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The End of Oil Is Closer Than You Think

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posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 02:13 PM
Peak oil is reality. Demand is growing and supplies are dwindling. Our government refuses to make this known widescale. In not making the general public aware of this, and not planning for the eventuality of it, one not-so-fine day in the not-so-distant future we will all be left to fend for ourselves as oil and gas become near impossible to acquire. It's time to start thinking about ways to survive that.

How many of you out there live in the city? How many in the country? How many rent? How many own property/homes?

Let's say 2020 is our cut-off date (meaning: oil and gas is way too rare and expensive for the majority of Americans to get), what will you have done to prepare?

Here's a project for all of us.. What can we do now to be ready for that awful day? Tell us what you can do, start implementing those plans now and share with ATS your progress.

Here are a few things I have thought about and am trying to do now:

1. Stockpile water, MRE's, canned goods, medicines/first aid supplies & everything related

2. Looking into growing my own foods (canning would be excellent).

3. stockpile ammo for firearms, parts & cleaning supplies. One day we may find ourselves without law enforcement and may have to defend against looters & criminals.

4. Live as close to the job as possible

5. Get a bike, a couple horses, livestock, etc.

These are just a few of the things to be done. There are many others. What are you gonna do?

Here's an article on the end of oil...

The End of Oil Is Closer Than You Think
By John Vidal
The Guardian UK

Thursday 21 April 2005

Oil production could peak next year, reports John Vidal. Just kiss your lifestyle goodbye.
The one thing that international bankers don't want to hear is that the second Great Depression may be round the corner. But last week, a group of ultra-conservative Swiss financiers asked a retired English petroleum geologist living in Ireland to tell them about the beginning of the end of the oil age.

They called Colin Campbell, who helped to found the London-based Oil Depletion Analysis Centre because he is an industry man through and through, has no financial agenda and has spent most of a lifetime on the front line of oil exploration on three continents. He was chief geologist for Amoco, a vice-president of Fina, and has worked for BP, Texaco, Shell, ChevronTexaco and Exxon in a dozen different countries.

"Don't worry about oil running out; it won't for very many years," the Oxford PhD told the bankers in a message that he will repeat to businessmen, academics and investment analysts at a conference in Edinburgh next week. "The issue is the long downward slope that opens on the other side of peak production. Oil and gas dominate our lives, and their decline will change the world in radical and unpredictable ways," he says.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Found an interesting article contradicting what you found East Coast Kid. It states that a strange phenomenon shows abundance of possible crude oil in earth’s crust replenishing the drawn out reserves.

Click Here for the full story.

Now I'm not sure how credible or true this is but the fact remains that no one can agree whether or not oil last forever.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder
Found an interesting article contradicting what you found East Coast Kid. It states that a strange phenomenon shows abundance of possible crude oil in earth’s crust replenishing the drawn out reserves.
Click Here for the full story.

Thanks for the link mm. I'll checkit out. One thing is for sure. No one seems to be able to agree, for whatever reasons.

You have to admit, though, the PNACers & American big oil (companies) sure are acting like we're running out.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 04:48 PM
I have tremendous faith in the greed and avarice of big oil. To what end would all of their wars, bribes and corruption be if they didn't have a plan B. How can they enjoy the fruits of their exploitation if society winds up in the dumper?

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 07:33 PM
I'm currently writing a thesis on oil consumption and I can share one bit of factual info - we won't be running out of oil anytime soon. Also keep in mind our synthetic technology is greatly advancing. Our society requires lubricants besides KY jelly.

posted on Apr, 23 2005 @ 08:08 PM
I would think that the theory of Peak Oil is pretty much common sense. As our economy is built on consumption, the masses must consume in order to generate profits for the corporations like oil companies.

To increase their profits, we must consume more oil/petroleum products. I don't think that our oil supplies are unlimited, so eventually we will either run out, or be incapable of supplying enough for demand.

Just take the number of cars for example,

From link

If an alien were to land on earth, the first thing he would notice about the "green planet"is the amount of cars there are on the streets. He would see that they come in all shapes and sizes, colors and are of many different brands. He would attempts to count the cars, but would get lost quickly because no brain can comprehend a number so large. In 1900 there were only 4,192 passenger cars built in the US (the only country to be manufacturing cars). There were no buses or trucks. By 1985 there were 109 million cars in existence. Today, with dozens of countries participating in the creation of automobiles, that number is six times larger.

