Looking at this picture, if I were to, have to give my opinion on it, as a photographer, I would say this...
The shadows for the most part look acurate. Hotspot on the aliens bald scalp looks authentic, and we can tell that the light source is coming from the
high bottom right corner of the photo. This can be seen from the direction the shadow is pointing. The shadows on the MP in the back left do look a
tad bit off, but this can be due to some objects we cannot see in the photo.
The main shadows that give me the biggest gripe is the ones the MP, and alien are producing. Theres something just not right about it, and I cant put
my finger on it, but it just looks "not in shape" or something like that...
Side info...
For the most part, as far as the alien being in focus, and the background not in focus, this can be caused by the f/ stop the photographer was using.
Nothing to fishy about that...
The alien does look a little fake though, well I can't say "looks fake" because I never have seen one, but it doesn't look what I thought an alien
would look like... Maybe its that mask, and respirator, or something...
The MP on the right. Theres something about his mouth. I believe he's smiling. Find his nose, then follow it down his face to his mouth. Its quite
grainy, but is that a smile I see? Not only that, but the lighting around that area, (by the hot spot) of his face is not solid at all. Infact the
shadows caused by it, indicates a depression below the cheek, like the ones caused by some one smiling, or screaming. Try it yourself! Put 2 fingers
on your cheek, and give a nice smile (Smile at the birdy)(Make sure you dont grin, SMILE...:duh
, and you can feel that your cheek muscles raised up
abit, to make you smile. Because of this raised surface on the face, a shadow is formed below it, due to the lighting, which indicates a smile, or
perhaps some type of mouth movement? Perhaps words, or orders? Perhaps he's saying "Hey Jeff"(The Alien) "I like your cocktail dress"... maybe
Anyhow, thats just my general, 5 minute overview of the picture.
[Edit] oh, yeah I almost forgot... I'm not saying the photo is fake or not, I'm just telling you all the information I can gather from just looking
at it...
[Edit 2] Oh yeah, one more thing. Dont follow his nose straight down, follow it at a 45 degree angle (just follow the face)... Infact if you do follow
it straight down (90 degrees), you'll see a button, or pin on his lapel. The alleged "smile" is to the right of it.
[Edited on 30-7-2003 by oui]
[Edited on 30-7-2003 by oui]