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posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 09:00 AM
in light of recent events, i am sad to say that the time to fight has come. our government, of the united states of america, is failing to uphold the needs of the people, and instead, has us embattled world wide, against many forces. we are in a state of war. at home, our economy is falling up and down at an unsteady pace, much more of this may as well lead us into a second great depression. the war in iraq, is costing taxpayers 16 Billion dollars, a month. this war is costing us, upwards of seven american soldiers, a week. in two months time, we'll likely see 100+ deaths, and possibly 250 or more casualties.

the situation here at home, we have little to show for the war. in afghanistan, it is unstable, the taliban and al qaeda are still putting up resistance to our boys, and we have yet to see the dead body of bin laden on cnn. in iraq, saddam has eluded us, and with the death of Uday and Qusay in question, the conspiracy feeling is great. many americans are out of jobs. many of us live on less than 15,000$ dollars a year, and many of those people have kids to feed. we are seeing a decline in the jump the economy was showing, when this war on iraq was going strong. we are headed for failure, we are the earths largest debtor nation, and this year is our largest fiscal deficit. it is time for us to save freedom.

the patriot act, is infringing upon our rights as a people, and could easily be used to put us in a state of New World Order, and martial law. a growing minority belive that the united states government had a large role in the events of nine eleven. bush, is likely going to be relelected, the democrats are in chaos, and no candidate has a real way out of this war on terror. before the election in 2oo4, i can almost guarntee, some event that will give bush enough support to win again, push us again, into four more years of suffering. i as an american, am not going to take this sitting down, nor will i take it at all. we will restore patriotism, honor, and most of all the constitution. i know many agree with my sentiment. and we have many options available to us. civil disobidience will not work in this case. we face too determined a government, to fall to the tactics of mandela, or ghandi. we must fight. we must, get up, pick up our arms, and take back our government.

whoever supports this ideal, please say so, then i will set up a date for us to meet online somehow, in a chat or something, and we will plan more things out then, a course of action that will follow this pattern.

one, inform the people, and provide proof, hopefully the Veritas group can aid us in this.

two, fight back the expected rebuttals and debunkaries by mass media corporations such as cnn and fox and the six other giants that pretty much control what we think happens in the world.

and three, as a last resort, fight back against the corrupt, and restore our constitution to power, and end this war on terror. the best offense is a good defense, defend our homeland, and we can defeat all attackers. instead of having a few bad intelligence agencies, have one strong one, that will fight for the good of our nation, instead of fighting to save their own asses. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. i hope you will do the right thing.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 04:19 PM
Remember that you are attached to what you fight against.

[You are all absolutely free]

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 04:24 PM

Keep putting your thoughts together and enlightening others on why you are thinking this way. I hope your freedom of speech is able to continue in perpetuity.

I like how you said

................ it is time for change

I agree with you

it is time for change ....................

BTW, I understood that the best defence is a good offense, I wonder if you meant to say that?

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:01 AM
prevent attack by keeping the enemy on the defence, don't let them second guess you. fight twice with the same tactic and the third time bring in something new, then they will be unprepared. if we are organised, make it appear as if though we are in dissarray. if we are hungry, appear fed, if we are strong, appear weak, if we are distant seem close and the reverse.
tactics of warfare.

those of you who wish to join the fight, let me know and i will add you to a list of people who will be informed of things regarding this situation. thanks for your support.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:06 AM
After saying pick up arms and take back our government I'd check my phones from now on!

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by phoenix_cross...those of you who wish to join the fight, let me know and i will add you to a list of people who will be informed of things regarding this situation. thanks for your support.

...while I commend your enthusiasm to make a do realise amassing a list of those willing to subvert the system is something men in nicely pressed black suits might be interested in having a word with you over...

...advertising you goals and methods of recruitment on a forum as public as this may not be the best idea if one wishes to remain under the systems radar and thus more effective in doing anything...


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:19 AM
will be ended as soon as possible. i can assure you of that much. our plans will soon be prepared. fight back with the strongest weapon we have, the truth

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:29 AM
I can agree 110 percent with you Phoenix, I think however it is very sad that in this free country of ours people are programmed into fear. Too afraid to really stand up and do anything. Not that its anyones fault but really it is done by our own goverment controlling the masses. In a true free country we should be able to say Yes lets stand up and be counted and not fear men in black nicely pressed suits. But we really dont live in that kind of world or country. Just my little addition...2cents.

I would love to join your mission however I learned quite abit from my ancestors who
thought the same.......where are they now???

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by MarkosOrrealus]

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by MarkosOrrealus]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:53 AM
if we make our cause known, at first in a nonviolent way that is just and works for the people. what will happen when the government shuts us down. or tries to.we will only resort to fighting when there is no other option available, but that doesn't mean we won't scream so our voice will be heard.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:58 AM
...and how are you going to fight the many Warriors do you have?? For the system itself is well armed and certainly not afraid of backing itself with a butt-load of firepower...Waco anyone...

Sorry...just that I've been a member of ATS for almost 3 years, and I've lost count of the amount of 'revolutionaries' who have posted a 'call to arms'...

