posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 06:34 AM
It's not pleasant to say, but in my recent memory, almost every opportunity for there to be drama that could have been avoided, has been total
Waiting until the last minute to come up with answers, and forcing those answers to be accepted because of "the deadline". This isn't to say that
democrats don't also do this, (as anything here goes, both sides do it, LOL) but the GOP likes to claim the moral "sane" high ground, and they
really can't on this at all.
Now all the deadlines are known well in advance. Not one has snuk up on anyone. Yet, each time, it's an 11th hour drama fest every time. With the
speaker vote, we have a few who want to go against the system. Might even have good reasons. But when they pull the last minute tantrum, rather than
having discussion internally long before it gets to this point, might make them at least have the illusion of being sensible leaders. For all the
faults of the left, they are united and cohesive at least in the house. Sure the ideas or wrong, but they are united in being wrong. Which makes
being right look the same, when not everyone is on the same page or in the same book.
Each time things like this happen, there is talk of "term limits" and it always fades away quickly. Largely due to the part where those who would
vote on that action are the same who would be eliminated by it, so they would not put it up for a vote, let alone allow their constituents learn that
they voted against something they all want. It's well past time to make some drastic changes in our government. These folks have been given a lot
of power, and a lot of trust from the voters, and they have not come through on their end of the deal. So for all those who "stand for principals
and want to show the world how much integrity they claim to have", prove you aren't just another dickface, and put up a term limit bill for a vote.