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Can we stupid little monkeys actually fight back?

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posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 08:51 AM
Now, first I'll state that the below is only a supposition, slightly based on cases.

According to cases, many of the earliest modern sightings occurred near our defensive installations.

According to some cases, there are instances of the UFOs being able to nullify defenses wholly or partially. However, no such cases of this in the past couple decades (that I'm aware of).

UFO crashes occurred largely during the earlier visitations, and near installations using powerful radar.

There is a lot to suggest that the UFOs utilize some method of electromagnetic wave propogation to fly and counter gravity.

Now, given the above, lately I've been wondering...just what if we stupid little monkeys (as everyone seems to think of us, compared to godlike aliens) actually came up with a valid way of fighting back?

My supposition is that early radar was something unexpected to the UFOs. I believe they didn't really know about it early on (maybe they never even used it, and developed other techniques, for example), and weren't prepared for it's interference with the drive method for the craft.

At some point soon after the crashes, they developed safeguards to counter this, and the crashes largely stopped (so it would seem by the cases dropping to almost nothing).

However, they were obviously interested in our military installations. Maybe they aren't completely hostile, but they are obviously assessing our ability to strike back. So, what if this stalemate isn't really due to them simply not wanting to take us out? Maybe it's due to us creating a directed EMP weapon that can disrupt the propogated wave they use, thus rendering the crafts inoperable?

Ridiculous! I'm sure some are thinking.... But think about it. We use primitive drives. Only the electronics are susceptible to EMP, but that can be shielded. Generating a wave OUTSIDE the vehicle though, THAT cannot be so shielded. Or at least if it somehow can, perhaps even THEY haven't figured that one out yet? Anyhow, it's just a thought, for if the very drive method they use can be rendered inert, then it would surely be a heck of a deterrent for invasion...No?

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:03 AM
YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls so we are spritually more advance.If we are able to enable our dorment genes we might gain psionic powers and just whoop thier as$ with our mind.The only problem is that we dont know how to enable these psionic powers.Maybe when the mayan calendar ends or maybe when the ELohims come again for the 8th time to upgrade our DNA.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:11 AM

YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls so we are spritually more advance.If we are able to enable our dorment genes we might gain psionic powers and just whoop thier as$ with our mind.The only problem is that we dont know how to enable these psionic powers.Maybe when the mayan calendar ends or maybe when the ELohims come again for the 8th time to upgrade our DNA.

You do realize of course, that such ideas are exactly why people like Peter Jennings, etc. can simply go on tv and completely dismiss a case with solid evidence as a "myth", don't you?

I prefer to stick with more credible evidence (such as the reports of the military personnel at these bases, documents that mention such incidents, etc.) to make my assertions. The evidence for alien psionics other than telepathy, are flimsy at best. And the evidence for the whole Draconian, Elohim, etc. business is relatively nonexistant....(imho)

If you truly believe the way you do, then I suppose you've given up to an enemy that hasn't even shown it's existance yet? Are you really so willing to elevate such beings to godhood so easily? I certainly am not.

[edit on 21-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls so we are spritually more advance.If we are able to enable our dorment genes we might gain psionic powers and just whoop thier as$ with our mind.The only problem is that we dont know how to enable these psionic powers.Maybe when the mayan calendar ends or maybe when the ELohims come again for the 8th time to upgrade our DNA.

You do realize of course, that such ideas are exactly why people like Peter Jennings, etc. can simply go on tv and completely dismiss a case with solid evidence as a "myth", don't you?

I prefer to stick with more credible evidence (such as the reports of the military personnel at these bases, documents that mention such incidents, etc.) to make my assertions. The evidence for alien psionics other than telepathy, are flimsy at best. And the evidence for the whole Draconian, Elohim, etc. business is relatively nonexistant....(imho)

If you truly believe the way you do, then I suppose you've given up to an enemy that hasn't even shown it's existance yet? Are you really so willing to elevate such beings to godhood so easily? I certainly am not.

[edit on 21-4-2005 by Gazrok]


Wether or not we can fight back, I don't know, but I don't think an invasion would be likely. That since there are signs that there may have been UFOs here for plenty of time(in old paintings for example), why would they invade us now?
With the (most likely) recoverd craft(s) we have you would think that we should have figured out a way to fight back.
But as I said, I don't know.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:27 AM
That's always been the sticking point for an alien agenda of open hostility...

Why now? Why not back when we were simply using bows and swords, etc.?

