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Diamonds from pollution?

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posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 05:54 PM
All these stones if you look, will have a DeBeers mark inscribed inside by laser, that is microscopic

This I would LOVE to see proof of.

Tell you what, I have several college aquaintances who are gemologists. Will certainly take this issue up with them. I consider thier experience to be far more reliable than yours.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 05:59 PM
I'd be glad for you to finally hear you're wrong, if they are indeed well versed in Diamonds...Gemologists don't always specialize in just Diamonds. I would hate for you to recieve false hopes from people who are more into Emeralds or Rubies...and don't have a clue of the ECONOMICS involved in Diamond mining.

I think you should go consult a Banker more than a Gemologist...but then you never like my opinions anyways because you think you're "all that".

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:04 PM
I think you should go consult a Banker more than a Gemologist...but then you never like my opinions anyways because you think you're "all that". Posted by Freemason

Actually, I do trust a gemologist far more than a banker. Not only do gemologists understand the geology of gemstones, as well as the economics.

If I ever made a mistake in my college career it was (like the rest of us "true" geologists) to look down my nose on the gemologists, whom we didnt consider "true" geologists. But then, years later, all of the gemologists (and I know 4 of them) are exceedingly rich *shrugs*. Oh well.

I dont like your opinions not because Im "all that", but because you have proven yourself to be less than knowledgable about most subjects that you speak on, and become upset when this fact is pointed out to you.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:11 PM

A short rundown on DeBeers good sir.

The biggest dog in the pack, runs the pack...there is no democracy.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:13 PM
The only place that this link mentions any regulating is when it says that DeBeers holds 80% of the market and thereby regulates the market price...


I every opportunity you shame your parents.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:14 PM
No Dragonrider, you just think I'm always wrong, I'm not wrong in an opinion such as Women shouldn't be in the Military.

And I'm not wrong in the fact that DeBeers runs the Diamond show, they set the prices...they are the boss.

No Manufactured Diamond is worth more than its industrial use....a few dollars.

When concerning Diamonds you'd find the financial paper trail is more important than a Gemologists opinion...unless he's aware of how a Diamond goes from being in the rough, to being on your wife's finger.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:16 PM
Free Mason:

I have been a lurker here for some time and have noticed a propensity you seem to have... Spewing forth with copious amounts of misinformation cloaked in the guise of expertise...

You just stepped in MY post toasties (I understand you are too young and inexperienced to "get that line") when you pontificated about diamonds. You see, lad, my dearly departed Father was a Diamond Broker/Importer for 20 years...

You are completely incorrect and full of horse puckey. Even YOU can get un cut stones in a matter of minutes by simply clicking on


You'll notice that De Beers is NOT affiliated with either of these... You asked "DR" for proof you aren't right well here you go Junior.

One wonders what it is you are trying to prove by consistantly making a fool of yourself by intiating a conversation with your betters and then resorting to childish name calling when you get corrected...



posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:19 PM
Why is it a company with 80% ownership does not regulate anything.

Suddenly, DeBeers is just some other "diamond miner" are just fools who will dispute whatever I have to say.

If you bought a diamond, how about you ask that dealer where they bought it from, then ask the broker where he got it from, then you can finally manage to ask where the cutter recieved'll find it will come from a mine directly owned by DeBeers, funded by DeBeers, or the loan to fund it, was approved by DeBeers, as with Russia's case, which recieved a 50million dollar loan to support their new mine, from a German bank, approved by DeBeers...which plans to recieve partial reinvestment.

Diagem is no different, its ownership of a small mine in Brazil, is nothing to DeBeers. They'll probably more likely than not purchase the majority of rough stones that comes out of that mine, I'm currently trying to find what buyers Diagem is hoping to sell to.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:24 PM
Uh springer, you sure made an idiot of yourself.

Sells diamonds from Diamond Brokers, you can check a list of the brokers from the diamond search page.

One such broker is Diamond Brokers of Florida.

We buy direct from the DeBeers� sightholders and diamond cutters and work on lean Internet margins to assure you the best value for your investment.

I suggest you all just realize I'm right.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:26 PM
Go study economics. A company with 80% market share CAN and usually DOES have at least


of the power to manipulate the price in that market!

But that does NOT make them a regulatory body and that does NOT mean they "control" the movement of the product!

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:28 PM
Another such Broker from your same resources, is Diamonds USA.

A company owned and opperated by David Braverman Diamond Cutting Industry in Israel, which is of course a main buyer from DeBeers sightholdings.

God I'm good...give me another? There are plenty of Brokers you can buy from, but all get their diamonds from one primary source.


I suggest as I suggested before, follow the paper trail.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:30 PM
No you're not, FM. You are totally back to your obfuscation now.

