posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:39 PM
Back in 1975 My Brother, My newly wed wife, and a friend of ours climbed into a volkswagon beetle and headed for Kountze, at that time we all lived in
Groves, Tx (Next to Port Arthur, Southeast on the Gulf Coast) It only took about 45 min. to get there. It was dark night around Oct-Nov. My brother
had been before and convinced us to go along (I would not believe him) we drove the car off of the state highway onto a dirt road. When we first got
there it was dusk and so we could still see the dirt road and the tall overhanging trees. We drove down the road until we could not see or hear the
highway noise, from were we came.
We parked the car and waited for the darkness. It seemed to take hours (1-2) I had suggested that we should turn our headlights on because it was so
dark, but my brother said that the light would keep the "Bragg Light" from appearing.
Just then my brother shouted "look down there, there it is" . At first I could not make it out, Then I saw a small yellow light that seemed to be
about a half mile or more away. The more we stared at it the brighter and closer it came. Then suddenly the color changed to amber and the light
started moving from side to side . Thinking that this could be a hoax and it was either a friend of my brother's or a nearby farmer that did not like
people there, I suggest that we put the car in drive and move forward, to see if we could run down whoever was carrying the light. But the more we
moved the light moved back at an equal distance. So we stopped the car mainly in fear that we might run into a tree or some other obstacle (since we
didn't have our lights on) The light resumed its oncoming movement until it got to be about 50 yards in front of us.
My wife at this time was really scared. I got out of the car along with my brother suddenly the light stopped moving it turned white and was about the
diameter of a bowling ball then it stopped in front of our car about 25 yards and shot up towards the sky.
This experience has made me a believer in strange (or natural) things. I've heard scientist explain it away as being swamp gas. That may be true ,
but it was still entertaining.