Since we don't know their agenda, we can't know the answers to this. So, we should at least prepare for the worst, just as a precaution.

My goal wasn't to assume they were hostile though, but more to point out the question of what if they were even somewhat hostile (as suggested by their actions), and then what if we had developed a counter to it.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 09:37 AM
Interesting Gaz. I do think contact was made with our government long ago. We knew that we didn't stand a chance fighting back at the time and had no choice. Deals were struck with the aliens regarding abductions and cattle mutilations and so on. The deals were struck, I believe, to give us time to figure out how to defend ourselves. Some might think that we made a deal with the Devil, but I think that it's just the other way around, it was the aliens who made a deal with the Devil. Aliens know they are superior, and that could very well be their downfall. I think that they continue to underestimate human ingenuity and our ability to adapt. The more a being thinks that it's superior, the more that being loses it's ability to operate outside the box. It is possible that from the very beginning they lacked a contingency plan regarding humans because they knew they were so superior. Bad move Alf!!!!!!


posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:27 AM
One thing I'd like to throw in the ring: most of the reports of UFO's were near our military bases. But, that doesn't necessarily mean that that's where the majority of their Earthly interaction has taken place. Granted, there's no proof one way or the other--the whole "if a tree fell in the woods..." paradox--but this is a big planet. They may be taking more of an interest in the rainforests or the Saharan deserts for all we know; no one is really there, and there's no way to report it.

There are a couple of reasons that the UFO's may seem to favor military installations. 1) The military is more keen on picking up unidentified crafts than your average civilian. That's their job, and if they catch a blip on the radar they don't know about they're going to take notice. Of course, there aren't as many reports from military officials as there are from us civs.

2) People who live around a military base, especially an air base, are more attuned to aircraft catching their eyes. I know this much from experience growing up in El Paso Tx. It has an army base (Ft. Bliss), an air strip (Biggs Field) in the city, an Air Force base about 90 miles up the road (Holloman) and a missle test range not too far away either (White Sands). I've never knowingly seen a saucer or anything, but everytime I heard something that obviously was from the sky I'd look and see if I'd recognize it. Of course. more than a few people do get acclimated to it and ignore everything they hear, but I would think they're still the minority.

3) A lot of the UFO's may well be military test projects. I've always hated hearing that cover, and I'm sure most UFO buffs do as well, but the fact remains that we have a lot of top secret projects going on that may seem pretty strange to most average people. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of UFOs that are definitely not regular jets or planes are some black project that no one can fathom. Of course, the underlying technology could be out of this world...

I hope that doesn't seem to much like splitting hairs, and I hope it doesn't seem too far off topic, but it was something I felt should be considered.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:30 AM
I think it's entirely possible we have defenses designed against aliens. The co-incidence that radar may have caused crashes would have at least given the military a reason to think about other weapons that might work. Just looking at our nuclear stockpile, who the hell can believe we'd build more nukes than we could ever use on this planet? We could roast everything living a few times over, including ourselves. There's dozens of classified satellites in orbit, starwars, deathrays, ULF antennas 6 miles underground, haarp, etc, etc.

We're either the world's most paranoid nation or there's a reason for all this stuff.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:32 AM
I would agree that a possible weapon would be high power radar. I wonder if this was a secondary objective for HAARP. Other particle beam weapons have also been developed, but I think they are limited to certain locations. I heard they are adapting, or already have adapted the particle weapons inside 747's for more mobility.

But I agree, if they intend to take over, it won't be easy. As a nation, we have faced severe opposition before. I think of how people must have thought during WW2, when we had to fight both Germany and Japan at the same time. But we prevailed.

And I think it is better to be safe than sorry. If they turn out to be benevolent, nothing would be lost. But I am concerned when I hear of the military trying to attack UFO's. I think they should not fire until fired upon. Still we need to let them know we aren't going to let them have their way with us.

As far as disabling nukes though, it may have been unintentional. Maybe they were probing with some deep penetrating radar or something that disabled them by accident. So I would not constitute this as a hostile act by itself. But when they abduct aircraft that are never seen again, and things like that. How else are we supposed to interpret their actions?

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok
My supposition is that early radar was something unexpected to the UFOs. I believe they didn't really know about it early on (maybe they never even used it, and developed other techniques, for example), and weren't prepared for it's interference with the drive method for the craft.

