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My cousin was abducted last night

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posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:23 PM
Last night my cousin Cliff was hanging out at my house with some friends and we were playing cards. He went outside to have a cigarette and all of a sudden we all noticed an intense blue light outside. When we looked out, we saw Cliff floating up into the sky and he quickly disappeared along with the light. We haven't seen or heard from him since.

We're very concerned. Will he come back or is he going to be taken for good? I've heard of abductions but never expected something like this to happen. Will he be....probed?? What can we expect?

Any helpm would be greatly appreciated!!

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Well you might want to call the cops after 24 hours and file a missing persons report. I'd leave the blue light out of it though.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:32 PM

I'd leave the blue light out of it though.

Why leave out the blue light? Is it because the police have blue lights on their cars and they'd think we were trying to blame them or something??

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Why leave out the blue light? Is it because the police have blue lights on their cars and they'd think we were trying to blame them or something??

Nope but if you try telling them he was abducted, you'll just be laughed at and escorted out of the station. You'll get NO action. I'd really like to see a missing persons report to get some vallidity to this story.

Also, I'd review #1 of the T&C:

1.) You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:37 PM
You need to notify the police missing persons bureau and the national ufo reporting center. Accept the fact that some people will make fun of you and try to help find your cousin. Chances are he will not be returned where he was taken from and will be scared and disoriented. Swallow your pride and report it to the authorities so people can look for your cousin.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:43 PM
A few questions should be answerd with this claim.

what time?
who was there?
any drugs or booze?
what were you and others doing at that time?
was there any electrical appliances on at that time?
did anyone witness the actual abduction?
when did u notice him missing?
was there any other strange occurences happening(before and after)?

please answer these first i have a few more questions for you.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 12:57 PM

I'd really like to see a missing persons report to get some vallidity to this story.

I will file a report after 24 hours, but I'm not about to post it here!

what time?
who was there?
any drugs or booze?
what were you and others doing at that time?
was there any electrical appliances on at that time?
did anyone witness the actual abduction?
when did u notice him missing?
was there any other strange occurences happening(before and after)?

It was around 1 am, some friends and I were there, most were drinking but not heavily, I happen to be sober, we were playing cards, we had a stereo on, I witnessed him floating up into the sky and disappearing into the blue light which also then disappeared, I noticed him missing when he disappeared obviously....

We don't recall any other strange things that happened!!

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy

I'd really like to see a missing persons report to get some vallidity to this story.

I will file a report after 24 hours, but I'm not about to post it here!

Why? This is an extrordinary claim, evidence is needed. And it can be provided, unless the claim is false, which is my concern.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:05 PM

quote: Originally posted by Zabilgy

I'd really like to see a missing persons report to get some vallidity to this story.

I will file a report after 24 hours, but I'm not about to post it here!

Why? This is an extrordinary claim, evidence is needed. And it can be provided, unless the claim is false, which is my concern.

I'm not going to post a police report because it will contain personal information which I'm not about to share here for any reason as I'm sure no one else would either. If I place the report and it makes the newspaper, then I will post the newspaper article....fair enough??

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
If I place the report and it makes the newspaper, then I will post the newspaper article....fiar enough??

Hmm, I don't think so. How many people go missing a year? Thousands? Tens of thousands? More? Wouldn't be hard just to glean any missing person from the numerous media outlets from around the world.

Edit: To add that you logging off when challenged does not help your case.

[edit on 23-4-2005 by intrepid]

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:23 PM
Logging off? I said my cousin's name is Cliff. You think I'm going to search the country for a missing Cliff? Think whatever you want. I came up with a solution you don't be it.

Edit to state that I haven't logged off since I posted this thread!

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:27 PM
Thank you for answering my questions.

do the others in the house believe they have seen the same thing?
how old are the witnesses and yourself?
was the light drk blue or lite blue?
how far away were you from the abductee ?
was it raining?
was there a glass door in front of u when u witnessed this event?
how long did you look for your cousin after the event?
did u make eye contact with him as he rose into the air?

thank u in advance of your response

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by Zabilgy
Edit to state that I haven't logged off since I posted this thread!

[edit on 23-4-2005 by Zabilgy]

You have, twice. OK, do it your way. It will be scutinized.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:32 PM

do the others in the house believe they have seen the same thing?
how old are the witnesses and yourself?
was the light drk blue or lite blue?
how far away were you from the abductee ?
was it raining?
was there a glass door in front of u when u witnessed this event?
how long did you look for your cousin after the event?
did u make eye contact with him as he rose into the air?

They saw the light only, I'm 41 and the others are all in their thirties including my cousin, light blue, 30 feet away maybe, yes it was raining, we had the door to the kitchen open and there was a screen door to the outside, we spent an hour outside looking for him and calling him but I felt it was a waste because I saw him get abducted and everyone else thought I was a bit crazy or making it up, I did not make eye contact with him......

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Thank you for answering my questions.I think u shoukd do whatever it takes to get this info out to the public.Remember the travis walton story .
ill gurantee you will be a suspect in his disappearence if he doesnt show up in a couple fo days.Cover your ass and tell everyone you can .GOOD LUCK .Start writing everything down NOW.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:43 PM
Post the police report when you get it. Erase addresses, etc.


posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:44 PM

You have, twice. OK, do it your way. It will be scutinized.

I have, zero. And I will do it my way and feel free to scrutinize!! I'm upset here and looking for help and you taunting me doesn't help. I didn't think the mods were here to taunt.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Not taunting you, I just want evidence for this claim. Would you also not want it?

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 01:51 PM
Interesting. Sounds like quite the predicament. I'm not doubting your story so don't take this the wrong way, but you seem so calm! I think I would have called 911 immediatly as well as all local news channels. I know that people might think that I was nuts, but if I saw my cousin floating up in the air toward a blue light, and I KNEW that I saw it and had several witnesses who saw the blue light, I wouldn't care what anyone thought about ME, I would just want help in finding my abducted cousin!

I hope you will keep us posted on the status of your cousin Cliff ... hanger.


posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 02:17 PM
More than likely, he will be back in a few days confused, more than likely oblivious from the fact what happened, some hypnotic regression therapy can more than likely reveal what happened.

For now just report the fact he disapeared after smoking a cigarette outside.

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