Perhaps one of the greatest inventions in years with applications ranging from military to home entertainment. Heck, you can even make people think
they hear voices in their head(this is where the ATS relation to this invention comes in ...)
Elwood "Woody" Norris, an inventor with 47 US Patents to his name, created a soundsystem that works with Hypersonic sounds. When pointed at an
individuals head, the person will hear the soundfeed inside his/her head.
Mr Noris is also the inventor of the AirScooter, a personal transportation device.
PORTLAND, Ore. - Elwood "Woody" Norris pointed a metal frequency emitter at one of perhaps 30 people who had come to see his invention. The emitter
— an aluminum square — was hooked up by a wire to a CD player. Norris switched on the CD player.
"There's no speaker, but when I point this pad at you, you will hear the waterfall," said the 63-year-old Californian.
And one by one, each person in the audience did, and smiled widely.
Norris' HyperSonic Sound system has won him an award coveted by inventors — the $500,000 annual Lemelson-MIT Prize. It works by sending a focused
beam of sound above the range of human hearing. When it lands on you, it seems like sound is coming from inside your head.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
Apart from the example used in the article(home entertainment, no noise exept for the ones that want to hear it.) This could also be used in several
other scenario's.
For example, singers and politicians, in both cases, people hate it when they use earpieces or other methods to have their words fed to them. Remember
the US Election debates thing, where Bush was thought to have an earpiece in? Now they can feed these people their lines without anyone ever seeing
any equipment on their person.
Hell, this could even be pritty cool when your doing exams in highschool, all you need is a line of sight and someone can tell you what to fill in on
your exams.
Cheating in poker games, cheating on gameshows, this technology seems to have a billion applications, both good and bad.
Another dangerous application of this technology would be to make people bonkers or just make people think they are nuts. Feeding wierd noises and
sounds into their heads, making them scizofrenic for instance.
I'd also think this can be used as a weapon, sending rays of mindnumbing sounds into people's heads, a high pitch sqeek or the constant sound of
explosions, disabling them temporarely like this.
[edit on 24-4-2005 by thematrix]