Originally posted by Gazrok
I prefer to stick with more credible evidence (such as the reports of the military personnel at these bases, documents that mention such incidents, etc.) to make my assertions. The evidence for alien psionics other than telepathy, are flimsy at best. And the evidence for the whole Draconian, Elohim, etc. business is relatively nonexistant....(imho)

This is why I like your posts, Gaz. You keep it realistic. That's why I'm gonna break my silent streak on UFO posts and join in on this thread (don't you feel honored? heh).

Okay, so, per your supposition, RADAR caused a problem for alien craft, both the aliens and the military realized it, aliens made modificiations, we made modifications, and thus the never-ending race between technology and counter-technology began between them.

This seems entirely possible. Radio waves are an EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) just like every other light. Opposite wavelengths will cancel each other out, and some wavelengths will either dampen or amplify complimentary or supplementary wavelengths. It's really not so much a matter of technology at this point as it is, switching the bands we transmit at.

The amount of EMF pollution around the world is incredible. Between TVs, Radios, Satcoms, microwaves, RADARs...etc, we generate enough static to play merry hell with any propulsion system that was based off of manipulating EMFs. At any given moment, your propelling field could be amplified, corrupted, or negated by all the surrounding waves. Even if the propulsion system weren't affected, certainly any sort of light-bending camo would suffer adverse effects from all the EMF pollution in our atmosphere.

From all even remotely credible accounts of UFOs, it would appear that any craft visiting us to date have been scouts. Their primary mission objectives are to be fast recon with the ability to remain unseen and alone for long periods of time. Their mission details would not include R&D on new types of craft.

Considering the resources neccesary for interstellar travel, it is unlikely that sufficient materials were brought to design, create, and craft a new oxygen or nitrogen-based combustion propulsion system on the fly. Likely the space and resources that this would have required would instead be used for more vital equipment, such as sensors, probes, lab/medical bay, repair facilities, monitoring equipment, nourishment, fuel, and light armament.

If I were an alien scout, deterred by this weakness the EMF-based propulsion system, I'd have reported back to HQ to develop new drives and then remained remained to observe all frequencies used within the EMF spectrum. I would find unused bands, and modulate the drive for quick inner-orbit ops, and be careful never to use the same frequency twice.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 11:20 AM
An interesting extrapolation of the idea...and it suggests why we may be seeing less visitation these days than the past. My thoughts are more on intensity of the EM though, versus the frequency... Granted though, my knowledge of physics is pretty layman...

Thanks for chiming in on this largely regarded as "silly" topic.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 11:55 AM
I've often thought of these things as well. A superior race that's been present on earth since the dawn of mankind could have easily enslaved or taken out our species when our weaponry was still primative. I think there's quite a few ways of looking at that, but here's my little theory...

I think that aliens have been stopping by our planet for some time, possibly for some of our natural resources or something we haven't quite figured out yet, but originally their intent was not directed at us. But maybe we caught them unawares. Perhaps we evolved faster than they would have ever guessed, and they never saw it coming. Kind of like if we just walked outside our homes one day and unexpectedly saw the squirrels in our yards building little castles and forging metal. Perhaps they are still underestimating our ingenuity and ability to adapt... But you'd have to be pretty arrogant to ignore the exponential way that our technology advances. And we're creative. We know how to take an idea and run real far with it.

I bet if we colonized another planet that had only lower life-forms then we would claim that planet as ours as well. But what would we do if those lower life-forms evolved and starting building civilizations of their own? Would we just cede the planet to them so they could build their cities without our interference simply because "they were there first?" Probably not. Some "animal rights" faction might get their undies in a knot and eventually get some kind of "non-interventionalist" order, but that's about it. Eventually, with the advance of lower life-form civilization, something would have to be done with the developing race... Either 1) Leave and let them be, or 2) Make them work for you (slaves, more or less). They probably wouldn't think anything of it. After all, we use dogs, horses, elephants, birds, and various other animals to do our bidding, don't we? But those creatures are easier to tame... How do you go about controlling animals like us? Implants, manipulation of information, threats of death... and in the same way we make our animals believe we are superior, they would want to make us think they are superior.

"Superior" is a very fragile word.

In my opinion, one advantage (no matter how big) does not necessarily make one species superior to another. For example, though our brain is superior, is a human capable of matching the superior strength and speed of a tiger without technology? If an unarmed man were to face a tiger, who would come out victorious? If a gunned man were to face a tiger, who would come out victorious?

