activated by UFO'S and became a threat to both USA and UK.
Who are they?
I thought they could be American spys watching over IRAN AND RUSSIA
but they wouldn't spy on themselves unless it's a double bluff to throw us off the sent.
Hummm the mind boggles