Laughter is an involuntary convulsive response when an incoming image/idea does not connect emotionally or logically with the one who is laughing.
It touches you but does not snag you [catch you off guard].
It has no meaning root in the laughing minds world view.
It is [seems] a senseless/ridiculous image/idea.
The idea feels 'un-real', pretend, has no logic.
Is discrete and isolated from the mind.
Creates a non-chemical, non-interactive, purely physical wave disruption of consciouness. [probably of some particular size granularity]
The idea bobbles around and essentially tickles the mind but makes no rational type of connection.
Tears occur when an idea/image pierces/connects_with the mind.
Makes it spiritually bleed if you will.
Makes an emotional connection.
A sob is a kind of spasm response of consciousness.
Sort of an attempt to free the mind from the idea/image/associated_pain.
The really wierd thing is that i think both are probably, with appropriate stimulus, completely chemically/physically inducible.
Which is disturbing, because it says our beliefs in what is real and unreal are to a great degree subjective. The mind can be trained, i believe to do
anything, at least once. [experience may or may not create counter training]
Our entire view of [connection with/feeling about] 'reality' is actually emotionally based.
Here is a case of a son, David, who could not, after an accident, 'believe' 'accept' that his mother and father were real. He thought they were
imposters because his brain's vision to emotion center connection was severed. But because the auditory to emotion center was not severed when he
spoke to them on the phone he felt [emotionally] that they were real.
NOVA: Secrets of the Mind
You could probably with internal stimulous/blocker implants train a human [or animal] brain to do anything. Especially by accessing and intercepting
the emotional center connections.
If you can manipulate a person's view/feeling of what is real and not real you are at the heart of what motivates a creature to action or
We are completely dependant on what we perceive as real and not real. But if that is completely synthesizable, then everything we define as real and
unreal has to, the intelligent mind, be treated as ambiguous.
In a competitive environment with sparring minds, laughter equates, i think, to a feint. Something has swiped at you and you are quick, nimble or
tough enough that it does not cut/injure you.
But laughter is not a solution to everything. People who laugh a lot ofter don't pay as much attention to self-care and therefore can live shorter
So there must be [under most circumstances] some optimal perception of what is 'real' and what is 'not real'.
Anger i think is an outward seeking response that works towards infliction of injury or at least conquest of that which has unfairly [at least in the
mind of the actor] caused some form of injury. Like i said before, in many and perhaps most circumstances this has far more to do with perception than
reality. Again to truly resolve or aleviate unfavorable conditions the rational approach is, i would estimate, the most [the only?] effective means of
I suppose anger does give one a kind of power, but with so little control that it is often [but i would guess not always] self defeating.
Anger is about destruction. Rationalized as destroying that which has offended one. Sometimes there is an intent to offend someone. Conversely much of
the time the offense has exclusively to do with the sensitivities of the one who is offended.
I think we should be cautious about what we see as good triumphing over evil, in history and in our lives may really just be an overpowering of that
which is less well equiped to defend itself.
I guess what i am saying is anger is often an illusitory reality.
Maybe one should keep one's potential for anger as deep seated as possible.
Offenses always have taken place in the past. The ability to shield one's self from the same type of offenses in the future seems a better tack to
take rather than offensive action. It points out a vulnerability we have and no matter how much revenge we might take that vulnerability still exists,
until we deal with the vulnerability itself.
*arguing with self*
"shut up you blow hard"