posted on Jul, 25 2003 @ 12:22 PM
Oh, you meant the president....
The man is an imbecile...pure and simple. (Please, don't try the Harvard line, bought degrees don't you can't tell me that someone who
"earned" a harvard degree, would speak so poorly). While I agree with eventual war to topple Saddam, he went about it poorly, and ended up getting
egg on our international faces. Not to mention, when you have a war for secret objectives, they should stay secret, not be so blatantly obvious that
a 5 year old could see it! Couple this with blatant hard-line republican (reward the rich, punish the poor measures...) tactics, and he is quickly on
the path of becoming one of the worst presidents ever.
The worst part is though, he'll be re-elected...that much is all but the alternatives aren't looking that great... I don't believe
he had anything to do with 911 though...(the objective, if there was one, could have been accomplished easier, and without wrecking the economy), but
the follow-thru has been horrible. When the most powerful man in the world can't find a fanatic with a cell-phone, riding a camel, there's a
I wish Powell would run, but he doesn't want to be the next assassinated president....*sigh*