It is estimated that there are approximately 600 million motor vehicles being driven on the streets of earth, the alien would be dumbfounded with this number. The biggest manufacturers are Japan, producing 8,056,000 cars in 1998, the US, with 5,554,000, and Germany with 5,348,000. With passing time, these numbers experience a rapid growth. For example, in 1960 Japan produced 185,000 cars, but by the end of the 1990s it was producing nearly 10 million a year. It is believed that at this growth rate, the number of cars on earth will double within the next 30 years. In this time scientists predict that traffic congestion will become 10 times worse than it is today. If in 2001 it is difficult to cross a major street without having to wait five minutes for the traffic to stop, how long will one have to wait in 2050?

Today the alien will notice that with such a large number of cars and people on earth, there are approximately ten people per car. But what will happen when he returns for a second trip in a hundred years? Will there be as many cars as people, or maybe by that time we'll have discovered a new method of transportation that is much more efficient and eco-friendly than the car? Only time can tell.

Marina Stasenko -- 2001


In the last 20 years the nuber of cars has increased sixfold! At this rate, oil will run out a lot sooner than people think.

When the oil does run out, or becomes too expensive that is when we will start to run into problems. Our whole society is based on oil consumption, so take oil out of the equation and all you have left is chaos.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 01:05 PM
Yes, our entire infrastructure is oil-based. What happens when oil becomes very difficult to come by? It will alter our way of life in untold ways. That is why now is the time to start re-calibrating our lives and daily routines so that if/when that day comes, we will be ready for it - at least in some ways. There are going to be a multitude of people who are so dumbstruck and ill-prepared, chaos will rule the day.

To get somewhat of a good picture of where we're at right now on the peak oil scale, its good to look at China, the acceleration of their car buying and escalating need for fuel. Their consumption is now second only to ours (the USA). X amount of known reserves. X amount of people needing them. If we don't figure out some alternative plan soon, we're facing nothing but all-out, endless war for resources. That is unacceptable.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 01:13 PM
I understand the tarsands of Northern Alberta Canada has more oil than Saudi Arabia and the price is high enough now to start prduction

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 01:49 PM
I'm not too familiar with that. If somebody is, it'd be cool to get their input. Awhile back, I was reading about the difficulties of extracting from Canada. I don't have my finger on that info. at this time, tho.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 02:57 PM
Here's some info about the Canadian tar sands.

I still don't think people have grasped the concept of what peak oil really means for the way our current civalization is run.

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 03:56 PM
I think the age of Peak oill is some disinformation program by the powers to be, to ljustify the price of oil at it's current heights, as well as to find possible alternatives to Crude oil. as a matter of fact the world hasn't used up Half the energy reserves that is currently available.. Intresting to note whilst the world is watching on the sidelines the geneocide that's taking place in SUDAN, that intrestingly a little known fact that SUDAN, not RUSSIA has the world's largest Crude Oil reserves outside the sheikdoms of the middle east.... So people another take on this So what if the Oil Runs Out? We will Just Find other sources of energy.... The People Of Atlantis did and so will we..

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 04:48 PM
People think that oil will stay cheap and then one day the oil will turn off?

That's not what's going to happen, fortunately. It will get more and more expensive over time
and stay that way.

There will still be oil and fuel, but it will cost money.

Don't go crazy buying guns getting ready to shoot people, that's paranoid and destructive.

Oil sands will help a small amount, but believe it or not, there is a much easier way
for many people to adapt to peak oil.

It uses this super secret advanced technology suppressed by the oil companies, but which I can tell you about since I escaped from their evil clutches.

It's called a "motorcycle". There's another form called a "scooter".

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel


There's another form called a "scooter".

My wife came home upset that it cost her $1.80 to gas up her scooter, last year it was less than $1.50.
She rode it to work all summer, gassed up 2 or 3 times. Gets over 80 MPG, and so much fun to ride....

posted on Apr, 24 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
It's called a "motorcycle". There's another form called a "scooter".

or a honda

i get 40 mpg (98 honda civic HX, which uses a thing called Vtec-e)
to bad im swaping that motor out, but ill still get around 35 mpg with the new motor, and making over 120 hp per liter

and honda also has a newer and even better system known as ivteci which is basically going to revolution the way piston eniges are made

it can run a air/fuel ratio of 67.5 to 1 ( a normally stioch air/fuel is around 14-16 to 1)
here is a video to explain it
to bad this engine wont be released in the us for quite awhile

there is always synthetics, i use synthetic motor oil

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by mbkennel
Don't go crazy buying guns getting ready to shoot people, that's paranoid and destructive.