I think we have quite a few advantages over aliens, greys in particular. Physically, we are more than a match for a grey. We are bigger, stronger, more aggressive, and overall quite intimidating creatures to confront. We are also more independent. A grey is stuck with their collective, and completely dependent on their technology for nurishment. Put a man in the wild and he can live off the land, catch his own food, build his own shelter... Can a grey? Let's say we did develop a reliable method of rendering their crafts immobile. How well would they do on foot?

I also think a race is not necessarily superior just because it is older. Perhaps the wiring of their larger brains is also more archaic. We think differently. We can't say for sure that they developed the same way we did. Maybe when they were a young race it actually took them longer to reach the point where we are now? What took us a couple thousand years to accomplish might have taken them eons. If there's one thing humans are, it's creative. We are very adaptable. We are great problem solvers.

Our emotions can also be a strength. The smallest and most insignificant of humans have the potential to become heros. For example, a frightened mother can lift a car off of her child if she needed to.

Am I rambling now? Eh, anyways... I think we have a very good fighting chance. I would fight to the end, and I think most others would too. We're not a race of quiters, that's for sure. We're still around, aren't we? And if we die in the end, at the very least, our short-lived existance was a glorious one.

[edit on 21-4-2005 by CloudlessKnight]

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 12:16 PM
Boy you people dont know the exact reson why aliens dont reveal themselves and have not enslaved us because we were created to be observed,we ARE AN EXPERIMENT.Read the lacerta stories.I know a member at ats who has confirmed me that we were created to be observed and thats what the bible also say.WE were created and not evolved.Humans were never meant to conquer space or even explore it.Consider that we are unlucky to be born in a primitive planet.Blame your karma.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Thanks for chiming in on this largely regarded as "silly" topic.

Well, it's not so much as the topic being silly as the sort of stuff that usually ends up in it. I truly believe there's no way, statistically, that we are the only intelligent beings in the universe. However, I believe the odds they have visited us are minimal (though possible). But this whole reptillian vs. grays vs. elohim thing is the stuff of comic books. If an interstellar war were going on over our planet, the secret would be either be out by now, or the battle would be taking place so far away, for an entire sector, that we were just uninformed inhabitants that may not even be known to the new "owners".

You, however, have your feet on the ground, and approach the ideas as an open-minded man of science.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by warthog911
YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls so we are spritually more advance.

You must realize that there are no grays nor draconians.

Anyway, doesn't having souls just make man more tastey? Intergalactic Soul-Food?
external image

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by warthog911
YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls so we are spritually more advance.

You must realize that there are no grays nor draconians.

I know the odds of you believing me are slim to none if you haven't seen one yourself, but I can definitely say with certainty that greys exist. I'm not going to speculate on "draconians", and I do not support the ideas that warthog911 is presenting here, but I myself have seen greys... Just because something is well-known in popular culture does not automatically make it false.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:42 PM
Hey Gaz, Erm i dunno what you guys think but i think that your theory on us using emp and radar to down UFO is either false or something wrong there, i only say this because ive seen that video from the nasa space shuttle showing the supposedly star wars program in operation launching a missile at a ufo and it moving out of the way before it hits - so i dunno lol i think using emp or part of the emp spectrum to down a ufo is very high possibilty but why would we be using projectiles now ?
I know that nasa video has been said to be ice particles simply being blasted by the space shuttles engines or whatevea but hey either your correct and that was fake or just an ice particle, or we have moved on to projectiles which seems very primitive to me i dunno lol just thought id add that in first thing that came to mind

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:48 PM

i only say this because ive seen that video from the nasa space shuttle showing the supposedly star wars program in operation launching a missile at a ufo and it moving out of the way before it hits - so i dunno lol i think using emp or part of the emp spectrum to down a ufo is very high possibilty but why would we be using projectiles now

What about the possibility of such a ballistic weapon being a "warning shot"?
There are lots of possibilities here. One of which is that we'd never put all of our eggs in one basket. No doubt just as we have a variety of weapons for terrestrial targets...likely the same in space.

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:50 PM
"YOu must realise that the greys and the draconians lack souls"

I found my new signature !

we stupid littlel monkeys designed the computer and internet you used to post this message....not too shabby.....we can and will fight back, but I don't think there would be much of a planet left after that conflict.....

posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 03:51 PM
what on earth is a draconian ?? and does everyone talk about these species as if they have seen them ? I mean i dont care if ppl believe them, but where did this come from?

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