You can get an uncut diamond anytime anywhere.

Was your grandpa as intellectually challenged as you?? Why was it so hard for him?

We have all stated the DeBeers has the majority of the diamond market. Changing this around to get away from the really corn-ball idiot statement that they are they "regulate all diamonds" isn't going to work.

We're watching you little boy!!!!!

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:30 PM
Oh but Valhall....DeBeers controls the price...of ALL diamonds.

Any company stepping out of line, can lose everything as DeBeers lowers the diamond price by a few, which will bankrupt the much smaller companies, which will no longer recieve loans from any bank...per-say by DeBeers.

DeBeer's power lies not in her ownership of current mines, but of Current diamonds of which many Billions of Dollars worth of Diamonds are still stored in her London Vaults.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:32 PM
You can't get an uncut diamond any time from anywhere, only in a 10 week session from the sightholdings which is held once a year.

If a broker decides to sell a Diamond uncut that is up to them....but it is usually rare. And was impossible when my Grandpa was purchasing his Diamond before WW2.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:32 PM
Free Mason:

One man's idiot is another man's professor... I doubt you'll ever figure that out, BUT my point was that it is EASY to get ncut stones.

The fact that DeBeers actually IS affiliated with them was an oversight on my part for which I stand corrected. I simply looked for rough stones and got plenty of hits.

Secondly, I happen to be a Vice President in the #2 lending institution of the southwest USA we also. like DeBeers, enjoy a HUGE market share but I assure you we don't control the industry...

Yes DeBeers is the biggest "dog on the block", yes DeBeers can control pricing to a great extent but DeBeers is NOT a regulatory institution NOR is it hard to find un cut stones...

Go ride my man and clear your head...


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:33 PM
Now you're saying what WE were saying.

Are you conceding that once again you don't know what you're talking about...because I haven't seen you get back to your original, erroneous point

"they regulate the diamond industry" in quite a few posts.

What's up with that??? Are you abandoning your position?

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:34 PM
Ugh, ... you can NOT purchase an Uncut Diamond that has not passed through the Annual DeBeer's Sightholdings.

Can you all just give up for pete's sake you're all wrong.

Your "Uncut Diamonds" are coming from Brokers, who recieved them from the DeBeer's Sightholdings.

Which says what? THAT'S RIGHT, DeBeers...the bossman!

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:35 PM
I'm not abandoning my position...DeBeer's Sightholdings is the only place a stone can be sold from the mine to market, if you purchase a stone after that it's already passed through DeBeers!

I'm RIGHT...get it through your thick skulls.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by FreeMason
No, Diamonds are worthless unless specifically marked, and marketed by DeBeers.

At most you could get from a diamond, is what a Pawn broker would pay for it, and most won't pay crap for a diamond that does not look legitimate.

Originally posted by FreeMason
Uh no Dragonrider, mr. Texas, who knows nothing outside of his geological area.

Diamonds are CONTROLLED by two organizations, one is DeBeers, the other is the international Diamond cutters. Only several locations in the world cut diamonds and they only recieve raw stones that are either mined by DeBeers, or are permissed by DeBeers.

DeBeers recieves almost all uncut stones and hoards them, and they also recieve almost all cut stones and marks them for sale.

You can not cut your own diamonds, my grandpa cut one, it was incredibly difficult for him to recieve the diamond.

Anything produced outside of this network is completely valuless, and might as well just be Industrial tools.

The idea of making jewelry out of manufactured Diamonds has been thought up by many, but DeBeers is well ahead of them to see to it that only mined diamonds are sold.

To try and introduce manufactured Diamonds into the Market, would be the equivalent of trying to rob the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. (Die Hard 3 is completely implausable.)

Nope, you're not getting out of this dufus act this time.

Both of the statements quoted above are WRONG.

You can now start arguing OUR position if you want...we'll be glad for you to step over the fence, but that doesn't undo the booger-pickin statements you made as fact as captured here.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 06:41 PM
Springer, you mainly pointed out what I'm saying, that DeBeers will have a final say in Diamond Price, and they themselves ALONE can keep any Manufactured Diamond out of the Diamond market.

Which means that manufactured Diamond is as costly as a zirconium...

This all goes back to what Dragonrider said, that these guys could sell their "easy to make diamonds" for big bucks, which is wrong because DeBeers oversees that any Diamond sold for its horribly inflated price, is NOT manufactured...they curb the industry and make sure the price is I'm going for a bit so you can all argue amongst yourselves.

Valhall and Dragonrider have no clue what they're talking about.

Springer you may but you yourself can not say that you can get a rough stone or a manufactured stone, for the cheap "mined" or manufactured price, and sell it for a price that you see in stores, it has to pass through a network of channels that is mainly overseen by DeBeers.

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