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Intellectual's Wanted

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posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 03:58 AM

I made the same observation of Intellectual's.

But I declined to comment.

Now that it's come up again, you need an answer to your question...

it is possible for something to be a Wanted, in the collective noun form of America's Most Wanted.

Just as an example.

Non-Intellectual's post complete.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:31 PM
Greyhaven dont worry about grammar man, im quite smart ive done an I.Q test a while ago my I.Q is 134 which is supposed to b good for my age considering im only 23.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:36 PM

Depending on what you do with your life:

At an IQ of 134 you are Mensa material, well inside the top 2% of the population's IQ.

IQ is in no way age-dependent. It cannot increase or decrease by virtue of age.

After you turn 26 your brain cells along with all your biological makeup will start deteriorating at a faster rate.

Make sure you get some good stuff in there in the next three years.

Non-intellectual ever-the-optimist post complete.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:47 PM
I did'nt know my I.Q was good enough for MENSA, I thought the minimum I.Q for MENSA was 145?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:49 PM
You should take the test then, they're normally set in universities under exam conditions.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:53 PM
No, Mensa IQ requirements are to be in the top 2% (or more precisely, two standard deviations from the norm) on the distribution curve. Visit any of their sites to find more.

Tests given to children generally cut out at 130+.

Mensa tests are actually very easy for people trained and practised in the tests, and aren't really an accurate measure of much at all.

There are some people who think 'intelligence is what intelligence tests measure'. I think that is a small part of the truth.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

Depending on what you do with your life:

At an IQ of 134 you are Mensa material, well inside the top 2% of the population's IQ.

IQ is in no way age-dependent. It cannot increase or decrease by virtue of age.

After you turn 26 your brain cells along with all your biological makeup will start deteriorating at a faster rate.

Make sure you get some good stuff in there in the next three years.

Non-intellectual ever-the-optimist post complete.


Are you implying that IQ can only be built up to the age of 26 or are you say it begins to decline at that age?
Or what?

tut tut

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:57 PM
Studies have shown that age has no real effect on the IQ of people.
A 75 year old can be as mentally active and intelligent as a person studying medicine in their 20's.

Age is nothing, its all about keeping the mind active and stimulated.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar

There are some people who think 'intelligence is what intelligence tests measure'. I think that is a small part of the truth.

I thought they measured your ability to be or become intelligent.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:01 PM

No, no such implication.

I am saying that, by and large, your IQ should remain reasonably constant throughout your life, as long as you don't suffer brain damage or dementia or some other hiccup.

So someone at 23, if they have used a reliable and valid test instrument, should have gotten the same result as if they were 53, to a large extent.

The point about brain deterioration is this:

At 23, you could choose to ingest a lot of drugs and alcohol, in the pursuit of hedonistic pleasures.

Or, you could choose to train your mind, develop levels of reasoning you have not previously developed, and have a much greater brain potential overall by the time you turn 26 and your cells start giving way on you.

Or you could do some of both.

Either way, if you are cognizant that your brain functioning will be determined in some way by how much nutrition you give it as well as how much self-inflicted damage you do, then that is probably a good thing for the species on the whole as well as the individual.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:05 PM

My last post is saying there is no such implication from my previous post, that is - there is no age/IQ link. Largely what David said.

What intelligence tests measure compared with what they purport to measure is the issue of validity.

Intelligence tests are often referred to as 'general ability' tests. They test in a number of dimensions including verbal, visuo-spatial, mathematical, logical... some tests focus more on some dimensions than others, and therefore you may get slighlty different inter-test results depending on which (accredited) tests you do.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:07 PM
Yes I must say I do indulge in the odd glass of wine and cannabis now and again, I drink red wine so thats good for my brain, or so ive heard.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:10 PM
Oh dear.

The alcohol myth.

Red wine may be good for your cardio-vascular system.

The alcohol content like any alcohol will kill your brain cells.

That's why we all do it.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:18 PM
Yes because it makes the cardio pulmonary system more efficiant and strengthens your heart, it means it is even easier to pump the blood to your brain. which will ease up the circulation in the brain, thus making you able to retain information easier etc.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:20 PM
Yes, that is the myth, exactly.

You spelled it out very succinctly.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:21 PM
Intelligence is all in the mind set.........


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:25 PM
I think my Explanation was rather good, im not even a biologist or in any medical profession.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:33 PM
Thank God for that.


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:38 PM
Ok, lol. So what line of work are you in then? I really wish I could be working in space craft development, or work for morton thiocol. or the goverment, my knowledge is there I just need to be discovered.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:42 PM
Line of work is not a gauge for measuring intelligence.....


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