posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 02:59 PM
Just recently, someone ambitious recently created a fresh website of the often speculated FEMA, & Rex '84 detention center infamously known as the
Camp Grayling Range 3 area.
The original detention center photos of this area have been posted throughout the internet for quite some time. I think they were originally taken in
'99 or so- the original photos appear on this webpage:
Needless to say, it has been quite some time before new photos have been available. I'm glad that someone stepped up & gave the area a fresh look!
The new site:
There are some interesting photos & comentary there. Oddly, the author also shows photos of the actual Range 3 area as's nothing more than
a small target range that is nearby. The detention area remains un-named it would appear.
Maybe I'll have to check out this area for myself sometime!!