posted on Dec, 31 2024 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to:
I think you gave a pretty good assessment of the situation from the end of WW2 into the mid 20th century but I think you have failed to realize the
methodology being utilized to retain allies, or participants in this "Successful American Century" now. In the beginning, other nations were more than
willing to participate in this new order, lead by the most powerful nation coming out of the war but as time passed and these other nations recovered
from the destruction of that tragedy, they began to see less advantage to remain under the leadership of a power that at some point, transitioned from
a position of willing mutual respect and participation into a position of involuntary servitude on their parts.
The participation transitioned from being mutually agreeable to being do as we say of we will make you pay for your disloyalty. If you look at the
situation realistically now, the alliances of the past are only held together by bribery, coercion, intimidation and or threats of reprisals.
As far as trust is concerned, that went out the window long ago. Gorbachev trusted the US when they promised that NATO would not encroach any further
east of Germany. That's just one example but that reality is typical of the promises given and later reneged on by us. Reagan pulled us out of the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, another example of trusting us. As long as the alliance with Saudi Arabia was mutually beneficial the
alliance held up but when it became less beneficial and advantageous to the Saudis, look what is happening now.
Who can count the numbers of nations the US is sanctioning now, both friend and foe. The only thing holding this global relationship together now is
bribery or intimidation, or both. The US has cut it's own throat using financial leverage as a means of control.
This global relationship is self destructing. The relationship is living on borrowed time and inevitably doomed to the historical dustbin regardless
of who is in power here.
edit on 31-12-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)
Edit: Note that the democrats have been in power 12 of the last 16 years.
edit on 31-12-2024 by charlest2 because: (no reason given)