posted on May, 4 2007 @ 07:28 PM
I've just concluded a marathon session of JFK vids, and a couple new things came up.
It's pretty clear that the background, the spectators were separated out from the limo and enlarged.
Jack White clearly demonstrates that the running woman in the frames with Mary Moorman is close to seven feet tall when measured using geometry
against the 14 foot tall lamp posts.
In addition there's a very strange figure in the background at about frame Z416, which has to be an artifact of the processing which was used to
conceal some things in the film. Jack calls him 'stickman'.
He seems to have a horse-shape:
He then morphs into an alien shape much like the creature in
The figure goes by quickly on the full video but he hardly moves at all when you look frame-by-frame.
Some of the effect might be due to Zapruder's panning, but it sure seems strange to me.