...interestingly the majority of these Revolutionaries tend to be young teenagers still living at home with their parents and holding no real concept of the struggles of life or the system they wish to subvert...

...not saying this is the case here...just making a comment is all...


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:01 AM
like you said, were young revolutionaries who were angry at the world they don't understand. i understand the world, i understand the majority of people, and i understand that age doesn't matter. the young leaders of revolutions you speak of had no way to meet up in any place other than in an online forum, and eventually lost interest becase they weren't changing anything. the first step we're taking is to organise a meeting in a physical setting. then you'll likely not here much from us for a while.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:05 AM
we'll do it via u2u, i do not wish for this topic to be decayed over an arguement that will get nothing done. instead, let the world read this info, and make their own decisions on it.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:09 AM
...I just checked your lists your birthdate as: October 31, 1985 aren't even 18 years old and you are stating you understand the world?? You believe age doesn't matter...hmmm...seems to be something often said by those with the naivety of youth...

...age DOES matter. Age doesn't always bring maturity and understanding...but on the whole it does...for life experience is the best provider of that maturity and understanding.

No offence meant here...but a 17 year old stating they understand the world is something I find rather questionable...


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:14 AM
ok let me rephrase that. i understand some of the world. i know there is a lot of have yet to learn, and there is a lot left for me to discover. but i do defend the point that my knowledge of the world, and goingons and the such, is at best on level with some adults.

i am only 15, the age on there is a lie cos i didn't know if was one of those sites where you had to be a certain age or somethin. i should fix that. anyway, as i stated above, i do not wish to degrade the quality of this topic even further by continuing this pointless arguement.

there are more in this movement that have many more years than i do. this is not a one man war.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:43 AM
The idea is moot. Revolution leading to, what? Anarchy? The population as a whole has no idea how things oughta be due to the dumbing down process we've undergone since the second half of the last century.
You want a revolution? Reverse the process, make it an educational revolution. I've spent about the last ten years studying what I should have already known, what the public educational system should have taught me but didn't. Now I know how the country should be, what the Founding Fathers envisioned and how they set up the government so that the God-given rights we have would be protected by it. I'm here to tell you that it has become as screwed up as a soup-sandwich and as helpful as a football-bat. With knowledge, we could probably repair the system without armed revolution. Without education, armed revolution would be useless.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 08:53 AM
you can't teach people who don't see that they need to know. education is not my task. i know that life without knowledge is death in disguise, but then again, knowledge is a choice. as children, in school, we are taught enough to live. we are taught that completing school will get us a job. getting a job will get us money, and money buys us food to live on. what we aren't taught is what we do when we can't go out and buy food anymore. we aren't taught real world knowledge. instead, we're taught textbooks of recycled data that we're supposed to memorise and put down on a test. SAT, ACT, all it is is a test on your memory, if you pass, your memory has been suffieciently wasted on random crap you'll never lose, so you can get a job and become a sould dead member of the conformist consumer society we allknow and love. if you fail the test, you're a threat to the governemnt because you aren't like everyone else, or you're just stupid. most people would realise that this what keeps us uneducated.

revolution wouldn't lead to anarchy, revolution would lead to change. we're more than angry people with guns and a lust to kill, we're angry americans, who have had our right to become educated taken from us, our right to learn restricted to cost, and our right to be different taken so we become the same as everyone else. when you say the population doesn't know what needs to be done, it doesn't mean that we who are fighting don't. we have a plan, we are fighting for a cause. that cause, is to reestablish the constitutional government we have never known, but long to have. we are fighting, so no agency restricts our right to learn, so no man takes our right, to think for ourselves and be who we want to be. we fight so we don't have to play the game to get where we need to be, we fight so we can have liberty, not death.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:26 AM
Your spirit is commendable--to a point. I hate to sound rude, but you seem to have much to learn of the world before you think you can begin a revolution.

And besides, a revolution for what purpose? To what end? Are you willing to risk yourself for a world of people that won't risk anything in return? Just how is everyone deserving of the truth? Enlightenment is a one person at a time kind of thing. If you need revolution to enlighten people, you might as well call it quits now and save yourself the time and disappointment...

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:30 AM
i have no other option, i will not be content in the world i live in, so i will fight to change it, or i will die trying. death isn't anything to fear, it's something to embrace because it takes you from ignorance. people are afraid to end. because then, they won't have. no one lets go anymore.

people might not be deserving of the truth, but once they see it, they will realise their faults, and hopefully reform themselves to see the fault in being told what to do. it's time to question everything, and quit accepting everything you are told as fact. i am young, and won't deny that i do not know everything, but this path is just as good as any to find it out ya? marco polo was a little older than i was when he was traveling the world over in the service of kubilai khan, all people see death at one point, whether they realise it or not.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:35 AM
I feel compelled to ask, just how close to death have you come? I don't mean choking on a chicken bone either...

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:37 AM
probably when i went through a window on a bike, i lost so much blood, it was everywhere. i was also in hurricane hugo, but we were pretty far inland.

i don't have much at all to live for, lifes great ya, but i'm impatient and would rather get it over with. maybe if i find someone to protect, i'm young and stupid, don't mind me.

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