When you own property and are sitting on a stockpile of equipment, food rations, supplies, machinery and/or weapons & ammo, or any other sought after commodities, you have to be ready to protect what's yours. That's not being paranoid; it's reality. If you don't believe me, ask the many store owners in Los Angeles back during the '92 riots what it was like for them. It was AK city - b/c of looters. The cops were AWOL in the worst areas. That's but one example.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 06:37 PM
but natural gas will be more available than oil, assuming we are smart enough to butch up about LNG (liquid natural gas) terminals.

There are large reserves in Russia and other places.

It will be very difficult for people who live far out in the suburbs or "exurbs" to commute to work every day.

There will be a significant number of people who will have to rent apartments or, more likely, share many rooms close in the city, and then take buses out to their families and homes on the weekend, or even just once a month. This is what happens today in many 3rd world countries.

In town, all but the wealthiest people will use bicycles, motorcycles, scooters, and plug-in electric vehicles for most everyday commuting if they're not taking public transportation. Many cars and public buses, especially, will be converted to CNG (compressed natural gas). Many of the rest will run on biodiesel/petroleum blends. (diesel is already more efficient than spark ignition gasoline). Diesel is dirtier but since people will be driving significantly less, the air will be just as clean. The electric vehicles will have solar panels on the roof where the climate is sunny.

Food will be inexpensive only if locally produced, like in the 19th century. People in the 'exurbs' will either grow their own or have to walk or drive, at high expense, to itinerant farmer's markets. You'll have to go to the market on the days that the market comes to town, not on whichever day is convenient to a large air-conditioned full time destination.

In town you'll be able to get more food varieties, but still, flying in oranges from Chile or bananas from Ecuador will be a real luxury as opposed to an ordinary thing you can expect at a normal market on average.

There will be very significant hardships, but there doesn't need to be a collapse in civilization if everybody works together. On the other hand, if they believe in stealing and shooting first, then we're screwed. The danger from criminality and vigilantism is much worse than just a petroleum shortage.

Think of the 19th century, but fully electrified.

posted on Apr, 25 2005 @ 09:20 PM
the ppl who are the ones profiting from this peak oil scenario are the sheiks, the oil companies cartel, and the various stakeholders in the industry, the small fry is being deep fried in this large vat of oil.. hmm... such a pity. We all believe such Misinformation... People have to know how to make this PEAK OIL scenario, (if it were real,) an opportunity to exploit other potent forms of energy as well as conserve and save our pennys

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 01:18 AM
buy oil futures, and stocks like burlington resources, Suncor and the canadian oil sands trusts.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 05:17 PM
I ill tell you something, once we have done all we can to obtain the gas and oil from the middle east, with countless phoney wars about TERROR! Then the continent of africa will be next. Russia is secure through the means of agreed exploration and oil company business with the state. No point going to war with russia for oil, bit too dangerous! BP. SHELL. ESSO already in nigeria doing agreed business with the government.

These energy wars in africa, in the future, will be bloody and costly to the people`s of this continent. What a perfect solution to the power`s that be, massive de-population and all the energy in the world. DID YOU KNOW THAT IF WE TAPPED ALL THE ENERGY FROM THIS CONTINENT, AT TODAY`S CONSUMPTION, we would have enough resources until 2105.

SO unfortunately people, we can all see where it`s all going to happen!

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by veritas 7
I ill tell you something, once we have done all we can to obtain the gas and oil from the middle east, with countless phoney wars about TERROR! Then the continent of africa will be next. Russia is secure through the means of agreed exploration and oil company business with the state. No point going to war with russia for oil, bit too dangerous! BP. SHELL. ESSO already in nigeria doing agreed business with the government.

These energy wars in africa, in the future, will be bloody and costly to the people`s of this continent. What a perfect solution to the power`s that be, massive de-population and all the energy in the world.

SO unfortunately people, we can all see where it`s all going to happen!

I could'nt agree more with you, repeated famines and the lack of relief,on top of the AIDS epidemic sweeping the continent, which the western world all but ignores, and even the present situation in Darfur; are all but preparations for this.


Do you mean Africa, or the US?

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