posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 10:43 AM
I normally stay out of NWO discussions because they just make me mad at the same rehashed garbage about triangles and the Illuminati. But this caught
my eye, because just yesterday I was thinking the same exact thing:
Is all this identity theft being "allowed" on purpose?
Identity theft just keeps increasing each year. The methods of theft have apparently become so sophisticated and easy that you can be as careful as is
humanly possible, and yet your information is hacked from some company no one has ever heard from.
The systems in place to stop, halt, or even slow identity theft are a very messy joke, and I'm not seeing any serious legislation or enforcement of
security policies to try and make the situation more difficult. If so much as a check is stolen, you can report it to the police, the county,
CheckTronix, and other places, and STILL end up with hundreds of forged checks clearing stores that never bother to check ID or call. It's basically
a lottery at this point, there simply isn't a way to protect yourself fully, because all the information you can protect is stored....somwhere... You
can only hope to beat the odds.
This got me thinking about the whole "mark of the beast" thing, where one cannot buy or engage in any commerce without it. My whole life I've been
wondernig how it could ever remotely come to pass when so many people are against it, and will always be against it...
...but if the only other alternative is to consistantly have your bank funds drained by hackers, your credit destroyed by thieves, and your vital
information pimped out to the highest bidder, it's not like you can buy anything anyway...
And thus the idea of the mark of the beast becomes gradually more and more appealing. I shiver to think about it, but this seems like the most
reasonable option, even knowing the prophecy in advance.
Sometimes I wish I were Amish.