posted on Aug, 9 2003 @ 01:09 PM
Jim, because I have two very serious daylight UFO sightings(silvery objects) and I have reported them to MUFON, BUFORA, RUFORC and all other major UFO
organizations it�s not very good for future corporation to alert them for any single possible UFO sighting. In fact I have 3 years time of skywtach
and scientifically investigating after my second real UFO observation before enter Internet start to collect data about similar UFO sightings and
email UFO organizations about the case.
Now about this bright white satellite I think this is something like russian suborbital shuttle named Ayaks or very big about 250m(750 yards)
balloon type satellite orbiting at 250 km(156 ground, 138 sea miles). Discovery sky channel show few times film about object that NATO�s radar station
in Scandinavia was able to tracked flying with speed 8-12 MAH on 100-120 KM over the surface in russian sky. In this films man with maybe aviation
education say that Ayaks suborbital shuttle have plasma shield system that help to avoid temperature effect of enormous air-collision. Maybe this
plasma shield is shining with white light?
I can�t establish every night observations this is impossible(study, work, weather).I know very well that if this object or any satellite suddenly
change his orbit path or make zigzag this means real UFO case not conventional object trajectory in orbit, I have no observation but I have talks with
people who have sighted zigzagging �satellites� and if you read NUFORC data base you shall find reports about zigzagging �satellites�. About
disappearing I think your are wrong because when satellites enter Ear-shadow they disappear from the visible sight. I can�t photo this bright white
satellite because first I have no photo equipment with enough optical power(more than 100X magnification, bigger that 120mm arperture, special
hydraulic tripod), second it�s very difficult to track and photo successfully any satellite under powerful telescope, in fact there are ISS and
Shuttle photos with 200 mm telescope(200Xmagnification) and on this photos they are constructions not single points. And for this reason I have alert
professional astronomers here in Bulgaria about this current white object activity and it�s very possible after few weeks to have any results like
optical observation or real photo like ISS and Shuttle .