posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 04:09 PM
Silvio Berlusconi regained the top political spot and formed the 60th government in as many years in Italy. The new government closely resembles the
government that was disbanded earlier this week. Berlusconi, a billionaire media tycoon, styles himself as a reformer but has come under pressure over
recent years due to his staunch support of the war in Iraq.
ROME Apr 23, 2005 — Silvio Berlusconi was sworn in as premier of the nation's 60th government in as many years Saturday, after naming a team of
ministers that closely resembles the one he led until stepping down days earlier in a power struggle with coalition allies.
By reconstituting his government, Berlusconi aimed to improve his sagging popularity and avoid early elections as polls suggest his rivals have the
edge. He received the mandate to form a new government during a Friday meeting with President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, two days after quitting.
The new ministers must be confirmed in both houses of parliament next week. Conservative Berlusconi is keeping most of his ministers in their old
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I like Berlusconi, but I'm not Italian and don't know all the issues facing that country. Italian governments are notoriously unstable, so the fact
he was able to keep his former government together for so long is a credit to his leadership.
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[edit on 4/23/2005 by djohnsto77]